With the real leader,

Jiang Xun had a smooth journey. Because he was wearing a mask this time, the soldier who was guarding the door last time did not recognize him, but opened the door respectfully.

No one asked about Jiang Xun's identity.

Similarly, they would not secretly guess anything in their hearts.

Because the Lord of the Imperial Palace would bring many friends to the castle tower for a gathering before.

Being able to make friends with Ming Shen is naturally not something they can afford to offend.

If they accidentally bump into each other, even if they don't die, the big figures of the Tenryo will probably not let them go.

After the two entered the castle tower, Jiang Xun looked around.

He had been to the castle tower five hundred years later.

But not five hundred years ago.

As for when he went there five hundred years later.

He could only say that he had to have at least one duel in front of the emperor with a stubborn executive officer named Rosaline every week.

Every time was like going home.

But this time was different from five hundred years ago.

Although some shadows of later generations can still be seen.

But there are still some differences.

Jiang Xun found that Lei Yingying did not seem to be there.

This made Jiang Xun inexplicably relieved.

Although he was not afraid of her, he was afraid that she would suddenly stab him from behind.

After all, the puppet of General Lei Dian did this.

Lei Dian Zhen did not do anything else after arriving at the castle tower.

Instead, she sat directly on the table to complete her work.

But even so, she could still find the time to ask about the next development of the story from time to time.

This ability to do two things at the same time made Jiang Xun admit defeat.

Time lasted until the afternoon.

Lei Dian Zhen couldn't help stretching after completing the last job.

The loose kimono could not cover her perfect curves. This scene was directly presented to Jiang Xun.

Zhen seemed to react at this time.

The person next to her now was not her sister.

She quickly stopped the action.

She coughed a few times in an attempt to ease the embarrassment.

However, the redness on her face showed that her heart did not seem to be as calm as she appeared.

Jiang Xun couldn't help laughing at this.

I didn't expect that Lord Ming Shen, who was always mature and steady outside, would also behave like this.

The things he saw today refreshed his understanding of Lei Dianzhen.

Hearing Jiang Xun's laughter, poor Miss Zhen could only try to change the subject.

Because of her personality, she would not use her power to force others.

Not to mention that the other party was not her people.

"Um, Jiang Xun, I'm sorry for the trouble today. Thank you for meeting my request."

Zhen said to change the subject.

Jiang Xun also understood what she meant.

Naturally, he followed her instructions.

Then he just waved his hand and said:"It's okay, it's a good opportunity to visit the legendary castle tower, and it can be regarded as a broadening of horizons."

"What do you think?"

I asked curiously

" Very good, can I tell others about this?";

"Please....don't want"

Zhen was a little flustered when she heard this.

It's not that there is something unspeakable here.

But this is where she usually stays.

Some things in it are placed according to her own preferences. It also involves some personal issues.

Even if she loves her people, she doesn't want her private affairs to be known by too many people.

" Of course, just kidding"

Jiang Xun said with a laugh.

After hearing the other party's answer, she was really relieved.

But then she was a little dissatisfied.

She felt that Jiang Xun did it on purpose, and his purpose was to embarrass her.

It was difficult for her to even maintain her signature smile.

The most annoying thing was that she couldn't do anything about him.

After all, the other party didn't do anything, it was just a joke.

But why do I always feel like I'm being manipulated?

Thinking of this, Miss Zhen couldn't help but show a trace of distress on her face.

She couldn't help but hold her forehead......


Just as the two were talking, a voice different from the true one came from the door.

The tone was anxious and angry.

Jiang Xun didn't have time to turn his head.

He heard a crackling sound.

As someone who had fought with Lei Dianying before, he was very familiar with this sound.

Whenever there is this crackling sound of electricity, it can prove one thing.

That is, she is attacking you.

I'm awesome!

Jiang Xun didn't even think about it, and dodged Lei Ting's attack with a flash.

Looking back, the opponent seemed to be restrained this time.

Otherwise, if he used a little more force, people who didn't know would think that the fireworks festival had come early.

After Ying didn't hit Jiang Xun with one blow, he stopped attacking.

Instead, he looked at him with cold eyes.

The thunder ring flashed behind him, and Jiang Xun knew at a glance that the willpower must have.......Ahem, you can tell at a glance that the other party is probably very angry.

Ying was indeed angry at this time.

As a real shadow warrior, she didn't even notice that the unknown demon god ran to her sister's side at some point.

And from her perspective just now, Zhen seemed to be wiping tears with his hands (holding his forehead).

Although she didn't know what happened, she probably had already imagined it in her mind.

It should be that this guy wanted to do something to her sister.

But Zhen, who is not good at fighting, couldn't even resist.

In the end, the scene she saw was caused.

The more she thought about it, the more possible it seemed.


Jiang Xun: Are you picking on Dou E?

You haven't heard the whole picture, so you just imagine it, right?

After ensuring that Zhen had no other injuries, she no longer worried. She rushed towards Jiang Xun again.

But this time, the power was even greater than before.

Jiang is still confused.

He knows that the other party doesn't get along with him.

But why did he pretend to beat him to death right from the start?

I eat your rice?

At this point, he was also a little angry in his heart.

You really think he is easy to bully, right?

Jiang Xun was no longer tolerant.

He used alchemy to forge a weapon in an instant.

He fought against him.

The top demon god physique gave him extremely powerful strength.

Moving mountains and filling the sea was a piece of cake.

Even Ying, a warrior, could not compare. He was directly at a disadvantage in the power confrontation.

The powerful force was transmitted from the naginata to the tiger's mouth.

She was almost unable to hold the weapon in her hand.

It took a while for her to recover.

There was some shock in her eyes.

She didn't expect that this guy who wore a mask and laughed all day long actually had such a terrifying body.

This kind of power was more powerful than those demon gods who used their bodies as weapons in the Demon God War.

She had never encountered it before.

However, she was not afraid of fighting. Fighting was never a competition of who was stronger.

It was more about skills and experience.

As the winner of the Demon God War, she believed that she would definitely not be bad in these two aspects.

Seeing the eagerness in the other party's eyes.

Jiang Xun had a headache.

The thing she least wanted to do happened. However

, I really won't blame him if he is gentler later......He was just acting in self-defense.

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