"Very good story"

After putting aside those thoughts in my mind, Zhen smiled and said.

It is also a kind of relaxation to be able to listen to a story that I have never heard before after work.

"Thank you for the compliment".....

" Well, Mr. Jiang, you see that the Lord of the Imperial Palace said it was nice, why don’t we make an exception today?....."

It has to be said that no matter where they are from, their skills in finding opportunities are all online.

For this reason, taking advantage of Lei Dianzhen, they want Jiang Xun to extend the storytelling time.

After all, they don’t know if the storyteller will postpone it again, so they can listen to it for eleven more hours. Upon hearing this, Jiang Xun turned his masked face towards Zhen.

The meaning is self-evident.

He just wanted to ask her opinion.

After all, to put it bluntly, his purpose is to get closer to the other party.

Now that he has this opportunity, he must seize it.

As for the rules, they have never been set for him.

However, Miss Zhen’s answer was just a smile.

Then she stood up and said softly

" Sorry everyone, I have some unfinished business and cannot stay here any longer."

There was a hint of apology in his tone.

He was really sorry for this.

" It's okay, Lord Ogosho, you can go and deal with your problems first, we understand."

After this statement was made, many people followed suit.

" Don't worry, I will always be here. If you have time, please come and listen."

Jiang Xun's voice also caused quite a stir.

This guy finally stopped being a pigeon?!

Little did they know how boring it was to have no new stories to listen to during this period.

In this era of lack of entertainment, people basically have no entertainment activities.

Even the most popular light novels of Inazuma have not appeared yet. After a lot of effort, an interesting person appeared, but he suddenly stopped talking in the middle of the story, which made the Inazuma people who were used to it and enjoyed it want to go to the door with a knife.

"Yes, I will"

Zhen still smiled and answered.

Then he held up his umbrella and slowly walked towards the castle tower.......

" To know what will happen next, please wait for the next chapter"

Jiang Xun said this classic ending in a mysterious way, and then he stopped talking.

But what he got in return was complaints from the audience.

The reason was simple.

Because this storyteller was really a dog.

He always stopped when the plot reached a climax.

Looking at the people below who were wailing.

Jiang Xun smiled with some evil taste.

So this is the pleasure of the storyteller.

No wonder those storytellers like to tell stories in this eunuch-style way.

It's really cool!

Jiang Xun often complained when he was listening to stories in Liyue, but when his position changed.

The feeling was completely different.

Although this kind of behavior is easy to be beaten.

But he didn't care. If the demon was beaten by a mortal, he would just hurry up and make a purple sand. However, it was not only the people of Inazuma who reacted to Jiang Xun's card.

There was also a certain Lord of the Imperial Palace.

At this time, Zhen felt like being scratched by a cat.

She didn't always have time, but when she had time, she would definitely come here to listen.

But she didn't know when it started.

This demon named Jiang Xun actually changed the way of telling stories.

Every time, he stopped when people were most looking forward to it.

Every time, she could only return to the castle tower with regret and curiosity.

But this time, she couldn't help it.


"Hmm? Do you want to hear the rest of the story?"

On the way back, Jiang Xun was caught up by the other party, and then she said this

" Yeah, I'm interested"

Miss Zhen is no longer as mature and steady as before, but is curious like an ordinary little girl.

Perhaps this is the other side of her behind her steadiness.

" Lord Ogosho, this is against the rules."

Jiang Xun's somewhat teasing voice came from behind the mask. He smiled as he looked at the god in front of him who was a head shorter than him.

Zhen's face turned red when she heard that. After hearing what the other party said, she found that she was like a child who wanted to cheat among humans.

She had somewhat lost the dignity of a god.

But......I really want to know!

Jiang Xun looked at the other person's embarrassed face.

He knew that jokes should be stopped at a certain point.

Then his tone became serious again.

" This story can be told for several days. If you are not in a hurry, I can tell you in advance."

Jiang Xun did not stick to the rules.

Again, the rules were never made for him.

He created the rules himself, so he could do whatever he wanted.

But Miss Zhen seemed to have some concerns after listening.

If it was really as Jiang Xun said, she really didn't have time to listen here.

A distressed expression appeared on her little face.

This was the first time Jiang Xun saw an emotion other than a smile on her face.

It made him feel more real.

But soon, he found that the distress on the other's face disappeared in an instant.

Then he saw a smile on the other's face again

"Can I trouble you to go to the castle tower?"

After saying this, Jiang Xun immediately understood what she meant.

Good fellow.

Slacking off at work, right?

Although he didn't care, because......Before he traveled through time, he was the one who was most likely to slack off among his colleagues.

But now there is another problem.

" Another purple-haired demon, she...."Will he not cut me?"

Jiang Xun asked.

He felt that this possibility was not absent. In fact

, the probability was not small.

After all, judging from the few times he had met Ying before, the other party's personality was relatively straightforward.

At least now she would not consider so many things.

Imagine if she came back from martial arts practice and saw him and her sister talking there.

Her first reaction would not be"When did they become so close?" but"Oh my god, my house was robbed?"

Then she would probably be greeted by the shiny big knife.

" Do you mean Shadow? She won't."

Zhen hurriedly explained.

After hearing what the other party said, she realized that her sister and him didn't seem to have a good relationship.

It was normal for Jiang Xun to have such a reaction.

Zhen explained, but she felt that there was probably no hope.

However, Jiang Xun's next answer was beyond her expectations.

"Okay, let’s go"


Really?" There was some disbelief in his tone.

He was convinced by just one explanation.

Is there such a simple demon god in the world?

"Well, I believe you"

Jiang Xun explained casually.

Anyway, Zhen is here, even if Ying really wants to fight, it probably won't work.

In this case, what is there to worry about?

What's more, if a fight really comes, he is not afraid at all.

Jiang Xun knows the way to the castle tower, because he was driven out last time.

Only Miss Zhen is left standing there in a daze.

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