After returning from the snowy mountains, Jiang Xun returned to Liyue Harbor in the early morning of the next day.

The sun shone on his body, helping him to dispel the coldness that had stained his body on the snowy mountains.

This comfortable feeling made Jiang Xun's mouth curl up unconsciously.

Jiang Xun then packed a few breakfasts and walked home.

He wanted Decarabian and Qiqi to taste the delicacies in Liyue Harbor at this time.

However, after he entered the yard, he felt something was wrong.

The sunlight outside was like a decoration. Although it shone on Jiang Xun, he still felt that the temperature was a little low.

Moreover, the yard was also cold and deserted, coupled with this low temperature.

The whole haunted house reappeared.


What's going on, is it haunted?

" Jiang Xun, you're back?"

Dikarapian's cold voice came from inside the house. Jiang Xun turned around and saw that the other person's pretty face was angry at this time, as if he was expressing his emotions.

" You.....Are you angry?"

Jiang Xun saw that the other party seemed to be in a bad mood, so he asked carefully.

" Humph!"

Diakarapian snorted and turned his head away without saying anything. He looked like"Come and coax me."

Jiang Xun was a little helpless.

But he still followed the other party's wishes.

Although he didn't understand what was going on at the moment.

But at least he knew that it would be better to follow the other party's wishes at this time.

Jiang Xun used all his life's skills and finally managed to coax the other party.

Personal practice made Jiang admire those characters in novels who were not affected at all.

How did they deal with this situation so easily?

"So, why are you angry again?"

Jiang Xun saw that the other party's mood had improved, so he asked again

" Let me ask you first, is Qiqi really your sister?";

"Yes, I did take care of her when she was a child"

Jiang Xun answered truthfully

" But I feel like her feelings for you are not just simple siblings"

Diekarapian said with a puffy face.

During her chat with Qiqi, she found that Qiqi had a possessive desire for Jiang Xun.

This made Diekarapian a little alert.

Jiang Xun heard this and began to think.

After a pause, he seemed to think of something.

Then he explained:"It may be because Qiqi has lost her memory."

Jiang Xun then explained Qiqi's situation to Diekarapian

" Is that so? What a poor child!"

After listening to the explanation, Diekarapian also understood why Qiqi had such a strong sense of possession over Jiang Xun.

If she had also experienced Qiqi's situation, she might have expressed it even more strongly than her.

" Well, that's the way it is. She can't leave me now. All I can do is stay with her until her memory slowly recovers."

Jiang Xun spread his hands and said

" Jiang Xun?"

Qi Qi's voice came with a hint of joy.

She poked her head out of the room, and after seeing Jiang Xun, her eyes were filled with joy.

Then she slowly walked towards him.

"Good morning, Qiqi, would you like something to eat?"

Jiang Xun said with a smile, holding up the breakfast in his hand.


Without hesitation, Qiqi nodded and agreed.

She came to Jiang Xun and looked at Decarabian beside him with some doubts in her eyes.

She felt that he seemed to be a little wary of her before, but now that feeling seemed to disappear.

Although she didn't need to think about dealing with the relationship with him.

But this woman was Jiang Xun's friend, she didn't want to make Jiang Xun feel embarrassed.

" Let's go together"

Jiang Xun said to Diekarapian beside him

" Good"

Dekarapian did not refuse.

She also wanted to taste the food of Liyue.

More importantly, she wanted to be with Jiang Xun.......

In the next few days, Jiang Xun took Diecarpian and Qiqi to stroll around Liyue Harbor from time to time.

Qiqi was okay.

After all, she was also a fairy of Liyue. Although she didn't care about other things, she was relatively familiar with the changes in Liyue Harbor.

So, it was basically to introduce Diecarpian.

Diecarpian had a strong ability to accept things, even if she had never seen these things.

But after all, she was one of the leaders of Mondstadt.

What storms and waves had she not seen?

Naturally, it was easy for her to accept. In just a few days, Liyue Harbor was already memorized by her. People who didn't know would think that she was also a native of Liyue.

As for Qiqi, there was no reaction.

However, Jiang Xun found that the other party seemed to have recovered some of her memory.

Recently, she has been communicating more with him.

There is also a hint of the ease and happiness of childhood in her words.

This is undoubtedly a good sign.....

In the morning, there was a knock on Jiang Xun's door.

Standing in front of the door was a girl with purple hair and twin ponytails.

Judging from the frequency of the knock, she seemed to be a little anxious.


The door opened.

Keqing also stopped knocking.

"Good morning, Jiang Xun, I....."

Keqing paused in her anxious words.

It was because the person who came to open the door was not Jiang Xun, but a girl with long sky-blue hair.

Seeing this, Keqing subconsciously thought that she had gone to the wrong place.

She was about to apologize to the other party.

But at this moment, she suddenly remembered that she had just confirmed again and again before knocking on the door.

It shouldn't be wrong.

"Excuse me, do you know Jiang Xun?"

Keqing asked

" Is someone looking for me?"

Before Diekarapian could reply, Jiang Xun's voice came out.

Then he saw the other party appear in front of him.

" Jiang Xun, you, she.....?"

Keqing was a little surprised for a moment. When did Jiang Xun find such a beautiful girlfriend?

" Wait, take it easy, don't rush"

Hearing the other party's stuttering, Jiang Xun also knew that the other party was probably thinking of something.

" Oh, sorry to bother you so early, but I have something I want to ask you for help"

After calming down a little, Keqing then stated her purpose

"Please help me?"

Jiang Xun asked.

He couldn't think of anything the other party needed to ask him for.

" Well, it is like this. Recently we found that the members of the treasure group between Mondstadt and Liyue gathered together, and seemed to be preparing to attack a mysterious ruins."

" But we couldn't find their whereabouts for a while, and I have something important to do recently."

" So I hope you can help me, the reward will not be small"

After all, she was asking for help, so Keqing's attitude was not as swift and decisive as usual, but she patiently explained to Jiang Xun.

Treasure Stealing Group?

"Why did you come to me?"

Jiang Xun was a little curious

" You have had some contact with the treasure-stealing group, so you must know something about them. I think you can help with this incident."

" But don't worry, there is another traveler traveling with you this time"

" You just need to provide the plan, and she will take care of the rest."

Keqing just finished talking about what happened next.

This style of behavior is very similar to her

" Well, okay then"

Jiang Xun thought about it and finally nodded in agreement.

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