"Today's mission is completed"

In a small room, two Jiang Xuns were chatting face to face.

One of them spoke first.

" Okay, got it"

Jiang Xun nodded, then waved his hand, and"Jiang Xun" slowly turned into black soil and scattered on the ground.

After collecting the black soil, he turned his eyes away.

This was the man-made man he created to complete his plan.

He certainly knew that Lei Dian was monitoring him, so he created this man-made man with a mortal body.

In addition to having the opportunity to attract the real owner, he could also avoid the risk of exposing his own strength.

He was also making preparations for another aspect.

" The ley lines seem to be attracted by something....."

Jiang Xun said to himself.

As early as when he came to Inazuma, he found that the earth veins here were abnormally turbulent.

It seemed that they were being pulled by something.

This caught his attention.

You know, there are very few means to use the power of earth veins.

Alchemy is one of them.

Now that the energy of earth veins of this scale has been affected, there must be a powerful existence behind it.

Is it the golden alchemist, or.....Kanreya?

Of the two guesses, Jiang Xun preferred the latter.

Because the former was too rare and often hard to find.

It was impossible for him to expose his position so easily.

" But, what is the purpose of them drawing the energy of the earth veins in this way?"

The next second, a new question appeared in Jiang Xun's mind.

But soon, he had some guesses. If

Lei Dian really fell in the Kanreya War, it would prove that Kanreya might have weapons that were powerful enough to kill gods.

And such super-standard weapons must require strong support.

The power of the earth veins is undoubtedly a good choice.

Jiang Xun thought so.

If this is really the case............

" Strange, why hasn't the puppet come back today?"

After calculating the time, Jiang Xun, who had just finished his work, felt a little confused.

As a top demon god, he was very sensitive to time.

He found that the puppet's return time had exceeded the estimated time interval.

Suddenly, Jiang Xun felt that the alchemy array he had arranged around the room was triggered.

Then he quickly put on the mask.

" Exquisite technology, very impressive"

A calm voice suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Then a figure flashing with arcs of electricity appeared at the door.

The visitor was dressed in tight clothes and looked at him expressionlessly.

Although there was praise in the words, Jiang Xun could not hear it from the other party's tone.

Instead, there was a sense of vigilance.

Seeing the visitor, Jiang Xun had a headache.

He had just confronted her not long ago, but he didn't expect to face her again now.

The main reason was that he didn't want to break up with the other party now, otherwise the difficulty of this mission might be upgraded.

"What technology?"

Jiang Xun pretended to be stupid and asked

" Still pretending? Aren't you the one telling the story outside?"

Ying replied in a cold voice.

Then she stretched out her hand and made a cut. The next moment, the space in front of her was like a crack. The deep space inside the crack was revealed.

Jiang Xun could vaguely see arcs flashing inside.

However, the next second, a figure appeared from inside.

Then the whole person fell down.

" Body, I was tricked"

" Jiang Xun's first words were to report why he hadn't come back on time.

Jiang Xun was speechless after hearing this.

I saw

" This kind of technology that can almost perfectly replicate itself should not be mastered by an ordinary person. Who are you?"

Ying did not give Jiang Xun too much time.

Then he asked again.

The vigilance in his tone was no longer concealed.

"Haha, didn't I say that I have a lot of ideas?"

Jiang Xun did not answer her question directly.

Instead, he took a detour.

However, as a martial arts fanatic and a warrior who protects Inazuma, she had no intention of beating around with Jiang Xun. She directly picked up the naginata and was ready to use force to solve the problem.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xun's heart sank.

If the other party didn't want to listen to him, then no matter how much he talked, it would be useless.

It seems that he has to find another way.

The atmosphere on the field was extremely solemn for a while.

The flow of air seemed to have slowed down a lot.

Jiang Xun's eyes were looking around, ready to leave here at any time.

He didn't want to go to war with the other party unless it was absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, this mission might need to be completed violently.

Ying was now sizing up the unknown man in front of her.

She did not take it lightly. Yi made a move.

Because the masked guy in front of her gave her an unfathomable feeling.

His strength was not weaker than hers, and even stronger than hers.

Finally, Ying came to this conclusion.

The appearance of this result made her a little unbelievable.

Then this shock quickly turned into excitement.

Since the end of the Demon God War, there have been very few people in Inazuma who can fight with him.

Even if there are, she is unwilling to start a war.

She once thought whether one day she would have the opportunity to compete with the Martial God of Liyue.

But because of Inazuma, this idea has never been realized.

But today is different.

If she hadn't accidentally discovered that the champion of the Fireworks Festival was different.

She might not have discovered such a existence.

But.....We can't start a war in Inazuma, we have to find a way to lure him out to sea.

Lei Yingying said to herself.

Although she was excited, she was not carried away.

She knew that she had to pull the battlefield out of Inazuma.

As for whether it could be solved by other means, she had not considered it.

Because this is how she has always solved problems.

Since it is dangerous to herself, she needs to eliminate it as soon as possible.

" Shadow, don't do it"

Suddenly,���A voice came from outside the house.

Jiang Xun could tell from the tone that the owner of the voice seemed a little anxious.

Almost instantly, the two recognized the identity of the visitor.

Thunder Zhen


Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, Zhen's figure appeared at the door.

Seeing that the two did not seem to fight, the anxious look on her face was slightly relieved.

As a demon god who also controls the power of thunder, Zhen is very sensitive to thunder.

Just now, she was dealing with things in the castle tower, but suddenly she felt that there was a terrifying thunder force gathering outside.

Feeling such a large scale of thunder and lightning, Zhen subconsciously thought of her sister.

Fearing that her sister would get excited again, she hurried to the direction where the thunderclouds gathered.

Fortunately, she was not too late.

Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing her sister coming, Ying did not continue to gather strength.

But her eyes were still fixed on Jiang Xun to prevent him from making any moves.

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