\"Well, your karma has been eliminated, it's okay\"

As the last trace of resentment was stripped away from the Yaksha in front of him, Jiang Xun said with a smile

\"Ah? It's true!"

The Yaksha couldn't believe it at first.

The other party just moved his fingers and solved the karma that had troubled them for so many years?

But then, he found that the cold feeling in his body had disappeared.

The restless mood turned into an unprecedented calm.


\"Thank you for your help\"

The Yaksha said gratefully.

Jiang Xun waved his hand.

\"No, it's just a piece of cake\"

This kind of thing is also good for him, and it is not free help.

After sending this Yaksha away, Jiang Xun's life returned to leisure.

After returning from Jueyunjian.

Jiang Xun played with five Yakshas for a few days and returned to Liyue Port.

After all, as a Yaksha, he also needs to patrol everywhere to prevent monsters from attacking humans.

He is not like Jiang and Uncle Zhong, who are just street urchins.

But Jiang Xun has something to do these days.

Maybe Fushe heard about Jiang Xun's deeds from Zhongli and knew that he was indeed powerful.

The karma that they were helpless against did not affect him.

So in recent days, many Yakshas have come one after another to ask Jiang Xun for help.

Jiang Xun did not refuse.

Instead, he removed the karma in their bodies one by one.

This scene was as if he had returned to Liyue Port a thousand years ago.

It's just that he didn't need to spend too much time this time.

Of course, no one came to sell coffins or make trouble along the way.

This is how the scene just now happened.......

\"The karma of the Yakshas should be almost over.\"

Jiang Xun thought to himself.

Lately he has been busy clearing the karma for the Yakshas, and now this matter can be put aside for the time being.

However, in the following days, Jiang Xun began to feel bored.

Every day, apart from being with Zhongli, he was either slacking off or on his way to slacking off.

Gui Zhong was studying mechanical techniques with Master Liuyun Jiefeng , and the five Yakshas did not have much free time.

Jiang Xun had wanted to meet Heulia, but unfortunately, the other party did not seem to be in Liyue.

It was still unknown where she was.

At this time, the system did not give any new tasks.

For a while, the days seemed to be free.

However, today, an unexpected person came to Jiang Xun's place.

\"Good morning, Qiqi\"

Jiang Xun opened the door to his room and found Qiqi had been waiting at the door for an unknown period of time.

\"I care about what you said last time. I have some questions for you.\"

Qiqi spoke slowly.

She didn't care why the other party knew her name.

She didn't hide the purpose of her visit this time.

Because she thought it was normal.

But what puzzled her was this familiarity.

After they separated last time, Qiqi often felt very impetuous.

This emotion suddenly appeared like a rootless duckweed, but she didn't know how to solve it.

It has been bothering her.

She couldn't calm down to practice.

Even using the magic of meditation, she still couldn't get rid of the picture in her mind.

And Qiqi found at this time.

Her heart was a little confused.

The stable Tao heart that had been cultivated for hundreds of years couldn't remain calm in this matter?

This surprised her.

But it also made her pay more attention to this problem.

If it is not solved, I am afraid I won't be able to practice with peace of mind in the future.

In the end, she chose to come to the other party directly.

Want to get a solution

\"Hehe, why don't you come in and sit down first? \"

Jiang Xun did not answer her question directly.

Instead, he stepped aside and invited her with a smile. Qiqi was a little puzzled by this behavior.

She had expected many answers, which might be coercion or rejection.

But only this irrelevant answer made her a little stunned.

Qiqi hesitated for a while.

Finally, she nodded.

After entering the house, Qiqi subconsciously looked around.

The decoration in the house was not luxurious, but rather simple.

She knew very well that she had never been here before, but she inexplicably felt that this decoration was very familiar.

\"By the way, Qiqi, do you want some candy?

Jiang Xun asked subconsciously, but he regretted it the next second. He was used to coaxing Qiqi before.

He had not yet adapted to the other party's current situation.

\"Eat! \"

Qiqi's cold voice reached Jiang Xun's ears.

He felt incredible.

This little girl still likes to eat candy at this age?

Qiqi also felt incredible.

Facing Jiang Xun's question, she blurted out very naturally.

Without any extra thinking.

As if.....Everything should be like this. It just hasn't happened for a long time.

Qiqi quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from losing control.

Jiang Xun then picked up some snacks and put them in front of the other party.

Looking at Qiqi covering her mouth, he felt very funny for a moment.

\"What are you laughing at?!"

Qi Qi saw Jiang Xun's smile and was a little dissatisfied.

She asked.

But she didn't notice that her tone at this time was not intimidating at all.

In comparison, it was more like a sister who was acting like a spoiled child with her brother.

\"Hehe, nothing, I'm just curious, you still like to eat candy at this age? \"

Jiang Xun also quickly stopped laughing.

It's not what a brother should do to laugh at his sister.

Even though the other party doesn't remember him as her brother now.....

\"Humph, eating candy is a habit, isn't it?"

Qiqi said proudly.

Although she doesn't need to eat now, she often can't help but buy candy.

\"Of course you can, but don't eat too much sugar before meals.\"

Jiang Xun said with a smile.

It seemed that the other party's reaction was deeply influenced by the memory of her childhood.

Maybe she herself didn't realize that she was in a relaxed state now. She was no longer as calm and cold as usual.

\"By the way, have you had breakfast?\"

\"I am a fairy, I don't need to eat\"

Qiqi fiddled with the icing with her slender white fingers and said

\"That's fine. I wanted you to try my cooking skills.\"

Jiang Xun spread his hands and said

\"Wait! \"

Jiang Xun just turned around, and Qiqi's slightly anxious voice came from behind him.

Jiang Xun was a little confused and turned around to look at the other party.

\"What's wrong?\"

\"I...I'm suddenly hungry again\"

Qiqi said hesitantly.

Her fair face was a little red, as if she was a little shy.

Jiang Xun heard this and knew that the other party was really fragrant!

Sure enough, the law of true fragrance of the great sage Wang applies to any creature!

\"Haha, okay, since you are hungry, then sit down.\"

Jiang Xun smiled and walked towards the kitchen

\"Oh, no more candy!"

Jiang Xun added

\"Oh, I see.\"

Upon hearing this, Qiqi had no choice but to put down the candy in her hand, and her voice unconsciously sounded a little aggrieved.

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