On the way back, Dekarapian also heard Jiang Xun say that he had a sister who had lost her memory. He thought it must be the girl with white hair and rose-red eyes.

He immediately took the initiative to say hello.

He wanted to leave a good impression on her.

"Hello, I am Qiqi"

Although somewhat reluctant, Qiqi still greeted him out of politeness.

Jiang Xun nodded when he saw the two of them in harmony.

He thought that Decarabian's arrival would cause some minor friction, but now it seems that he was overthinking it.

No words were spoken all night.

Soon it was morning.

After breakfast.

Jiang Xun received a letter.

Jiang Xun was a little curious when he saw the envelope.

He didn't know who would suddenly send him a letter.

With doubts, Jiang Xun opened the envelope.

At first glance, he saw that the envelope was signed: Albedo.

Jiang Xun then opened the envelope and read the contents of the envelope carefully. After reading it once, he also understood the other party's purpose.

Albedo seemed to have made some progress in his research on Durin's blood and wanted to invite him to go and see it together.

Jiang Xun thought about it and didn't refuse.

Just treat it as a pastime.

Then after saying something to Decarabian and Qiqi, he rushed to the snow mountain.

As for the two of them, it was a good opportunity to have a good chat and enhance their relationship......

Arriving at the snowy mountain, Jiang Xun went straight to Albedo's camp.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that he was thinking about the research materials on the table.

Looking at his frowning brows, Jiang Xun guessed that Albedo might have encountered a problem.

He was thinking deeply at this time.

Even when Jiang Xun arrived, he didn't notice

"Albedo, is there anything you want to discuss?"

After observing for a while, Jiang Xun couldn't help but ask.

Albedo only reacted when he heard it.

Then he said with an apologetic tone:"Sorry, I was thinking too hard."

" I asked you to come here because of Du Lin's matter"

Albedo said

" Please speak"

"From my research, I found that this Durin's blood has a power that does not belong to Teyvat"

After a pause, Albedo continued:"Also, I found that Durin....It seems to be an alchemical creature."

Jiang Xun nodded upon hearing this. He had known about Du Lin being an alchemical creature before he traveled through time.

But that was all.

" So, I have a guess, maybe, Durin may not be as evil as described in Mond's poem."

Albedo slowly expressed his speculation

"You mean, the problem itself might come from that power?"

Jiang Xun then asked.

Albedo nodded when he heard it.

That's exactly what he meant.

" That's right, so I want you to observe and see if you can figure out what the power is."

Albedo continued.

However, things are not that simple.

His purpose is not just to study Durin's situation.

It is precisely because he discovered that Durin is an alchemical creature.

And the means of creation are the same as his own.

So his curiosity was successfully aroused.

Based on this alone, he can make some speculations.

He thinks that Durin is very likely one of the works created by his master Rhinedot.

If he can study Durin's blood with the help of Jiang Xun, maybe he can take this opportunity to learn more about his mysterious master.

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard it.

Now these brain-intensive tasks are very simple for him.

He finally experienced the feeling of a super academic master when someone asked for help.

Then he turned to look at the information on the table.

These materials are the results of Albedo's research in recent days.

From the knowledge of writing and drawing in the materials, it can be seen that he has studied very carefully.

But it is also very limited.

After all, blood is not the body after all, even he can't get too much information from it.

" Mission 7: The evil dragon with good nature";

" Durin was originally a dragon who yearned for beautiful things, but his own power was hated by the people of Mondstadt, and he eventually fell on the snowy mountain. Please use your ability to save him."

Reward: Unknown

Penalty: None

Yes/No Accept

The long-lost voice of the system sounded in Jiang Xun's mind.

Jiang Xun was also a little shocked when he finished reading the introduction of his task. He didn't expect that Albedo's research was similar to the hint given by the system?

After thinking about it, he chose yes.

However, Jiang Xun found that this mission was a little different.

Because the system did not teleport him to an unknown place this time.

After a long time, he was still in the same place.

Albedo, on the other hand, was a little curious about Jiang Xun's sudden stunned expression.

He stretched out his hand and waved in front of him.

Jiang Xun reacted and coughed awkwardly.

At least.....It is certain that there is no need to travel through time this time.

"Random ability this time: [Gold] level alchemy (experience)"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Jiang Xun found that there were many more insights in his mind.

That's right, it was insights, not knowledge. The reason why he has not yet broken through the gold level is that he has not yet met the conditions required to reach the gold level.

About worthless things, he finally found his own meaning.

Jiang Xun has not fully understood this sentence.

Although the ability given by the system this time is only a trial version, Jiang Xun did not say much.

After all, if a gold-level alchemist has no human intervention, it will take the killing of an eight-times-large sun to form naturally.

Just by listening to it, you can tell that [gold] is a very rare existence.

It is not some cabbage on the street, you can have it if you want it.

However, he believes that one day he will be able to reach that level on his own.

" You....Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Albedo said with some concern after seeing Jiang Xun's reaction.

Although he really wanted to know the answer,���I don't want to hurt others because of this

" No, I'm fine"

Jiang Xun shook his head when he heard this.

His reaction just now was indeed a bit abnormal.

"That's good. I wonder what you figured out?"

Albedo now placed his hope on Jiang Xun.

He hoped that he could tell him the answer he had been searching for.

Ever since he saw Jiang Xun's talent last time, Albedo believed that he must be more capable than himself.

Jiang Xun nodded.

Even without the ability given by the system, he could understand these things on his own.

But that was only a theory and could not affect reality.

But now it is different, he has the ability to accomplish it.

Then, Jiang Xun told Albedo his guesses and basis.

Albedo is worthy of the title of a genius alchemist, although he didn't understand it at first.

But with Jiang Xun's explanation, he was able to gradually understand it.

" But how can we prove these speculations?"

Albedo asked.

Without evidence, speculation will always be just speculation.

" Simple, just let Du Lin tell us himself"

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