I rubbed my eyes, but still didn't see the young man from Liyue.

If I didn't have the yellow paper he gave me, I would really think that everything that happened just now was an illusion.

It's really weird......

After leaving the kind-hearted ghost brother.

Jiang Xun came to an open space.

Since the fireworks festival was to be held, it was necessary to choose an open and deserted place.

Sure enough, he was right.

Various equipment had already been set up here.

Even a real outsider would know that a grand ceremony was about to be held here.

Jiang Xun's arrival did not attract the attention of the people on the field.

They were all busy with their own things.

Naturally, they had no time to pay attention to Jiang Xun.

But this was exactly what he wanted.

Jiang Xun wandered around the venue while thinking about how to get the opportunity to contact Lei Dianzhen.

Although the ghost brother meant that everyone could talk to him.

But as long as you think about it deeply, you will find that it is not that simple. For a big festival like the Fireworks Festival, it is...���There must be a lot of people coming to participate.

Judging from the popularity of Lei Dian Zhen, even if he is a Liyue person, it probably won't be very useful.

Jiang Xun feels that he needs to have something special to stand out from so many people.

Then he will have a chance.

"Is this brother not from Inazuma?"

Maybe Jiang Xun had stayed here for a long time, and finally he was noticed.

Jiang Xun looked up at the person who came.

He found that it was a man who was looking at him curiously.

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard it.

"Hey, you're in luck. We're going to hold a festival soon. You must come and see it."

The man put down the firework tube in his hand and said,

"Well, thanks for reminding me, are you making fireworks?"

Jiang Xun pointed to the fireworks tube on the ground and asked curiously

"That's right, it's not just me, there are still many people in the city who are doing it."

There are so many fireworks shops?"

Jiang Xun was a little puzzled. In his understanding, he only knew that the fireworks shop in Naganohara was very famous, but he had basically never heard of other fireworks shops.

"But I'm not selling fireworks, we're just doing this for the festival"

"Why not buy ready-made fireworks?"

Jiang Xun couldn't understand it. Buying fireworks is also a way to participate in the festival.

"Haha, blame me, I forgot that you are not from Inazuma, so you should not know these things."

After a pause, he spoke again

"Although buying ready-made fireworks can also participate in the festival, I would rather make fireworks that I like and have my own feelings, rather than buying the unoriginal fireworks sold by vendors."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Jiang Xun nodded.

It seems that they, like the people of Liyue, pay attention to the meaning of the festival.

However, this situation seems to have continued until Lei Dianzhen's death......

"By the way, every year we will judge the most creative fireworks, and the winner will be awarded by the Grand Lord himself, which is also one of my motivations."

The man then mentioned another sentence.

However, when he said this, Jiang Xun could clearly feel that the other party's tone became a little excited.

Jiang Xun was also a little excited after hearing this.

Just when I was worried about having no ideas, this brother came to give me a way.

Thank you for the idea!

" This random ability is: Thousand Changes"

After saying goodbye to this kind brother, the system's prompt suddenly appeared in Jiang Xun's mind.

Hey, it's a new ability!

And it sounds pretty good.

Jiang Xun quickly checked the ability introduction given by the system

" Thousand Changes: Can change into anything in the world. The degree of imitation is determined by the host's understanding of the object of imitation."

After checking the random abilities this time.

Jiang Xun fell into deep thought.

To be honest, this thing is a bit useless.

I thought it could change as arbitrarily as a monkey.

But the premise of change is to understand first?

This undoubtedly greatly reduces the flexibility of this ability.

But it is not unacceptable.

With this ability, I don’t have to worry about being recognized by those old friends when performing tasks in the future.

It can be regarded as solving a hidden danger for Jiang Xun.

After all, the timelines of tasks are sometimes interspersed.

But if he is recognized during this period, Jiang Xun cannot guarantee what changes will occur when he returns to the original timeline after the mission is completed. Just think of it as drawing insurance.

And in the future, when I am free, I can transform into Zhongli to play, and then there will be a real and fake Rock Prince!

Jiang Xun thought secretly in his heart, but then put this idea aside.

Now he is still on a mission, and business is more important.

Jiang Xun then put away his somewhat wild ideas.......

A few more days passed, and the relevant facilities were basically set up on the field.

It seemed to be to prevent some fireworks from burning the grass.

Jiang Xun didn't know the exact time of the event.

But relying on the expectant looks of the people around him from time to time and the topics of the children.

It can be roughly guessed that it should be in these few days.

Sure enough, it was a few nights later.

The fireworks festival was held.

Lights flashed on the streets one after another. These were the shops of the vendors.

At this time, countless people poured in and were immersed in this annual festival.

Even Jiang Xun, who participated for the first time, could feel the lively atmosphere from it.

This feeling is very similar to the Lantern Festival in Liyue.

At this moment, people seemed to have no worries, and they were immersed in the joyful atmosphere brought by the festival.

Jiang Xun wore a mask and walked on the busy streets.

Feeling the lively atmosphere in the streets and alleys.

There were many people wearing masks on the street, and Jiang Xun did not attract any strange looks.

As time passed���Soon, the highlight of the Fireworks Festival came.

Since it is called the Fireworks Festival, there must be fireworks.

The previous contents were just to set off the festive atmosphere.

Almost everyone gathered around the open space.

Just to watch this moment.

Jiang Xun looked around and found that there were many more people on the field than he imagined. He couldn't find the location of the Lord of the Grand Palace for a while.

Soon, as the first firework was launched and bloomed in the sky.

A few streams of light followed.

Then it exploded in the sky.

The gorgeous flowers seemed to be printed in the night sky, illuminating the entire night sky, and everyone's eyes looked up at the sky.

The light and shadow fell on the faces of each of them, and everyone's face was filled with joy.

The launch of a bunch of fireworks is the heart of everyone.

Jiang Xun looked at the monotonous fireworks in the sky, and only occasionally there would be some differences.

A smile appeared on the face behind the mask.

How can this be lost?

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