"This unknown demon, perhaps.....We should get to know each other again"

Seeing that Ying did not continue to be impulsive,

Zhen then continued to speak.

But this time the target is Jiang Xun.

From her sister's serious look just now, she can infer that the person who won the championship in the fireworks festival is at least a demon god.

And his strength is quite strong.

" Of course, Inazuma's God of Thunder"

Since the other party has discovered the problem, Jiang Xun doesn't plan to pretend anymore.

After all, the other party has caught him red-handed, so there is no need to pretend anymore.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation"

Zhen still replied politely.

Even though she was not sure whether the other party would have an impact on Inazuma

" So, what is your purpose in coming to Inazuma?"

Then Zhen asked

"Me? I just like traveling around"

Jiang Xun answered casually.

He has used this reason many times.

Whether it is Gui Zhong or Heulia. The fact that it succeeds every time shows that this reason is indeed useful.

Sure enough, Zhen did not doubt it at the first time.

Because demons have always been like this.

Their strength is far beyond that of mortals, but their personalities are different.

Some like to enslave the weak, but some just want to help humans.

And some have no interest in war and just want to play around.

Although it is strange, it is normal if it is a demon.

If Jiang Xun is really like this, then it is understandable that he hides his identity.

After all, no one wants to be treated differently when going out to play, let alone a demon with powerful combat power.

That is bound to be subject to considerable restrictions.

However, Lei Dianzhen would not believe him based on the other party's words.

Although this reason seems reasonable to her

" Sorry, we will continue to observe you, please forgive me"

Zhen said again.

Jiang Xun was not surprised by this result.

If he were in this position and encountered this situation, he would probably use some special methods to pry open the other party's mouth.

When it comes to matters concerning the safety of the people and the territory, it is normal to use some extreme methods.

"I accept"

Jiang Xun nodded.

This result is already good.

At least the relationship between the two sides did not fall to the freezing point, which would be a headache.

There will always be a chance.

"Thank you for your understanding. We will not bother you any more."

After Zhen finished speaking, she planned to leave. She did not forget to take Ying with her on the way.

She was really afraid that her sister would do something irreparable in a fit of anger.

Then it would not be solved by just talking.

Ying was a little puzzled and didn't know why Zhen wanted to pull her away.

She could stay and act as a monitor!

But after being glared at by Zhen, she immediately became depressed.

After that, she had nowhere to vent her anger and could only vent it on Jiang Xun.

The next second, she glared at Jiang Xun.

It seemed that he was waiting.

Jiang Xun:?

He didn't do anything.

Why is he hated again for no reason?

This is a bit like personal revenge!......

In the following period of time,

Jiang Xun no longer used alchemy to interact with the public, because his plan had already taken shape.

Although things did not develop as he imagined, at least he had established contact with the other party.

In this case, there was no need for him to blend in with the public to improve his reputation.

At the same time, the surveillance from Lei Dianying also arrived as expected.

He could feel a gaze falling on him every day.

However, Jiang Xun did not care.

Anyway, he did not intend to do anything bad, and he had been studying things about the flow of earth veins.

Since the other party wanted to see it, let her see it.

Anyway, Ying was stupid, and it was estimated that even if she was explained to her, she might not understand it.

Not to mention seeing it.

And in fact, it was true.

Ying was very confused, because in her sight, Jiang Xun had always been in a strange state.

Usually, he either sat there blankly, thinking about something, or writing and drawing on paper.

It was impossible to tell what he was doing.

But out of vigilance, she still secretly glanced at what he wrote.

And then she came to the conclusion that.....I couldn't understand it.

The things on it were completely new to her. No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible for her to understand it, right?

So she decisively described these things to Zhen.

But the result was unexpected.

" I don’t understand these things, but I think they should be alchemy"

Zhen looked at the information that Ying had copied temporarily.

She shook her head.

She had only heard about alchemy from the Great Compassion Tree King.

There were also astrology and magical arts with the same name.

All three were very powerful.

But she didn't have time to study this and only understood the basics.

"Even you don't understand it?"

Ying was a little surprised.

In her opinion, Zhen usually had a wide range of interests and liked to get in touch with many things.

Unexpectedly, she failed this time.

Ying's words were met with a speechless response from Zhen.

" I am not the Great Compassion Tree King, how can I possibly know everything?"

Ying thought about it and found that this was indeed the truth.

Zhen usually had to deal with Inazuma's affairs, so he really didn't have much time to study.

Not every god has the ability to connect his consciousness to the void.

" Keep observing, and tell me if you find anything wrong"

Zhen did not continue the discussion with Ying. She had a lot of things to deal with.

She did not have much energy to focus on one thing.

" Okay, got it"......

" As expected"

Jiang Xun thought to himself.

After these days of deep digging of the earth veins, he discovered many things.

The first is the direction of its flow.

In his observation, the flow of the earth veins in all directions is in one direction.

Jiang Xun can guess that there must be something there that is drawing the earth veins.

Using alchemy, he created a small gadget for reconnaissance, and after conveying the destination to the other party, he let it fly there.

But the result was very strange, because from the perspective of the creature, it has obviously reached the destination, but the ground is flat.

There is nothing special at all.

But at any time, he suddenly thought of something.

Then he activated the alchemy array of the creature's eyes.

Sure enough, the next second, the ground that was originally a normal piece of ground had a ray of light at the entrance of a cave.

This place was actually created by alchemy?

And the alchemy level is not low.

If there is no alchemist with a higher level than the creator, it is estimated that this cannot be discovered.

But fortunately, this is not difficult for him.

Jiang Xun approached along the light and found that it was a cave.

It was bottomless, and the inside was like an abyss, as if it would swallow up anyone who dared to approach.

However, he did not react to this, but continued to let the creation move forward.

Then, with a shared vision, he vaguely saw a glimmer of light in front of him.

When he came out of the cave, the scene in front of him really shocked him.

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