\"This system thinks he is right\"

As soon as Zhongli finished speaking, the system in his brain suddenly came back to life.

Jiang Xun, who was thinking deeply, was startled.

But he quickly realized that the system actually acknowledged Zhongli's words?!

He also felt that it was most likely as Zhongli said.

After all, this reason still applies to Qiqi.

As expected of a demon god who has lived for more than 6,000 years.

His knowledge is extraordinary.

Unlike this system, it has been self-repairing for so long but has not figured out anything.

In the end, you have to ask others to help you solve it.

It's really too lame!

Jiang Xun thought with some disdain in his heart.

At this time, the system's originally high status in his heart was being reduced.

\"This is just my personal guess. If you have other ideas, please feel free to speak up.\"

Zhongli took a sip of tea and said

\"Um, yes, my idea is similar to yours.\"

Jiang Xun said shamelessly.

He didn't have any idea at first, but after listening to Zhongli, this is what he thought!

The most important thing is that the system also recognized it.

Although Jiang Xun just complained, he didn't get carried away.

He knew that this system must be extraordinary.

\"Really? That's great.\"

Zhongli had a smile on his face.

It was obvious that he was in a good mood.

According to his words, the return of an old friend should be a happy thing, and he should not be sad.

Obviously, it was not just talk.

After resolving the doubts in their hearts, the two sat on the chairs and chatted.

Maybe it was really a long time since they last saw each other.

Even though the listeners around them changed again and again, they still did not move.

\"Boss, there are two people sitting there and won't leave.\"

The female employee said to the boss beside her.

It was getting dark.

But the two stayed the whole day, not buying anything, just sitting there chatting. Even now, they had no intention of leaving.

\"Never mind, let them be.\"

The boss said with a flat face.

Degui has been in trouble recently.

I don't know which bastard reported him for adding water to the fermented rice balls.

Therefore, he was invited by Qianyan Army to have tea.

Now he dares not do anything to offend others, for fear of being tossed again.

Jiang Xun:? Who is thinking about me?

Jiang Xun shook his head, then threw these thoughts out of his head, and then......The conversation continued.

However, Zhongli on the other side suddenly stopped talking, and Jiang Xun noticed that his expression had changed.

Although it was very subtle, he still noticed it.

\"What happened?"

Jiang Xun asked curiously.

Zhongli said:"The seal is a little loose.\"

\"Loose? \"

Jiang Xun was a little confused

\"Are they the suppressed demons? \"

He quickly reacted.

Hearing this, Zhongli nodded.

He suppressed countless demons in the past, but in order to prevent the resentment of the demons after their death from harming the people of Liyue, he specially set up seals.

In the past two thousand years, although the overflowing resentment has been cleared through the efforts of the Yaksha clan, there are still many sealed resentments that have not been cleared.

And now, these seals have cracked with the changes of time.

\"Sorry, Jiang Xiaoyou, I should have welcomed you back today, but I have to deal with something right now.\"

Zhongli said apologetically.

Although he had long since abdicated the throne, he still couldn't let go of the people of Liyue.

\"No problem, I'm also interested in these things, let's go together\"

Jiang Xun replied

\"Well, your strength is not weaker than mine. Since you are willing to accompany me, let's go together.\"

Zhongli nodded in agreement.

Jiang Xun then followed Zhongli and left Liyue Harbor.......

After escaping from the sight of ordinary people, the two no longer hid and flew directly to their destination.

After all, the longer this matter was delayed, the more variables there would be.

Soon, the two came to a cave.

\"right here\"

Zhongli said calmly.

Jiang Xun also noticed this huge cave.

Looking closely, it was very magnificent.

It seemed to be a masterpiece of nature, but who would have thought that there was a desperate demon suppressed underneath?

Although the real demon was dead, the monstrous resentment hidden in the seal was a big problem.

\"It seems that the seal has cracked.\"

Zhongli's calm voice sounded again.

At this time, there were already traces of demon god resentment floating in the air.

Although it was weak, it was not a good sign.

Casting the magic, the originally dark cave was instantly illuminated.

The two of them walked straight into it.

As they went deeper, Jiang Xun could feel the resentment in the air getting stronger and stronger.

The resentment at this moment was enough to drive several owners of the Eye of God into madness.

Jiang Xun was a little curious for a moment. The resentment that seeped out through a tiny crack could do this.

Then its body must be a strong existence.

Zhongli seemed to see what Jiang Xun was thinking, and explained:"This demon god was not weak in strength when he was alive. He was already at the level of a top demon god. It took me a lot of effort to suppress him here.\"

As the two talked, they soon reached the seal.

Jiang Xun stared at the scene in front of him with some curiosity.

Behind the seal was a huge skeleton.

But it was hard to tell what kind of creature it was. There were countless black air lingering on the skeleton.

At this time, the black air was slowly flowing out through the cracks.

\"I didn't expect it to be so serious......\"

Zhongli frowned as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Countless cracks had appeared on the seal.

It seemed that it would completely collapse in the next second.

\"Is this situation difficult to resolve? \"

Jiang Xun asked curiously

\"It takes some effort to recover\"

\"I have a solution that does not require repairing the seal\"

\"Appreciate further details\"

Zhongli glanced at Jiang Xun and said

\"Open a hole and let me in. I can solve these grievances.\"

Jiang Xun said lightly.

He wanted to go in and have a big meal.

But Zhongli frowned after hearing this.��

\"Jiang Xiaoyou, the demons' resentment is no joke. If you let them run away.........\"

Zhongli obviously thought this so-called method was too risky.

\"Don't worry, I won't joke about this kind of thing.\"

Jiang Xun replied.

Zhongli was still hesitant after hearing this, but finally compromised.

\"this.....Okay, but I need to take some precautions.\"


Jiang Xun rubbed his hands, looking at the resentment in front of him as if he saw some treasure.

He couldn't wait to pounce on it.

It has been a long time since I saw so many resentment at once!

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