Jiang Xun wanted to reason with Yae Shenzi, but seeing the dark smile on the pink fox's face, he thought it would be better not to provoke him at this time.

"Ahem, I know you are excited and want to thank me, but I never ask for anything in return. I am leaving first, you can blow slowly."

Jiang Xun disappeared in a flash, and the next moment after he disappeared, a lightning bolt accurately struck the place where Jiang Xun had stood before, but it was still a step slower.

Seeing that the other party had escaped under her nose, Yae Shenzi was very annoyed, and stomped her feet on the ground a few times, as if it was Jiang Xun under her feet, and finally left here in impotence and rage.

This matter wasted her whole day, not only did she run all the way, but she was also worried all the time. As a result, she was told now that it was Jiang Xun who did it. How could she not be angry?

The most important thing is that she can't hit him yet, and she can't get rid of this breath!

Returning to the shrine in a distracted mood, Yae Shenzi saw Zhen and Ying sitting at a table chatting in the guest room, and the two naturally saw her.

""Son of God, thank you for your hard work. How did you handle the matter?"

Zhen asked with a smile. Obviously, when she came, she had already learned about what happened today from the witch.

The son of God, who had calmed down a little, suddenly became angry when he heard Zhen mention this matter again, and then began to explain the cause of the matter.

Of course, he did not forget to say a few words to Yin Yang Jiangxun during the process.

As he spoke, the eight-fold son of God felt a little aggrieved.

He was originally very aggressive, but now his mood suddenly became much lower.

Seeing this, Zhen stepped forward and gently hugged the son of God's head, comforting him softly.

On the other hand, Ying on the side looked at this scene with his eyes slightly wide open.

The eight-fold son of God felt a little wronged.

He was originally very aggressive, but now his mood suddenly became much lower.

Seeing this, Zhen stepped forward and gently hugged the son of God's head, comforting him softly.

On the other hand, Ying on the side looked at this scene with his eyes slightly wide open.

How could Goddess feel wronged?

She had been with him for so many years, and Goddess had always bullied her for being quiet. She didn't expect that Goddess, who was always smart, would feel wronged?

Ying decided to record Goddess's face at this moment. She didn't know if this rare situation would happen again.

With the comfort of Zhen's words, Yae Goddess' mood also recovered a lot. She didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to be cared for. Since Zhen and Kitsunayamiya"sacrificed", she had never felt this kind of care.

As for Ying, it was good enough that she didn't let herself comfort her.......

"Well, although the process was hard for you, at least the result is good. Jiang Xun helped us solve those grievances once and for all, so let's take it as making up for our mistakes."

Zhen then said again. Although Shen Zi knew that the other party was making excuses for Jiang Xun, she couldn't refute it.

"Well, for your sake, I won't argue with him."

This result made Ying stunned. Is this the art of speaking?

Think about it, if it was Teacher Ying, what would he do?......That might lead to a duel between Jiang Xun and Shen Zi, and whoever wins will be right.

The world of the power supremacists is so simple, but now it seems that the real way to deal with it is better.......

"Why is this pink fox angry again?"

Jiang Xun sat on a chair by the road and began to think about the problem.

But after thinking about it, he felt that he didn't seem to have done anything to offend the Eightfold Goddess. Instead, he helped her reduce her workload. Why did she treat him for Internet addiction right away? However,

Jiang Xun was too lazy to care about it and planned to find the next target.

Then he began a carpet search, starting from Mingshen Island, and began to look for any place that was wrong. Whenever there was a place where too many monsters gathered, Jiang Xun would go to check it out.

And on the way, he also absorbed some of the resentment of the demon gods, which added up to more than Thunderbird. There are many more resentments left, but these resentments are relatively scattered, and there is no strong force to interfere with the present world.

Jiang Xun's carpet search passed overnight, during which he also found a lot of big heads, especially in a valley that seemed to be split by a knife, and there was a huge skeleton lying there.

Jiang Xun took a closer look and found that this skeleton should have been a snake in its lifetime, but the skeleton was split into two, and it was obvious that it was cut in two by a knife. Jiang Xun roughly knew the identity of this skeleton, the demon god Orobasi.

In order to enable his people to obtain fertile land to solve the food problem, he chose to invade Inazuma's land and killed Many people were killed here by the Thunder General Shadow at that time.

As an invader, he deserved to die, but as a god, he seemed great and benevolent, which was a bit contradictory.

Jiang Xun came here specifically to see if the system would trigger the task about Orobasi, but the result was as he expected.

It seemed that the behavior of Orobasi was not recognized by the system. Although he was thinking about his people, he also hurt innocent lives.

Since the task could not be triggered, Jiang Xun could only absorb his resentment with tears.

After being killed , Orobasi’s resentment has always been here, but because this place contains extremely strong thunder elemental power, this resentment has not been able to break through this place.

After absorbing the resentment, Jiang Xun did not stay any longer, and turned to look for the next target.

There are a lot of resentment of demons left in Inazuma, but like Liyue, many of them are sealed by barriers, preventing them from breaking through the blockade and harming the world.

Jiang Xun now only needs to find where there are barriers.

For several days in a row, Jiang Xun found a lot of barriers, but not all barriers were used to suppress the resentment of demons, and some were used to suppress some strange things.

"Wow, what a big pig statue!"

"Bastard, who are you calling a pig?"

In the Guardian Forest, Jiang Xun stood in front of a giant stone sculpture, looking at it with interest. He originally thought it was just an ordinary stone sculpture, but he didn't expect that the thing inside was still alive, or to be more precise, still awake.

Normally, after being sealed, some beings would generally choose to fall into a deep sleep to delay the continuous weakening of their strength by the seal. Jiang Xun had been like this all the way.

"If you are not a pig, then what are you?"

"Don't you have eyes? I'm a civet cat!"

An angry voice came from the statue again, obviously irritated by Jiang Xun's words just now.

Civet cat?

Jiang Xun took a closer look and found that it was indeed a civet cat, but it was too big, so he subconsciously thought it was a pig.

"So that's how it is. Goodbye."

Seeing that it was not the devil's resentment, Jiang Xun decisively turned around and wanted to leave

"Hey, wait, don't leave yet!"

The raccoon cat saw that the person he had finally met was about to leave, so he immediately stopped him.

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