\"Congratulations to the host for completing mission one and successfully saving the Yaksha clan. The mission reward is Devour\"

\"Note that the host's karma has been forcibly converted into power by the system to feed back to itself.\"

Jiang Xun opened his eyes again, and what he saw was still that familiar place.

\"Am I, back?"

Jiang Xun was confused for a moment. The feeling of his body being filled with karma made his brain not work well. He just couldn't think.

Jiang Xun also noticed the condition of his body and the prompts of the system. He checked secretly and found that he had indeed become much stronger.

Is this a pleasant surprise?

\"Jiang Xun, your information is true. You have made up for your mistake. You can leave now.\"

Keqing's voice interrupted Jiang Xun's thoughts.

\"That's great. I won't disturb you at work. I'm leaving.\"

\"Humph, you're lucky. Find a decent job when you get out and stop selling those things.\"

Jiang Xun was a little dissatisfied after hearing this.

This Keqing is really short-sighted. He is not selling pirated discs.

It is said that a man will be looked at with new eyes after three days of absence. He has been away for more than a year, and the windshield wipers are about to spark. Why do you, Captain Ke, look down on me?

\"Ah Qing\"

\"What did you call me? \"

Keqing glared, and Jiang Xun immediately changed his words.

\"Ahem, Master Keqing, I understand.\"

After saying that, Jiang Xun ran out of here without looking back.

But he didn't give up in his heart.

What a joke, I, Jiang, am invincible in the street stall world, how can you, a Yuheng Star, just say no?

Next time, let Guoba eat all your golden shrimp balls!

\"Brother Xun, are you out?\"

\"Yes, how is it, is the stuff still there? \"

Hearing this, the guy who was handing over the goods suddenly fell in anger.

\"Brother Xun, stop talking, the goods have been taken away!"

Jiang Xun heard and asked quickly:"How did you get caught by Qianyan Army?\"

\"Brother Xun, it's not Qianyan Army, it's Yaksha\"


A question mark popped up in Jiang Xun's head.

\"They said our communicator would explode and was too dangerous to Liyue Harbor, so they confiscated it.\"

The brother said with a bitter face.

He didn't expect to provoke Yaksha.

\"Didn't you explain it to him?

Jiang Xun felt a toothache after hearing this.

Damn, he was adding more troops to the enemy. Fortunately, no one remembered. If it got out, he would probably be banned from the street vendor world.

\"I told you this thing can only talk, it won't explode, so this is just a gimmick\"

\"But one of them said that he had seen a little girl use this thing to blow up half of a mountain.\".....

\"Never mind. It's gone. Be more careful next time.\"

Jiang Xun was a little helpless at this time, and he was too lazy to explain.

He sent the other party away and left on his own.

Since there is no more goods, he needs to go to the snow mountain.

Because this thing was provided by the genius alchemist of the snow mountain.

The original intention was for Jiang Xun to test whether the people like it, but now it has been confiscated, there is nothing he can do. It is impossible that all the questionnaires submitted are very useful, right?!

Jiang Xun set off immediately. Fortunately

, after completing the Yaksha's Sorrow, his physical fitness is extremely strong at this time. He is no longer afraid of the cold of the snow mountain.

Otherwise, he would have to ask Xiangling to borrow rice crust to use as a warm baby.

Last time, in order to borrow rice crust, he tried a lot of dishes for her for free.

Now I feel nauseous when I see slime.

Slime:? First of all, I didn't mess with any of you!

\"Hey, Brother Jiang, are you here to explore the snowy mountains again? \"

In the camp at the foot of the mountain, the adventurers greeted Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun nodded in response.

Jiang Xun was very grateful to these adventurers.

At the beginning, he appeared in the snowy mountains inexplicably, without any preparation and physical fitness.

If he hadn't met these adventurers and Albedo who was researching in the mountains, he might have become a popsicle.

I just don't know if I look good printed on the cover of the ice cream, but it should be better than Brother Douzi's chocolate bar.

\"Hey, Brother Jiang, why didn't the little thing that was with you last time come?"

Little thing?"

Jiang Xun was stunned for a while before he realized that the other party was talking about Guoba.

\"Oh, I don't need it this time, I have my own way\"

Jiang Xun spoke with great confidence.

This was all due to the strong confidence brought by the demon god-level body!

\"Oh hahaha, is that so? It seems that Jiang Xiaoge is very confident. But taking risks means challenging yourself. I am optimistic about you!"

Seleus laughed heartily.

\"By the way, Brother Jiang, can you help me this time when you go in?

Jiang Xun replied:"You tell me, I will definitely help you if I can.\"

\"Actually, we have lost a man named Joseph in the snowy mountains. He has been out of contact for a few days. I wonder if you could keep an eye on him.\"

Looking for someone?

\"OK, I'll try to find it.\"

Jiang Xun thought about it and agreed without thinking.

Anyway, with his current physical condition, it should be no problem for him to pull out the Frost Sky Nail, not to mention such a simple matter as finding someone.

\"Thank you very much. Joel still misses his father very much.\"

Mission 2: Missing Joseph

There is only one good father in the world, and children without fathers raise pigeons. Please help the host find Joel's father Joseph and reunite their family.

Reward: Unknown

Punishment: None

Yes/No Accept

Jiang Xun chose to accept directly. I didn't expect that there would be a side quest when I came to the snow mountain. It would be a waste if I didn't take this mission reward!

After saying goodbye to everyone, Jiang Xun went straight to the mountain.

The higher he went, the colder the weather was, and the thicker the snow on the ground was.

The whole snow mountain was completely a white world.

Jiang Xun followed his memory all the way to Albedo's camp.

However, he didn't find any trace of him. Looking at the empty camp, Jiang Xun knew that the other party should be out sketching again.

He planned to leave first and look for the missing person named Joseph.

Since the system has issued a task, it means that the other party is still alive. If he finds him earlier, he will suffer less.

But looking for a person on the snow mountain is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And he can't shout, otherwise it will be bad if he triggers an avalanche.

But when you go out, you have to rely on friends to some extent, for example, the fat guy who is picking berries

\"Hey, fool, let me ask you a question.\"

Jiang Xun approached and started a conversation with him in a very familiar manner

\"Huh? Go away, who are you? Don't try to steal my Luo Luo Berry\"

Shui Pang looked at the outgoing guy with a vigilant look.

He heard that a brother of his was beaten up for no reason when he was picking Luo Luo berries in Qingce Village in Liyue.

He had to be careful.

Alas, is it so dangerous to eat fruit these days?

\"I'm not robbing you, I just want to ask you something\"

Jiang Xun was speechless

\"Well, that's good. Just ask me. Just don't steal my Luo Luo Berries.\"

\"Have you seen a man named Joseph? He is tall, has blond hair, and looks like a\"

Jiang Xun went straight to the point.

Shui Pang: ? ?

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