The next second, the abyss energy that was originally dissipating in the air actually collapsed layer by layer.

The polluted land slowly returned to normal.

It can be cultivated normally.

It only needs to wait for the birds to bring seeds so that new shoots can grow again next year.

The originally crazy mood of the Abyss Apostle also turned into shock in an instant.

The power of the abyss was actually solved by the other party with just one sentence?

This kind of thing is unheard of. You know, this is something that many demons can't solve.

Who is he?

The Abyss Apostle has countless thoughts in his mind at this time.

It is not afraid of death, now it just wants to pass on the news it has received.

But, obviously, it has no chance.

I saw that its body was breaking apart inch by inch.

It is not transformed into energy and enters a certain cycle, but is completely erased from existence.

It has no ability to resist, including its power.


The Apostle of the Abyss sneered

"I admit that I am not your opponent, but in front of the abyss, you are just an ant. The abyss will surely descend upon Teyvat, and you will surely kneel before the great abyss!"After the words fell, the Apostle of the Abyss was completely annihilated.

Jiang Xun did not take his words to heart.

Everyone can make harsh words. Wait until he gets all the remaining fragments of the Word of Truth.

It is still uncertain who will win.

" Jiang Xun, you are really a hidden talent!"

Wendy said to Jiang Xun in a joking tone.

He had never seen the other party have such unreasonable power before.

But now it seems that what happened three thousand years ago can be explained.

This kid was definitely pretending to be dead at that time!

" How can you go out without keeping a hand?"

Jiang Xun replied with a smile.

He did not explain this matter.

These abilities are his means of saving his life. Naturally, he needs to hide them before he is invincible.

"Yeah, that's right"

Wendy nodded and did not refute.

After all, he had a lot of things to hide.

"Okay, you continue drinking, I won't bother you anymore, I'm leaving now!"

Jiang Xun felt that he needed to meet Ying and Paimeng.

What if these two guys went back and spread the news that their people were gone


I'm afraid that Hu Tao will come to his doorstep to sell soon.

"Okay, I wanted to invite you to join me, so maybe next time."

Wendy watched Jiang Xun's figure gradually disappear from her sight.

Then she picked up the wine pot and raised her head to take a sip.


"Ah, my wine!"

Looking at the grass soaked by the wine,

Wendy was in tears.......

Mondstadt Cathedral

The lights are still on in the evening.

Ying and Paimon walk out of the cathedral.

They are still discussing the news they got from Barbara.

" I���Well, that statue is indeed Wendy's!"

Paimon said proudly, puffing out his chest.

"Yeah, but where is it now?";

".....This, I don't know"

Paimon didn’t feel proud for long before he was stumped by Ying

" However, in the end, there was still no information about Jiang Xun"

Paimeng said somewhat dejectedly.

They knew in their hearts that the longer it took, the more dangerous Jiang Xun's situation would be.

"Good evening, are you two discussing me?";

" Wow!"

Jiang Xun's sudden appearance scared Paimeng.

Even Ying was frightened.

" Jiang Xun? Are you okay?";

" Do you want me to get into trouble?";

" No no, just.....I'm curious where you went."

Paimon waved his hand and explained

" Yeah.....After I got separated from you guys, I found another passage and went out from there."

" I guessed that you two should be fine now, and I also wanted to come to Mondstadt to do something, so I came here first. I didn’t expect to meet you two here."

Jiang Xun's expression did not change while he was talking.

It was impossible to tell whether he was real or fake.

With his good acting skills and peaceful appearance, although the reason was a bit far-fetched, the two of them also felt surprisingly reasonable.

"Hehe, that's really fate!";

"By the way, to thank you for your help, let's treat you to a meal. I'm very confident in choosing the food!"

When it comes to food, Paimon said excitedly

" Paimon wants to eat it"

Ying bluntly exposed it.

As a companion who had traveled together for such a long time, she saw the purpose of this guy at a glance.

It was obvious that he wanted to eat

"Haha, no need, I have something else to do, maybe next time"

Jiang Xun refused.

His purpose of coming here was just to let the other party know that he was still alive, not to have a meal.

And now he had something he wanted to study.

Naturally, he had no time to spend on eating.

"Okay, but when we return to Liyue, you can't refuse"

Although Paimon's purpose was exposed, he still did not give up

" No problem"

" If everything is ok, I will leave first."

After saying this, Jiang Xun said goodbye to the two of them and then walked out of Mondstadt.

Ying and Paimon did not delay any longer and went to find Dainsleb to report the information they had obtained.

"Where will they take the statue?"

After listening to what the two said, Dainsleb lowered his head and thought.

Because of Jiang Xun's series of operations, he still believed that the statue was taken away by the Abyss Cult.

As he was determined to fight against the Abyss, he must know where the statue went.

Because only in this way can he guess and deal with the Abyss Cult's plan in advance.......

On the way back, Jiang Xun was frantically deducing information about the Abyss in his mind.

After discovering the Abyss Apostle, Jiang Xun did not simply let him be a tool to move the statue.

Instead, he used the Word of Truth to constantly dig out information about the Abyss Cult and the power of the Abyss from the Abyss Apostle.

Unfortunately, what he got was far less than he expected.

Although the Abyss Apostles are nominally servants of the Abyss, the information they can know is also quite limited.

Jiang Xun guessed that the core secrets in this regard should be in the hands of Kong.

At that time, he even had the urge to go to the Abyss to capture Kong and torture him.

" Phew, there is still too little information"

Jiang Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

The little information from the Abyss Apostle was not enough to deduce useful information.

But fortunately, not all of it was useless.

At least Jiang Xun had some guesses about the Abyss Cult and its power.

These things might play a big role at a critical moment........

" My Lord Prince, the apostle in charge of the inverted statue has been disconnected and the statue has disappeared."

"Any findings?";

" According to our investigation, we found that many people entered the ruins that day."

" I sense the presence of Dainsleb in it, and a presence similar to yours."

The prince was silent for a while, then said

" I understand. You go down first.".......

" Ying, how did you end up with Dainsleib?

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