
Albedo was a little confused about what Jiang Xun said.

What do you mean by asking Du Lin to tell them?

Didn't Du Lin die a long time ago? Are you also doing underworld transactions part-time?

Although Jiang Xun just explained a lot to him, the difference between the levels cannot be covered in words.

" Du Lin's consciousness did not disappear, but it coexisted with his resentment in his heart"

" In this case, all we need to do is create a carrier that can carry its consciousness."

Jiang Xun said.

Albedo also understood what Jiang Xun wanted to do.

A rare look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"You want to reshape its body?!"

Although he guessed the answer, his tone was still full of disbelief when he said it himself.

Jiang Xun nodded.

"Have you already broken through to that level?"

Albedo seemed to have thought of something and asked.

Ever since talking with the blond traveler, Albedo found that his emotions seemed to have gradually increased.

Now he has already entered[��

Before he entered the stage of alchemy , he thought that gold was just a concept.

But now, as his attainments in alchemy deepened, he felt more and more desperate.

The word gold was like the sky, making him feel insurmountable.

But now, the person standing in front of him might be the gold alchemist like his master.

Is gold really so worthless?

" Not yet, I just used a small method to reach this level temporarily"

Jiang Xun shook his head when he heard this.

That level is indeed not so easy to reach.

" Stop talking nonsense. If you want to know the truth, then follow me."

Jiang Xun walked down the mountain after he finished speaking.

Albedo was stunned for a moment, then followed him.

The purpose of Jiang Xun's trip was naturally to find the heart buried by the blizzard.

Jiang Xun had an impression of this place. He passed by here by chance when he went to find Joseph last time.

At that time, it just felt a bit depressing, but after feeling the so-called poisonous blood.

Jiang Xun guessed that this heart was most likely the heart of Durin.

The closer Albedo got, the more familiar he felt in his heart.

In the dark, he felt a huge heart beating.

Then, he saw a cave, and the magical thing was.

Although there was still white snow outside, the cave was blood red.

There was no trace of snow at all.

The closer they got, the more they could feel a wave of heat coming.

Until they entered the cave.

Looking at the heart in front of him that was at least two people taller than him.

Jiang Xun smiled.

"Albedo, before that, please go first���Drive the people on the snowy mountain away, the noise may be a bit loud later."

Jiang Xun said to Albedo behind him.

He could foresee that there would be a lot of noise later.

This was on a snowy mountain. If there were still people on the mountain at that time, it would be dangerous.

Albedo also understood what he meant. He responded quickly and then walked outside.

After Albedo left.

Jiang Xun's eyes turned to the huge heart that was still beating.

His eyes revealed excitement.

" I have to prepare for such a big move right from the start."......

Albedo came out of the cave, and then followed Jiang Xun's order to drive away the people on the snowy mountain.

With the help of alchemy, it was relatively easy for him to do this.

Fortunately, since the last Joseph incident, the Adventurer's Association has made great efforts in safety.

They basically recognized Albedo, which saved him a lot of effort.

However, there will always be people who don't listen.

For example, the Fatui, these people, Albedo can only ask them to sleep for a while. It

's better than losing their lives later.

Albedo did not feel sorry for his behavior.

Although he was not born in Mond.

But he has a sense of belonging to this place to some extent, and he has heard about what the Fatui did in this country before.

This time, just take it as a little interest.

After the completion of the work, Albedo confirmed again and again that there was no omission, and then slowly walked towards the direction of the cave.

Arriving at the cave, Albedo saw Jiang Xun tinkering with something at this time.

He asked curiously:"What are you doing?"

Jiang Xun also heard the other party's voice.

But he did not look back, but continued to make his own preparations.

However, he still explained:"This is a big project, and it requires more preparation."

Jiang Xun's explanation was a bit mysterious, but it made people feel powerful.

Albedo did not ask any more questions, leaving all the time to him.

Jiang Xun did not reply.

About half an hour later.

Jiang Xun exhaled.

Albedo knew that he should be ready.

" Let's go, let's go out first"

Jiang Xun said.

Then the two of them came all the way to the top of the cave.

Standing at a height higher than the huge ribs.

Jiang Xun waved his slender fingers.


A hole appeared out of thin air on the top of the sky, with countless mysterious runes on the edge.

The next second, countless black soil fell on the snow-capped mountains like a waterfall.

Albedo looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise.

How much black soil did Jiang Xun dig?

Isn't he afraid that the land management department will come to find him?

Seeing this, Jiang Xun smiled mysteriously

" What I will do later is to reshape Durin's body, but due to the material, this reshaping should not have that kind of corrosive power."

" But, as long as the other party is still conscious, it will be fine"

Jiang Xun said.

Albedo nodded.

Strength is secondary, he wants to know more about his master.

" Then, let's get started!"

Jiang Xun then started alchemy.

Alchemy creation at the gold level can create almost any species, and its strength is definitely not weak.

Don't you see, Durin needs a special agent company and Barbatos to fight together to barely kill it.

It can be imagined that its strength is definitely not weak.

Jiang Xun has not reached the stage of pinching the seven gods at this time.

But simply creating a powerful demon god is still possible.

At the moment when Jiang Xun raised his hand.

The huge amount of black soil on the ground began to change as if it had received some order.

The powerful earth vein power gushed out, providing energy for the decomposition and reconstruction of the black soil.

At this time, the serious Jiang Xun did not notice that Albedo was staring at everything in front of him.

This kind of alchemy that drives the power of the earth vein at will.

You still say that you haven't reached gold?

But Jiang Xun didn't pay attention to the other party's thoughts at this time.

At this time, he was concentrating on controlling the earth veins and black soil in front of him. The originally loose black soil has changed a lot at this time.

Under the influence of the earth vein power, it gradually has spirituality.

And it is constantly shaping.

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