"I don't know."

Shui Pang shook his head, and it seemed that he really didn't know.

Jiang Xun was a little disappointed.

\"Well, could you give me some of the Luo Luo Berries?\"

\"Don’t even think about it!\"......

Jiang Xun stopped arguing with this guy and left.

This guy only had Luo Luo Mei in his mind. If he continued to ask, he would probably not find any information.

\"System, please give me some hints.

Jiang searched for a long time but could not find any useful information. He could only ask the system for help.

\"Okay, Joseph will die in 13 hours, please speed up! \"


Is this what I want?

Can you give me some location hints? Do you want me to prepare for his funeral in advance?

\"Hey, this is not what I want\"

\"Sorry, the number of hints has been used up. Please make it clear next time.\"

Jiang Xun was furious after hearing this, but there was nothing he could do.

After calming down, he had to find the other party within the next 13 hours, otherwise he would be gone.

Although he had done this task in the game before, he had only used the spacebar to watch the plot, and he had not watched it much.

This system is no longer reliable, and he has to rely on himself next.

Jiang Xun thought about it. Joseph is an ordinary person.

What do ordinary people need to do to ensure that they can survive without the Eye of God and subsidies?

Then what he has to do is to find a place that can block the wind and snow to prevent the body temperature from dissipating.

It is very likely to be in the cave.

With this inference, Jiang Xun can rule out many strange places.

First of all, there is no need to consider places that are too high, as ordinary people cannot bear that kind of severe cold.

Secondly, places with many monsters can also be ruled out.

And the main search target is the cave.

The snow mountain is very large, and Jiang Xun relies on his super physical fitness to jump all the way to go back and forth quickly.

He is not a traveler who can use the teleportation anchor point, otherwise it would be much easier.

After several hours of running around, Jiang Xun finally found some clues.

A notebook.

Jiang Xun's eyes lit up, and then he picked up the notebook and started reading. There were some things recorded on it.

Jiang Xun kept looking down, and after reading it, he felt that the owner of this notebook was most likely Joseph, whom he was looking for. What made him happiest was that this notebook also wrote down where the other party would go next.

Although this behavior of exposing one's position needs to be criticized, it is of great help in this situation.

Jiang Xun followed the instructions all the way and soon found another cave entrance.

When he walked in, he found a middle-aged man lying shivering in the haystack.

His eyes were closed, his lips were pale, and he looked like he was about to die.

\"Congratulations to the host for finding Joseph. Please bring him to your family to complete the mission.\"

The system's voice also sounded in a timely manner.

Jiang Xun didn't hesitate and carried him down the mountain.

However, this method of going down the mountain was a bit wild.

Joseph felt as if he was being carried by someone. He opened his eyes reluctantly and saw the scene in front of him moving rapidly upwards.

Then a strong sense of weightlessness came over him. His already exhausted spirit was frightened, and then he fainted with a bang.

In the darkness, Joseph felt his body wrapped in warmth. This feeling was what he longed for most these days.

He slowly opened his eyes and found that there were many people around him.

Among them was his son, Joel.

\"Dad, you're awake!"

Joel burst into laughter when he saw his father wake up.

\"I am....Where is it? \"

Joseph touched his head and felt a little dizzy

\"Thanks to Brother Jiang Xun for bringing you down from the snowy mountain in time, otherwise, given your physical condition at the time, you would have been dead in a few hours.\"

Branch President Serius said seriously

\"Sorry everyone, I made you worry, and brother Jiang Xun, thank you for saving my life.\"

\"Thank you, Brother Jiang Xun! \"

Joseph and his son thanked Jiang Xun

\"It's okay. When we go out, we should help each other.\"

Jiang Xun waved his hand.

Besides, he also got a reward, so it wasn't a waste of time.

\"Congratulations to the host for completing Mission 2, The Missing Joseph. The reward is the adventure experience of the top adventurer.\"

After the system finished speaking, Jiang Xun felt that his mind was filled with many things that did not belong to him.

It was the knowledge that only a true adventurer had.

Now the flowers and plants around him were no longer ordinary flowers and plants in Jiang Xun's eyes, but could do many things.

What kind of grass, what is its specific function, what can it be used for, these things he only needs to take a look to understand.

Great, I am also a man who can eat the head in the wild!

\"By the way, Brother Jiang, this is your reward.\"

As he said that, Serius took out a purse, which was full of Mora.

Jiang Xun didn't hesitate to take it.

After chatting with a few people for a while, he said goodbye. He went up the mountain again.

It was almost dark at this moment. Normally, adventurers would not choose to challenge the snow mountain at this time.

Because if you are not careful, you may be trapped in one place.

But Jiang Xun is different.

He came to Albedo's camp again, and the other party had returned.

He seemed to be thinking about something with his head down, but he seemed to feel someone coming, and then he looked up.

\"Oh? Jiang Xun, you are here\"

Albedo greeted him.

Jiang Xun nodded.

\"I was delayed by something just now. What are you researching?\"

\"I'm just curious about some things.\"

Seeing that Albedo was unwilling to say more, Jiang Xun did not ask, and then explained to him about the Duduko communicator.

\"It's okay. Those things were taught to me by Ms. Alice. They're not difficult to make. I just didn't expect them to be considered dangerous goods.\"

Albedo said this with some helplessness.

He had not expected that the image of his lively sister would be spread to Liyue.

If Klee went to Liyue, wouldn't she be treated as a special target of control by those Yakshas?

\"Looks like I need to spend more time looking after Klee.\"

Albedo murmured.

\"Although you said so, this is my problem after all. Is there anything I can help with? \"

Jiang Xun said.

Albedo touched his chin after hearing this, and then said

\"I see. If you put it that way, I do have something I want to ask for help.\"

\"I've been researching the story of the dragon Durin recently, but I'm lacking in materials. I heard that Tevarin was once harmed by Durin's poisonous blood, and he has lived in the ruins of the wind dragon for a long time. I want you to help me look for any clues there.\"

Albedo said calmly

\"Of course, this is just my request. There is a certain degree of danger there. You don't need to force yourself because of Dudu Ke's matter.\"

Wind Dragon Ruins?

Isn't this the place he had to go every week before?

Jiang Xun agreed directly.

As for the danger, he really hadn't considered it.

Not to mention that even if Tevarin came, he wouldn't necessarily lose in this physical body. Secondly, the dragon disaster had been lifted.

There were only a few monsters wandering there.

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