\"Arrived at Liyue's largest port, Liyue Port!\"

\"Liyue Harbor is so beautiful. Oh, isn’t this that person?\".......

Jiang Xun looked at the elder brother who was sighing inwardly and felt like laughing.

Jiang Xun had met many interesting people along the way. This elder brother was one of them.

Jiang Xun smiled and ignored him.

He turned and walked towards the interior of Liyue Harbor.

It was early morning.

The sun had just come out.

The hazy fog on the sea surface was slowly dissipating.

Jiang Xun went directly to Wanmin Hall.

\"Is Xiangling here? Give me some breakfast.\"

Jiang found a place to sit down, then called out to the kitchen.

\"Hey, it's Jiang Xun. I haven't seen you much recently. What do you want to order?......\"

Xiangling obviously recognized Jiang Xun's voice.

She answered energetically:

\"Just don't add slime.\"......

\"Oh, what a pity, I wanted you to try the new dish! \"

Xiang Ling was a little disappointed after hearing this.

Jiang Xun had an expression that I had already seen through.

Try it and you will die.

I had guessed that she would say that.

This time, I, Jiang, stood at the atmosphere level!

\"OK, please use\"

Wait a moment, Xiangling comes up with the steaming buns.

\"Are you really not going to give it a try? How about I treat you to a meal? \"

Xiangling still wanted to make a final struggle

\"No, no\"

Jiang Xun quickly waved his hand to refuse.

The slippery feeling lingered in his mouth, and it was still sticky.

He never wanted to try it a second time.

\"Oh, okay\"

Xiangling walked away disappointed.

However, Master Xiang did not give up.

\"Guoba, come and try a new dish!\"

\"Lulu! \" (No!)

Seeing this, Jiang Xun could only secretly hope that Guoba would not leave any psychological trauma........

\"It is said that the Emperor personally went out to fight and wiped out the demons in all directions with his own strength. He not only repelled many demons on the sea, but also saved Guiliji. He was extremely brave.\"

The storyteller began to tell the story of the ancient King of Rock as usual.

\"Good, he is indeed the Lord of Rock. His strength is truly unfathomable.\"

\"Isn't it? I heard that whenever the emperor went to war, all the villains would bow down to him.\"

\"That's right, that's right! \"

After listening to the storyteller's words, everyone began to tell the true stories they knew.\"

It was as if they were also generals who had fought with the Rock King Emperor in the past.

The discussion below became more and more excited, and almost everyone who listened to the book began to participate in the discussion about the Rock King Emperor.

However, there was only one person who just drank tea silently and did not continue to participate.

Zhongli took a sip of tea, and then stared at the tea in the cup quietly.

He did not want to participate in the discussion.

Because only he knew how true or false the words of the group of people around him who were arguing over the affairs of the Emperor were.

Only he knew that the Rock King Emperor was not omnipotent, and there were many things that even he could not do. In the battle of Guili Ji, the person who really defended the place was not him, but a demon god who had been forgotten by almost everyone.

If he had not killed most of the demon gods at that time, the final result would still be unknown.

Zhongli took another sip of tea.

He drank the remaining tea in the cup.

Just when he wanted to add another cup, he found that the tea in the pot had been drunk up.

Putting down the teacup, Zhongli suddenly felt that someone appeared at the seat next to him.


He said it subconsciously. He subconsciously thought that the other party was also here to listen to the book.

But the man did not sit down, but brought a pot of brewed tea.

Pour it for him.

Zhongli looked up at the person.

The sunlight at this time was a little dazzling, but it did not affect his vision.

After he saw clearly.

The familiar face buried deep in his memory appeared in front of him again.

Zhongli's gilded pupils shrank slightly, and he was shocked by the reappearance of the person in front of him.

\"Would you like some tea? It's my treat.\"

Jiang Xun said with a smile.

After a long while, Zhongli finally reacted.

\"you.......Long time no see! \"

Zhongli's mouth curled up.

For him, there is nothing more joyful than seeing his old friend again.

\"Hehe, long time no see\"

Jiang Xun answered with a smile.

Zhongli did not ask why Jiang Xun was still alive.

Because he knew that this method that violated the laws of nature must be a secret that could not be told.

\"I feel like you've changed a lot.\"

Jiang Xun looked at Zhongli in front of him and said

\"Time changes many things. Human life span is only a hundred years, but the changes before and after are quite big.\"

\"For immortals like you and me, the law of nature will give us wear and tear.\"

Zhongli replied.

At this time, he was no longer the domineering Morax, but an ordinary Liyue resident Zhongli. After a thousand years of baptism, he had already become as steady as a rock.

\"But you, your personality and temperament seem to have not changed, it's amazing\"

Zhongli suddenly changed the subject and turned the subject to Jiang Xun

\"Maybe I'm a special case\"

Jiang Xun answered half-jokingly.

Only he knew that even if the mission time was taken into account, he had not even lived to be fifty years old, so where did the wear and tear come from?

\"Yeah, I think so too\"

Zhongli nodded thoughtfully. This was the first time he had seen Jiang Xun in this situation.

Not only could he come back to life, but he could also maintain his original state after thousands of years. This was really the first time he had seen this.

Could this fool him?

Jiang Xun looked at the other person thinking seriously, knowing that he must have believed it.

\"Ahem, Zhongli, I have something to ask you."

Jiang Xun quickly changed the subject.

\"As long as it does not violate the contract, I will tell you everything.\"

As Zhongli finished speaking���

Jiang Xun then told the other party his doubts.

Zhongli thought about it carefully.

Then he said:"My situation is similar to Gui Zhong's. I also fully recovered a thousand years ago.\"

\"But I do have some ideas about this, I wonder if you want to hear them? \"

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard this.

\"It seems to me that there was an inexplicable and powerful force trying to erase this part of your memory from our minds.\"

\"However, the memory of a creature cannot be erased, it can only be sealed.\"

\"I guess, maybe it's because Guizhong and I both have strong feelings for you, so the seal is not complete.\"

Zhongli expressed his thoughts.

Jiang Xun also kept thinking about this possibility.

The final conclusion was: It is very likely!

\"Then why did the memory recover? \"

Jiang Xun asked again

\"Time will wear away everything in the world, and the seal will gradually break over time.\"

\"I guess this might be the reason.\"

Zhongli replied calmly.

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