Du Lin's words choked Jiang Xun's words.

He didn't know how to speak for a moment.

At this time, Jiang Xun felt the wind around him was a little chaotic.

Then, he saw another huge figure flying towards the two of them.

That was.....Tevarin?!

The magnificent body of the East Wind Dragon was very recognizable.

Jiang Xun recognized the identity of the newcomer at a glance.

Of course, there was also the Wendy on its back.

" Dad, please be careful!"

Durin, who was lying on the ground, stood up again.

His body, which was even bigger than Tevarin's, protected Jiang Xun behind him.

Then he let out a low roar at Tevarin who was suspended in the air.

The warning was self-evident.

Although it was killed by the giant dragon in the sky before, it did not hate it.

However, the other party's intentions were still unclear, and it might even threaten Jiang Xun.

This was something that Durin, who had just been resurrected, would not allow.

"Du Lin, don't be nervous, they are not enemies"

Seeing the two dragons on the verge of a fight, Jiang Xun quickly patted Du Lin's tail.

The latter also felt this.

It absolutely trusted and obeyed Jiang Xun. Since Jiang Xun said so, it naturally would not question it.

Then it lay on the ground again, but its huge pupils shining with golden light were still staring at Tewarin.

As long as the opponent showed any signs of attack, it would pounce on it.

This time, it would definitely not stop attacking on its own like last time!

" Jiang Xun, it's you. You resurrected Du Lin?"

Wendy appeared beside Jiang Xun and asked in surprise.

" Um, yes, but....I did a little bit of manipulation"

Jiang Xun answered.

Wendy looked at the huge body of the black dragon beside him, and then looked at Jiang Xun with a questioning look.

You call this small?

This kind of scene scared the residents of Mondstadt, not to mention him.

" Well, in short, don't worry, Durin will never pose a threat to Mondstadt, I can guarantee that."

Jiang Xun didn't know where to start explaining to the other party, and finally he could only promise......

After a while, Wendy said helplessly

"Okay, since you said so"

He could actually clearly feel that the current Durin was completely different from the one a thousand years ago.

The corrosive power in his body had disappeared.

The current Durin was just an alchemical dragon with a strong body.

And with Jiang Xun's guarantee, this was enough to win Wendy's trust.

Although he liked to slack off, it didn't mean that he didn't care about his people at all.

It was just that his way of caring was different.

" However, Du Lin's condition should cause panic"

��Dee then said worriedly

" This is easy"

Jiang Xun also understood what he meant.

It just so happens that there is a trick in the fairy arts that is very similar to the Dharma Realm.

It can be used here at this moment.

Jiang Xun formed seals with his hands, and countless mysterious words appeared, and then covered Durin's huge dragon body.

Durin's body was also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It did not stop until the size shrank to the same size as Paimon.

Looking at the mini dragon in front of him, Wendy nodded with satisfaction.

This will surely not cause panic.

After all, the Mond people have seen a lot of such things, talking night crows and emergency food with huge appetites.

Which one does not look more magical than this little dragon?

Moreover, who would have thought that this little dragon that looks a little cute would be the magic dragon Durin who once brought despair?

" Is this the magic of Liyue? It's really magical"

Albedo sighed secretly when he saw this scene.

This ability to grow or shrink at will is something that alchemy cannot achieve.

He likes to explore unknown areas, so he will naturally be interested in this kind of magic that he has never come into contact with.

"Well, not bad, not bad, it looks cute!"

Wendy went back to her lazy attitude.

Her tone of voice began to relax.

Mission 7: The Kind Dragon has been completed.

The reward for this mission is: [Gold] Alchemist Three-Hour Trial Card.

As expected, after Jiang Xun dealt with the follow-up matters, the system's task completion sound also sounded.

Jiang Xun was not surprised by the reward for this mission.

After all, the random ability is just a trial version.

What else do you want?

The feeling of having a deep understanding of the world in his mind has disappeared.

The feeling of being able to pinch everything with his hands has also disappeared.

But Jiang Xun is not completely without gain.

Although he is no longer gold, he has reached this stage after all.

The corresponding insights are naturally not small.

This undoubtedly greatly speeds up the promotion.......

"Okay, now that everything is fine, I'll leave first."

"Want to come over to my place and play?"

Wendy seemed to have something urgent to do, and was ready to leave after finding out that nothing was wrong.

But Jiang Xun thought that this guy probably wanted to go back and slack off.

After all, Wendy, who can fly, definitely doesn't need to run.

" No, I have something else to do"

Jiang Xun shook his head

" Well then, may the wind protect you, see you later"

After that, Wendy got back on Tevarin's back.

After a hurricane blew, they headed towards Mondstadt.

"That one is the God of Wind, right?"

Albedo looked at the direction where the man and the dragon left and asked.

"Yes, do you feel your fantasy is shattered?"

Jiang Xun asked jokingly

"No, it's just a little different from what I imagined."

Albedo replied

"Okay, let's go back"

The snowy mountain terrain has changed a lot at this time.

Without Du Lin's huge body, the entire snowy mountain seems to be much smaller.

I hope those explorers can still recognize where this place is.......

On the way back, Albedo kept looking at Durin who was following Jiang Xun.

He was thinking about something from time to time.

This made the latter confused for a while.

After returning to the camp and resting for a while, Jiang Xun planned to go back.

But he did not plan to take Durin back.

The reason was simple, just because Durin could not leave the snow mountain for the time being.

It has just revived.

Although there is no problem on the surface, it still needs to stay in the snow mountain for a while.

In order to stabilize its consciousness.

Fortunately, Durin also has a sense of familiarity with Albedo. He does not dislike him.

After Jiang Xun's explanation, the other party agreed to stay in the snow mountain temporarily.

It can also answer Albedo's question

"By the way, Albedo, such a big commotion will definitely attract the Knights' investigation."

" I hope you don't reveal my existence"

Before leaving, Jiang Xun said to Albedo.

He didn't want to be known to the world, it would be very troublesome.

" I understand, I have already thought of an excuse"

Albedo nodded and replied.

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