"Do you have anything else to say?"

Jiang Xun turned around and asked

"Um, I see you are not an ordinary person, can you do me a favor?"

A voice came from the giant raccoon statue again.

"How do you know I'm not an ordinary person?"

Jiang Xun was immediately interested in the question.

"Although I don't want to admit it, this place is indeed much more gloomy than the outside. Those humans usually don't dare to approach here. Although there are occasionally a few who come to test their courage, as long as I speak, they are all scared away."

"It's the first time in all these years that I've seen someone like you communicate with me so calmly."

Gobazo replied, his simple and honest voice sounding a little helpless.

"I see. What do you want me to help you with? Tell me."

"I want you to help me find a stinky fox. You may not know her, but if I tell you that she is the chief priest of Narukami Taisha Shrine, you should know her."

Gobain gōzō replied with gritted teeth.

"Gong Si, are you talking about Yae Godson?"

"Yae Miko? Who is that? Isn't Kitsune-sai-gū the chief priest of Narugami Taisha?"

Gobazo's puzzled voice came from the statue. It seems that this guy really doesn't know

"No, the current chief priest is Yae Miko......"

Jiang Xun continued to ask

"Do you know Hu Zhai Palace?"

"Of course, if it weren't for that stinky fox, we wouldn't have been turned into statues and trapped here."

Gobaizang said angrily, and then recounted how he was tricked into playing hide-and-seek by it, and later realized something was wrong, so he made a big fuss in the Guardian Forest, and took a comb that caused his entire clan to be turned into statues.

But what made Jiang Xun curious was that Kitsune Saeiya had never appeared in the plot described by the other party, which was what made him feel strange. According to Kitsune Saeiya's character, since he had come specifically to protect the raccoon cat, it would naturally be impossible for him to ignore it after the black disaster.

What happened at that time?

Jiang Xun noticed another thing at this time. Yae Shinko didn't seem to know that Kitsune Saeiya was still alive, and still believed that Kitsune Saeiya had died in the black disaster. That is to say, Kitsune Saeiya had not appeared in front of these friends after the black disaster.

So where did she go?

Jiang Xun recalled the scene at that time, and only remembered that he put it in the shrine to rest and left. He didn't know what happened after that.......

"In any case, the current chief priest is not the one you mentioned."

"Damn that stinky fox, when she comes back, I will make her apologize to us!"

Gobazo is still upset that he was"tricked" by Kitsukosaiguni.

"Well, OK, I wish you success, then I will leave first"

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Xun suddenly felt like hitting someone.

"What else?"

Jiang Xun was a little impatient, and Wu Bai Zang seemed to be frightened by Jiang Xun at this time.

"Well, since we can't find the Kitsai Palace, could you please ask that Yae Godson to help us and the children remove the seal?"

Gobazo spoke in a much lower voice, no longer maintaining the same demeanor as at the beginning.

"To lift the seal, why do I need to look for the pink fox? I can"


Jiang Xun nodded, but then changed the subject:"But why should I help you?"

Jiang Xun's soul-searching question calmed down the originally excited Wu Bai Zang instantly, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him.

It seemed that people really had no obligation to help them.

"Ahem, you will receive the friendship of our demon raccoon clan."

Jiang Xun looked at the other person with the eyes of a fool.

"What's the use of your friendship?"

Wu Bai Zang was a little dissatisfied when he heard Jiang Xun say that. After all, he was the chief of the Baosheng Division appointed by General Lei Dian, so how could he be said to be worthless in the other's mouth?

"I am the Chief of the Guardian Department appointed by General Lei Dian. Do you think my friendship is worthless?"

""Baosheng Sizheng?"

It was the first time Jiang Xun heard this title, but he quickly realized that this was the captain of the security team. It sounded very impressive to be in charge of the safety of a forest, but why did he need the friendship of the captain of the forest security team?

Seeing that Jiang Xun stopped talking, Wu Baizang thought that he was intimidated by his title, and then he said

"Yes, what do you think? As long as you help us, I will protect you in the Guardian Forest!"


"Wait, what do you want? Tell me, and I'll consider it."

Seeing that Jiang Xun was not moved at all, Wu Bai Zang was shocked. He didn't expect that even the friendship of himself, the chief of the Baosheng Division, couldn't win over this person. It seemed that this person must be extraordinary.

Jiang Xun didn't know what this guy had imagined for him.

He thought about it, and then stated his conditions:"I will rescue you, but you have to help me do three things."

"What's up?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but don't worry, it's not something that will hurt the heavens and the earth." Wu Bai Zang thought for a while, and finally agreed.

Now he didn't know when Hu Zhaigong would come back. Although he could wait, his tribesmen and children turned into sculptures because of him. If he missed this opportunity, he didn't know when the next opportunity would appear.

"OK, I agree."

"Very good, the contract is established, I hope you will not break it."

The moment Wu Baizang agreed, he felt a layer of restraint on himself, and this seemed to be the so-called contract that the other party was talking about.

He could feel that if he violated the content of the contract, he would be severely punished.

Jiang Xun took a step forward and stood in front of the raccoon cat statue, then stretched out a finger and touched it.


The Word of Truth was activated, and the next moment, the stones on the statue began to slowly fall off, gradually revealing the hair.

Jiang Xun had retreated five meters away without knowing when, quietly waiting for the seal to disintegrate.

When the seal on Wu Baizang began to disintegrate, the stones on some raccoon cat statues in various places in the forest also gradually began to fall off, and the seal was being lifted.

Soon, all the stones on its body had fallen to the ground.

A giant raccoon appeared in front of Jiang Xun.

"We are finally out!"

After Wu Bai Zang realized that he could move, he couldn't help but yelled. At this time, he once again experienced the beauty of freedom.

Jiang Xun did not interrupt his venting, but found that there were many rustling sounds from all directions, and then a little raccoon cat poked its head out of the bushes, and then ran directly over here.

One, two, and many raccoons ran over here.

I think these are the raccoons that were originally sealed. I didn't expect there were so many of them.

There was even one that climbed onto Jiang Xun, then climbed all the way up, and finally stood on his other shoulder.

Du Lin seemed to feel something at this time. He opened his eyes and found that there was a raccoon cat standing on the shoulder next to Jiang Xun. He instantly felt that his territory was invaded. With bursts of roars coming out of his mouth, the raccoon cat seemed to feel the threat of Du Lin, and ran away in a hurry after a cry.

Jiang Xun smiled and patted Du Lin on the head, which calmed his irritable mood.

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