A few days after Jiang Xun returned to Liyue, he met Ying and Paimon again.

When they met, they were submitting tasks to Catherine.

However, Jiang Xun noticed that Ying seemed to be worried about something.

Jiang Xun guessed that she should have met Kong.

Now she should have the motivation to continue her journey.

Sure enough, during the conversation with the two.

Jiang Xun learned that the next stop was Inazuma.

But now he is a little worried about how to get there.

After all, Inazuma is currently in lockdown, and the entire island is surrounded by ten-direction thunder.

If you approach rashly, you will only end up being struck by lightning.

" Maybe you can ask your friends"

Jiang Xun looked at Ying who was a little distressed and said lightly.

Ordinary people really have no way, but it seems that few of the other party’s friends are ordinary people.

Whether it is Ningguang from Tianquan Star who is in charge of Liyue’s commerce or Keqing from Yuheng Star.

Or some other people.

There is always a way to help her go to Inazuma.

If Liyue doesn’t work, you can go to Mondstadt.

The cavalry captain over there seems to be very experienced in this line of work.

"Yes, Ningguang must have a way, let's go ask her for help!"

Paimeng also reacted quickly after hearing Jiang Xun's reminder

" Yeah, that makes sense"

After thinking about it, Ying nodded.

She knew that going to Inazuma to ask Ningguang for help seemed to be the fastest and easiest way.

"Thank you for the reminder!"

After getting the method, Ying thanked Jiang Xun......

After the three of them had a meal, they separated.

Ying and Paimeng went to Ningguang's temporary office.

" Mission 8: Planting the Gentle God of Dreams";

" The Kanreya War five hundred years ago caused countless casualties, and the purple-haired god also died here. The sisters who were originally inseparable are now left with only the younger sister alone to watch eternity. Please go to Inazuma to officially start the mission"

Just as Ying and Paimon had just left, the system's task reminder sounded again.

Looking at the information in the system, Jiang Xun fell into deep thought.

I didn't expect that I was just giving advice to the two, but now it's my turn.

It's true that I've been eating melons and eating them myself.

But Jiang Xun didn't intend to refuse this task despite complaining.

However, he didn't leave immediately. Anyway, the system didn't set a time limit, so there was no need to be so anxious.

Jiang Xun then began to wander around the streets of Liyue again.

Liyue had already entered autumn at this time.

The withered yellow leaves kept falling from the trees and fell into the ground one by one.

As time passed, they continued to rot and merge into the soil, preparing the nutrients needed for the trees for the next year.

Although the dead leaves fell, the people of Liyue had joy on their faces.

Because all this indicated that the crops were about to mature.

Liyue's annual crop production is much more than that of the other six countries.

According to Jiang Xun, most of the credit was due to the fact that the god of the hearth, Marcosius, exhausted his divine power to quell the disasters on the earth.

In addition, the salt demon Heulia helped.

Her salt ruler has a very good effect on the fertilization of the land and the growth of crops.

Oh, right.

Let's go to the Salt of the Underground and have a look!

Jiang Xun suddenly remembered that the Harvest Festival that he had heard about before seemed to be held in the Salt of the Underground.

Calculating the time, it should be in these few days.

The Harvest Festival, as the name suggests, is a festival to celebrate all the harvests.

It was originally founded by Heulia in the Salt of the Underground, and the purpose was naturally to celebrate the harvest.

After the Salt God joined the alliance with Morax, this festival naturally became one of the special festivals of Liyue.

This year's Harvest Festival was held in the Salt of the Underground.

It was the territory that Heulia started with.

But she hasn't shown up at the Harvest Festival for many years.

According to rumors, the Salt God doesn't seem to be in Liyue either.

Jiang Xun didn't know about her whereabouts, according to Zhongli.

The other party didn't explain anything when he left Liyue that year, so even he didn't know.

No more entanglement.

Jiang Xun then flew towards the Salt of the Underground again.

Came here for the second time.

Jiang Xun found that there were visibly more pedestrians in the city than last time. They were probably here to participate in the festival.

The festival started at night.

People lit a bonfire in front of the statue of Heulia.

Special personnel then performed a dance to announce the start of the Harvest Festival.

The streets were already filled with a variety of food and drinks.

And they were all free.

It was just that it was only during the festival.

However, Jiang Xun only felt the atmosphere for a while and did not continue.

The next second, he came to a palace.

It was where Heulia lived.

Although no one has lived here for a long time, the surrounding hygiene is kept very clean.

There should be people coming to clean it frequently.

Jiang Xun casually found a chair and sat down.

Then he looked quietly outside the palace.......

"Alas, there is not even Sumeru?"

The lost voice echoed in the forest.

Then, the girl's figure appeared under the moonlight.

The bright moonlight made her fair and pretty face even more pure.

However, at this time, this face was full of disappointment.

Heulia slowly approached the Salt of the Earth.

From a distance, she could see the lights there.

It was obviously a lively and peaceful scene, but she couldn't muster up any interest.

Heulia slowly walked through the crowd.

She was not worried about being recognized.

Of course, it was because she hadn't appeared in front of people for many years.

Because they no longer needed their guidance.

So she could also do what she had always wanted to do.

"Master, where are you?"

Since her memory was restored, she began to look for Jiang Xun's whereabouts.

After searching the entire Liyue without success, she went to Mondstadt and Xumi.

But the final result was still nothing.

There was not even a clue.

This made her heart waver.

Although she said that she would wait for the other party to come back.

But hope can never be expressed with words.

When encountering something that has no result at all, even if you have confidence at the beginning, you will gradually be eroded by despair in the end.

Heulia reached out and touched the necklace around her neck.

Countless times, she fantasized that the necklace would shine again.

Just like more than two thousand years ago, the master would appear in front of her again.

Even if it was just a phantom made of energy.

However, the cold necklace gave her a cruel fact again and again.

Everything was just her fantasy.

Maybe as the master said that year, they would never meet again.

But Heulia did not give up.

Even if.....In the end, there was really no response.


Why is the necklace heating up?

Heulia felt the heat coming from her hand.

She was a little surprised, but then, for some reason, an idea came to her mind.

Although she felt it was impossible, she still walked slowly towards the palace with a nervous mood.

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