"How does it feel to be free again?"

""Great! We can finally move freely!"

The giant raccoon opened its mouth and a simple and honest voice came out of it.

"Okay, then help me do the first thing now."

Wu Bai Zang looked at Jiang Xun quietly and motioned him to continue.

"You know the devil's grudge, right? Help me find the place where the grudge is sealed."

Demon's grudge?

" Gobazo chewed on this word carefully. Perhaps because he had been trapped for too long and hadn't used his brain for a long time, many memories needed some time to be recalled.

Suddenly, his face changed, as if he remembered something, and a touch of human fear appeared on the raccoon's face.

"What are you looking for that thing for?"

Wu Bai Zang asked cautiously. It remembered what the so-called devil's grudge was, but it was very afraid of that power.

It had seen that kind of power before, and the madness and bloodthirstiness made it subconsciously want to stay away from it.

"I have my reasons of course."

"You can't do it, can you?"

"Who said I can't do it? The traces of our clan are spread all over Inazuma, there is nothing we can't find!"

Gobazo was very dissatisfied at first.

But he soon calmed down:"But you have to tell me clearly what you are looking for those resentments for, those things are very dangerous!"

"Have you forgotten the contract we signed? I will not ask you to do anything that is against the will of heaven and earth. If I go there to do something bad, I will be the one punished."

Jiang Xun did not want to explain too much. It was too unbelievable that he could resolve the resentment of the demon god. He did not trust this raccoon cat.

Gobaizang was relieved after hearing this. The power called the contract was very strong. With this power as a guarantee, the other party should not mess around.

""Okay, I promise you, but how can I contact you?"

Wu Bai Zang thought about it, and finally agreed to Jiang Xun's request. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jiang Xun throwing something over. He stretched out his hand to take it and found that it was an unknown crystal similar to crystal. Before he asked how to use this thing, Jiang Xun said first:"When you want to find me, inject magic power into it, and I will know."

Wu Bai Zang was obviously very curious about this kind of gadget. He looked at the gadget in his hand with curiosity in his big eyes. Obviously, he had never seen such a thing.

Regardless of Wu Bai Zang's curiosity, Jiang Xun said goodbye.

Now that he has a tool man, he doesn't need to work hard to find it himself. Although he has found a lot during this period, who knows if he has missed something?

It is better to ask the local monsters to help him find it, which is more efficient.

After leaving the Guarding Forest, it was almost evening. Jiang Xun relaxed for a while and then went back to sleep.

For several days, he was in a state of idleness, just like a The appearance of a retired person.

Perhaps because some seals are difficult to find, the other party has not contacted him for a long time.

However, Jiang Xun is not afraid that the other party will do nothing and be bound by the contract. If it breaches the contract, it will not only be punished, but Jiang Xun will also seal it back. Wu Baizang should also know this and will not do such a thing to harm himself.

Four months passed, and during this period Wu Baizang contacted Jiang Xun one after another, and found many seals that sealed the resentment of the demons. These seals were extremely hidden, and some even used mountains and rivers to hide, which Jiang Xun did not discover at the time.

Now it seems that it was a good idea to let these guys out in the first place.

"This should be the last batch."

After absorbing the last bit of the demon's resentment, Wu Bai Zang said to Jiang Xun at this time.

In the past few months, they have searched the entire Inazuma and almost dug up the ground before they found these seals. Now there should be no place inside Inazuma to seal the demon's resentment.

Jiang Xun nodded. The harvest in the past few months was far greater than he expected. Although it was not as good as the one in Liyue, the number was also considerable.

It's a pity that the physical body still can't break through the seal of the mysterious power and is still suppressed, but Jiang Xun can feel a faint feeling of qualitative change in his body.

But this feeling only appeared for a moment and disappeared. Jiang Xun didn't have time to experience that mystery before he had no chance.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun was not in a hurry. Now he has only absorbed the demon's resentment from the two countries of Inazuma and Liyue. The remaining countries have not been visited yet.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Xun said, it can be seen that Wu Baizang really did his best to complete this task.

"No, I'll go back first.

Jiang Xun nodded, and Wu Baizang disappeared in a puff of smoke. He must be eager to go back and rest.......

"It's been a while since I came to Inazuma, it seems that it's time to go somewhere else."

Jiang Xun remembered that Wendy invited him to Mondstadt. Since the matter of Inazuma has come to an end for the time being, he will go to Mondstadt after a while.

After thinking about the future plan, Jiang Xun went to Mingshen Taisha.

As expected, every time he came here, he could see the two sisters and the pink fox. However

, it was a bit surprising that there were two more people this time.

""Jiang Xun, good morning, long time no see!"

Ying greeted the newcomers. Jiang Xun was also a little surprised.

He hadn't seen these two people for a long time and thought they had left Inazuma.

"Long time no see, I thought you guys were gone"

"That's about it. We're here to say goodbye."

Paimon took over.

"Where are you going?"

"We are planning to go to Mondstadt. We have received an invitation from a friend and are planning to go on vacation!"

Paimon replied excitedly, his words full of anticipation for the upcoming trip.

"Oh my, are the little guy and Paimon going to leave us and go out to play secretly? How sad!"

Yae Shenzi joked

"Don't say that. If you, the Son of God, want to come, we welcome you. I believe Klee and the others won't mind either."

Paimon explained hurriedly.

"Okay, Shenzi, stop teasing Paimeng."

I looked at Shenzi helplessly, he still likes to tease others.

"I was just joking, but little guy and Paimon, I wish you have fun, but we can't leave Inazuma, otherwise it will be terrible if something unexpected happens during the period."

Yae Shenzi said, her eyes occasionally looked at Jiang Xun who was quietly drinking tea beside her. She obviously had something else to say.

Jiang Xun:?

Jiang Xun also knew that the other party was referring to the seal of the thunderbird. Last time, it was indeed him who did not consider the impact of the shrine, but he had said it in advance for the rest. He just didn't expect this scumbag fox to be so vindictive.......

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