Du Lin also felt threatened and planned to use all his strength.

While they were chatting, the food was served one after another.

Du Lin ate at full speed, while Wendy drank slowly and ate a few bites of food from time to time.

Jiang Xun also ate a lot and stopped eating, and the rest went into Du Lin's stomach.

""Phew, thank you for the treat."

Wendy finished her drink and lay down with a look of enjoyment. Fortunately, there was enough space here, otherwise there might not be a seat.

"By the way, do you want to come to Mondstadt to play?"

Jiang Xun thought about it and said:"....."Okay, but not now."

Jiang Xun did not refuse Wendy's invitation. Thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have been to Mondstadt much, but he had to deal with the matter of Inazuma first.

"It's okay. We don't need this little time anyway."

Wendy replied weakly, lying on the ground like a drunkard.

"Where are you going next, continue playing, or go back to Mondstadt?"

"I've been out for long enough this time, and it's time to go back to Mondstadt. I prefer Diluk's cider to Inazuma's."

Wendy was not stingy in praising the cider, but with the few Moras in his pocket, he could only think about drinking cider. But if he was invited to perform at a festival or something, he would have a chance to drink it......What a drunkard.

"I wish you a safe journey then."

Jiang Xun stood up and was about to pay the bill. Wendy immediately stood up and took off, and came to the boss first. Jiang Xun naively thought that the other party was going to pay the bill.

As it turned out, he was indeed naive.


Boss , another bottle of wine, for that gentleman.:......

After paying the bill, the two separated. Wendy ran away with the wine, and Jiang Xun rented a room and lay there until the next morning. After waking up, he felt very comfortable. After getting up and washing up, Jiang Xun left Inazuma City.

He now plans to find out where the demon's resentment is hidden. He has been in Inazuma for so long that he almost forgot the task of improving his body.

Now he doesn't know when the system will assign him tasks, so he can only try his best to improve his physical strength, although the progress in this regard is not as great as the improvement of a fragment of the Word of Truth.

But this kind of thing is after all, it is hard to come by, and Jiang Xun doesn't intend to sit and wait for death.

But where should he start?

"Oh, that Thunderbird......"

Jiang Xun suddenly thought of the thunderbird. As far as he knew, the resentment of the thunderbird was now sealed in different places. It was possible that the seal somewhere was loosened at sea, so some of it escaped.

Now that the target has been determined, it will be easy. As for how to find those seals, it is only necessary to find out which monster is the most dangerous and violent.

With Jiang Xun's speed, he quickly found one of them.

He was standing in front of a shrine at this time. An unknown statue was enshrined in it. There were many knots on the top. They were obviously made by the shrine maiden. Some of the knots were still new. It seemed that the seal had been reinforced recently. Since you can't kill it, I can only do it for you.

Jiang Xun tapped lightly at the shrine, and the knots on the top broke instantly. The shrine began to tremble slowly, and a wisp of black mist slowly rose from under the shrine.

"I let you out, don't you have any expression?"

Jiang Xun grabbed the mist that was originally escaping. The mist surged in his hands, but he didn't dare to resist. The originally fierce and brutal demon god was like a small toy in Jiang Xun's hands.

No matter how he played with it, he didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction.

"It's really boring. I thought you would resist."

Jiang Xun was a little disappointed. He thought these resentments could bring him some fun, but he didn't expect to be scared.

Jiang Xun felt bored. After absorbing the resentment in his hand, he left here to look for the next seal.

It only took half a day for Jiang Xun to find all the seals.

It is worth mentioning that some of the seals were cast with spells to hide the original shrines, but they did not escape Jiang Xun's search after all.

In the Narukami Taisha Shrine,

Yae Kamiko was reading a light novel.

She chuckled from time to time, as if she was amused by the plot in the novel, but soon, her good mood was ruined.

"Lord, the seals we set up in different places in Inazuma to suppress the resentment of the Thunderbird Demon have been broken."

"Oh? Which one was destroyed?"

Yae Shinko was still flipping through the light novel, not panicking at all. It was normal for the seal of the shrine to be destroyed. As long as it was repaired, it wouldn't be a big problem.


"This joke is not funny....."

Yae Shinko put down the book and said in a deep voice. The witch clearly felt the momentum from Yae Shinko and felt a little bitter, but she was really not joking.

Seeing the witch's expression, Yae Shinko also understood the seriousness of the matter. She immediately put down the novel in her hand and rushed to the seal.

When she arrived, she found that the knot on the outside of the shrine had broken and the talisman inside was broken. It was obvious that someone had destroyed it.

Then she went to check the remaining two seals. Without exception, they were all destroyed by the same means.

Yae Shinko also realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly began a large-scale search. Thunderbird

's resentment broke the seal, and now no one knows where to hide to recover. If the other party is allowed to recover, it will be another unprovoked disaster for Inazuma.

Time went on until night, and they searched all the possible places where Inazuma might be, but there was still no clue. Yae Kamiko's brows were getting more and more furrowed. If she couldn't find it, then she could only ask Ying and Zhen for help.

"Hey, are you here to enjoy the sea breeze too?"

Jiang Xun and Yae Shenzi met on the beach. She was upset at the moment, and the sea breeze could make her mind feel better. But she didn't expect to run into Master Jiang who had also been looking for her for a day.

""Oh, I guess so."

Yae Shenzi exhaled, trying to vent his irritation.

However, it was useless.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you.

Jiang Xun suddenly remembered something and said

"Today I will help you resolve those unresolved resentments of the thunderbirds. How about it, would you consider treating me to a meal?"

Jiang Xun's words hit Yaezun Shenzi like a bolt from the blue. She was stunned for a long time before she slowly spoke:"Are you talking about those shrines with knots?"

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard it.

Suddenly, a burst of pink and purple lightning struck his position. Jiang Xun broke it up, and then he heard the faint voice of Yaezun Shenzi:"Okay, I'll treat you to a meal now......."

As he spoke, another bolt of lightning struck down.

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