Soon, Jiang Xun prepared a breakfast.

Because the incident happened suddenly, Jiang Xun didn't have the habit of cooking by himself.

So this breakfast seemed very simple.

But Qiqi didn't dislike it.

She remembered that what she ate before was similar to what she saw in front of her.

Maybe it was because she hadn't eaten for a long time.

She didn't care what the ingredients were, but who made it.

Looking at the hot steam rising slowly like smoke.

Qiqi felt like she was back to her youth for a moment.

It seemed that she had seen similar scenes.

Qiqi picked up the bowl and slowly ate the breakfast in the bowl.

After a bowl of breakfast,

Qiqi felt her body gradually warming up.

\"How is my cooking skill? \"

Jiang Xun asked with a smile

\"Mm, I think it's delicious.\"

Qiqi nodded as well.

She felt much calmer now.

In fact, she had long discovered that since the moment she saw Jiang Xun, her originally impetuous mood had calmed down, as if he had some magical power that could calm her emotions.

\"Well, now that you've finished eating, let's talk about you.\"

Seeing that the other party had finished eating, Jiang Xun also planned to get straight to the point.

He had already figured out the whole story.

Last time, he had promised her that he would find her to explain, and it just so happened that Qiqi came to him at this time.

He probably wanted to ask this question too.

\"In fact, the situation is......\"

Jiang Xun had just opened his mouth to say a few words when he was interrupted by Qiqi.

\"No need, I already know the problem\"

Qiqi continued.

Jiang Xun was shocked by Qiqi's answer.

Because now only he and Zhongli knew the reason, but he didn't think Zhongli would tell others about this kind of thing casually.

And he had never mentioned this to anyone else. So how did the other party know?

Could it be that Qiqi had some hidden identity?

Jiang Xun had some thoughts for a while.

The theory about Qiqi being the boss quietly took shape in his mind.

But the other party's answer made him realize that he was overthinking.

\"I was always restless before, but after seeing you, I calmed down.\"

\"I think it's because of you.\"

Qiqi said calmly.


After a moment of silence, Jiang Xun realized that the other party didn't come to him this time because of the memory issue.......

\"Can I calm you down?"

After a careful exchange,

Jiang Xun pointed at himself and asked doubtfully.

Qiqi nodded calmly.

Her rose-pink eyes stared straight at Jiang Xun, as if to prove that she was not lying.

Jiang Xun thought for a moment, then said

\"If you don't mind, you can live next door to me first, so that I can help you alleviate this problem in time\"

Since he could help Qiqi, Jiang Xun would not mind.

Later, Jiang Xun helped her solve the housing problem.

And Qiqi once again became Jiang Xun's neighbor.

In the following period of time.

Qiqi would meet Jiang Xun almost every day.

This scene was very similar to when he was a child.

The girl came back from picking herbs, and then came to him happily to tell her story.

However, some changes have occurred now.

The girl now seems to have no story.

But he believes that one day the other party will recover her memory.

Now all he needs is time to wait.......

\"Jiang Xiaoyou, how about going out for fun together when you have nothing to do? \"

One morning, Zhongli came to Jiang Xun's residence early, and then said to Jiang Xun

\"Play? \"

Jiang Xun was a little speechless.

As expected, retired people are tough. Now that the work is done, they can do whatever they want every day.

\"Where to go?\"

\"I wonder if Mr. Jiang knows Mondstadt?"

Zhongli took a sip of tea and said

\"Of course, but why do you suddenly want to go there? \"

Jiang Xun asked leisurely

\"Mondstadt is the capital of freedom, and the scenery is also unique. It is rare for me to step down from the throne, so I naturally want to see Mondstadt today and meet with old friends.\"

\"Why do you want to join me?\"

\"Because Mondstadt is outside of Liyue,.....The bill cannot be sent to the Hall of Rebirth\"

Jiang Xun: ? ?

After saying so much, you are here to look for your wallet?

\"OK, when do we leave?\"

Although Jiang Xun knew what the other party meant, he did not refuse.

Mora was not important to him.

People like them did not need to use Mora as a human currency.

He just happened to have some.


Zhongli replied.

Jiang Xun looked at Qiqi's room and found that she seemed to be in seclusion and would not come out for a while.

Then he said:"Okay, let's go now.\"

Jiang Xun also plans to go to Mondstadt.

It's time to meet old friends.

\"Very good! \"

After they finished their tea, they stood up and headed towards Mondstadt.......


In a bar called Angel's Gift, a woman in a coat was quietly listening to the bard telling stories.

After listening to the stories, she began to feel a little emotional.

She didn't expect so many things to happen during her sleep.

The land of Mondstadt at this time was no longer what she remembered.

The ice and snow that were enough to kill life were replaced by a layer of vibrant plants.

Humans also built their own culture on this land, which was not forcibly added by the gods.

And they also proved that they could live well on their own.

They didn't need the gods to guide them in the direction of progress.

All of this seemed to be mocking how stupid her rule was.

But even so, she didn't care.

Since there was no ambition, there was no need to care about many things, even the things she once hated.

After this period of exploration.

Diekarapian's sleeping memory was constantly awakened.

She remembered the scenes before she fell asleep.

Betrayed by her own people and attacked by them.

She also remembered the appearance of the young man who had always been by her side.

And the appearance of him falling on the throne at the end.

She knew that he was not dead at that time, but a human being could not live that long.

Even she could not resist the power of time.

How could a human being?......

Jiang Xun, who was heading to Mond at this time, didn't know these things.

Because he now had a new round of troubles.

\"Zhongli, I have some bad news for you.\"

\"What's going on? \"

Zhongli had a bad feeling in his heart.

\"I forgot to bring Mora.\"

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