"Wow, what is that?"

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted towards the sky.

In fact, he didn't need to say it, everyone present had already noticed the unique fireworks in the night sky.

The fireworks actually had many shapes.

There were foxes, raccoons, and even ghost beetles.

These familiar animals instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The beautiful fireworks that were originally in the eyes of everyone became a little eclipsed at this time.

After all, they had seen too many ordinary fireworks in the past, and now seeing such a novel one, it was inevitable that they would be attracted by it.

There was an abnormal commotion in the crowd.

And their reactions at this time fell into Jiang Xun's eyes.

Seeing this scene, he knew that his goal had been achieved.

Judging from their reactions, the champion of this year's fireworks competition must be himself.

Jiang Xun's mouth curled up a smile.

Looking at the fireworks tube that was still spraying fireworks.

He was still very confident in today's work.

Not to mention that his fireworks creativity was beyond the production level of this era.

And this fireworks tube was an alchemical creation, and a lot of fireworks were stored inside.

Roughly calculated, a fireworks show can last about half an hour.

Whether it is creativity or viewing experience, it is absolutely overwhelming.

In the crowd, the purple-haired figure wearing a mask is staring at the fireworks in the sky.

Although the expression on his face is not clear, it must be not too bad.

" Shadow, so beautiful!"

The purple-haired figure excitedly pulled the figure standing behind him and said happily.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab the sky.

It seemed that this would allow him to grab this beautiful scenery that he had never seen before and watch it up close.

" Yes, it is true"

Ying, who was also wearing a mask, nodded calmly.

She replied calmly.

Just as her sister said, Ying did think that the fireworks she had never seen before were very beautiful.

But she would not linger too much.

As a warrior, the most taboo thing is not being able to control your desires.

If you can't even resist such earthly things, how can you pursue the ultimate in martial arts?

" Well, today is the annual fireworks festival, can't you relax a little?"

Zhen said helplessly.

She knows her sister very well. She is not good at speaking and does not pursue fame and fortune. She practices martial arts all day long and is a violent maniac.

She has tried to change her personality more than once, but to no avail.

"Oh, I know"

Ying, who was dressed in a tight suit, finally sighed helplessly.

She found it difficult to refuse a real request.

"Hey, that's right, this is the way to be liked by people" said in a playful tone

" I don’t need to be liked by others, my responsibility is just to protect you"

Ying suddenly defended himself seriously.

"Okay, I know"

Seeing that she was about to become serious again, I felt a little headache to change the subject.

I secretly decided to bring up this topic less in front of her in the future.......

While the few people were talking, the strange fireworks show in the sky was gradually coming to an end.

This included Jiang's cross-era alchemical fireworks.

Seeing the end of this fireworks show.

Everyone present showed an expression of wanting more.

But they also knew that this opportunity could only wait for the next fireworks festival.

But the next second, this sense of loss disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by another climax.

Because the next step is to judge the winner of this fireworks festival.

But at this time, the people present already had the answer in their hearts.

There is no doubt that Jiang Xun's fireworks were ranked first.

Jiang Xun, who was standing next to the fireworks tube, had already been surrounded by people.

Jiang Xun had expected this result.

Otherwise, he would not wear a mask like them.

It is because he does not want to expose himself.

"Friend, are these fireworks made by you? They are so beautiful, aren't they?";

" Yes, it’s the first time I’ve seen such a beautiful"

People were talking about......

"Yes, I wonder if you can reveal a little bit of the secret?"

A soft female voice with a slightly playful tone reached everyone's ears.

The magical thing is that although the voice is very soft, everyone can hear it very clearly.

After listening, they all stopped talking.

And almost everyone had an excited expression on their faces.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

They found a purple-haired woman in a kimono looking at this side with a smile.

" It's the Lord of the Ogosho!"

Someone in the crowd excitedly revealed the identity of the visitor.

Jiang Xun also looked at the other party curiously after hearing the words.

The face was the same as Ying's, but it looked much softer.

Holding a flower umbrella in his hand, the smile on his face seemed to have magical power, making people feel inexplicably like being bathed in spring breeze.

Jiang Xun now understood why the other party was so popular.

Who wouldn't like such a humble and friendly god?

Lei Dianzhen nodded at them.

Responded to their greetings one by one.

Then slowly walked to Jiang Xun.

"Good evening, thank you for bringing such beautiful fireworks"

Zhen smiled and said

" You're welcome, but please forgive me for not telling you the secret about fireworks."

Jiang Xun replied

" Of course, it is your freedom"

Zhen still smiled and replied

" Congratulations, you won the championship of this fireworks show"

End the small talk.

Then get down to business.

" I am honored, but I still have many ideas, and I hope to have the opportunity to present them to you later."

Jiang Xun seemed to be speaking to everyone.

But his purpose was to convey it to the ruling

"Can you tell me more?"

Sure enough, Zhen successfully aroused her curiosity.

She likes beautiful scenery, delicious food and human stories.

She just witnessed the fireworks that she had never seen before.

Naturally, she was interested in the strange idea that the other party said.

"Of course"

Jiang Xun nodded.

Then he said a lot of things.

Since he was not sure what the other party's hobbies were, it was not appropriate to ask rashly. He simply said whatever he thought of.

Basically, all aspects were involved.

Anyway, he had the wisdom of the Age of Gods.

It only took some time to learn these things.

There was no need to worry about being embarrassed.

And Jiang Xun's pretentious performance was naturally impossible to convince everyone present.

Especially some people who were dissatisfied with his first place.

There were also many who came forward to make things difficult.

But basically, the questions they raised were easily answered by Jiang Xun.

And his performance in answering these people's questions so easily also successfully proved that what he said was true.

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