~ Inside a room in an unknown place.

Serafall was sitting at a desk looking at the person in front of her.

"Serafall-sama, we have already sent the hostages to the command center to check if they have any abnormalities. After the medical check-up is over, they will be taken to their respective families." Gacus gave a brief report on the situation in which the hostages were.

"Make sure everyone has been analyzed correctly, we cannot afford to send them to their families and it turns out they were used in some experiment," Serafall said with a sigh.

If it turned out that anyone had been a victim of the experiments, their families would not remain idle and with the situation in which the underworld was, they would cause chaos.

"I will personally check the results of their tests," Gacus said resolutely.

While they were arguing, a magic circle appeared in the center of the room.

The person who appeared as a man of medium stature covered in a tattered black robe but still managed to hide his appearance.

"Okay, you can leave." Once Leo appeared, Serafall fired Gacus.

Nodding towards Leo who had just appeared, Gacus didn't delay any longer and left the room.

Returning the greeting, Leo waited for Gacus to leave the room.

Once Gacus left, Leo took off his robe, his short jet black hair, blue eyes, a childlike face were exposed.

Looking curiously at the room, Leo asked, "Were are we?"

"In a hotel in Tokyo," Serafall replied.

'Apparently, Okita already knew where I was going 'Leo thought to himself.

"How was your fight with the snake?" Serafall asked with interest.

"The fight with the snake gave good results, helped me practice my fighting skills and also gave me several ideas to improve my skills. And what did you think of the fight with the devils? "Leo asked with a smile.

"It was quite interesting, dark matter is even more powerful than I had imagined. I had never expected you to have so many skills, you are a box full of Leo-chan surprises," Serafall replied with a smile.

"I'm sure you have more skills, what are they?" Serafall asked as she rested her elbows on the desk.

Leo just smiled without answering.

"By the way, Okita told me what to give you a message, 'In Tokyo foxes are being hunted' and that this was your job, not his, what is it about?" Leo said changing the subject.

When Leo heard Okita, he had several doubts. As the plot of the original story, I never name when the events of the story happened chronologically before Issei was killed and only the events were vaguely named. Leo never knew when some important events in history would begin, and from what he remembered, an event related to the hunting of Youkais was never named, he only remembered Yasaka's kidnapping but was not related to what was currently happening.

When Serafall heard Leo her face paled.

"No, it was just a job I had to do and when I found you, I wasn't attentive to the job," Serafall responded awkwardly.

"You've forgotten, right?" Leo asked with a contraction in his face.

"Of course not Leo-chan, I am a responsible devil and I would never forget my duties" Serafall replied avoiding Leo's mortal gaze.

"Oh ... I just remembered that I have to solve some issues, Leo-chan you can leave, your parents have also come to visit so you should go with them, they are in room 310." Serafall said as she disappeared quickly.

Leo went blank looking where Serafall was.


~ Knock knock

Opening the door, Leo's mother received her son with a smile.

"Leo, how have you been? Mom has missed you so much. Have you eaten well? Did you sleep well? Have you been cold? it's pretty cold so you have to get warm" Satomi bombarding Leo with questions.

Without allowing him to reply, she continues.

"I hope you didn't cause Serafall-san problems. She takes care of you a lot and even brought you to visit Tokyo, thankfully she was so kind as to invite us too, if it wasn't for your dad who was working, we would have come much sooner "She sighed Satomi with regret.

"Okasan, I've already apologized for that," Suezo replied with a grievance.

Ignoring her husband's pitiful look, Satomi she continued talking to Leo.

Once Leo finished answering all of his mother's questions, he got ready to go to his room to try to replicate the snake's ability.

"Where are you going, Leo?" Looking at Leo who was heading to his room, Satomi asked doubtfully.

"Eh? I'm going to my room," Leo replied, surprised by her question.

"No, it's still early so don't think about locking yourself in your room. It is a wonderful day and we are visiting Tokyo for a few days so we have no time to lose, get ready we will go sightseeing, not every day we can visit Tokyo" She said.

Since Leo was struggling with the legion of devils, it hadn't been too long for what was still late.

"But I'm tired," Leo replied.

"In five minutes we will leave, I hope that in those five minutes you are ready and if you are not, you will be punished" She threatened.


"But what?" Satomi Gave Leo a stern look.

Without saying anything else, Leo looked at his mother pitifully and went to change. Since he could not put his new ideas into practice, Leo continued to think of various ways in which he could improve his skills and the things he should improve.

Since Leo was born, the manipulation of dark matter became as common as breathing for him, whether changing his form, using it to strengthen his body, it was quite simple although when he gathered it, he needed to concentrate to prevent it from dispersing. Besides that, there was no problem being able to control it.

On the other hand, with his magic it was different, although he could use it without any problem, he could not control it completely. Adding to the fact that his reserves of magic increased continuously, it was almost impossible for him to use his magic efficiently without wasting it.

Once Leo was ready, the entire Tomika family left the hotel.


The sun had already set and the Tomika family had returned to the hotel after visiting the most famous places in Tokyo.

Leo sighed wearily. He had spent the whole day touring the city with his family. Throughout the trip, he discovered that it was better to face a horde of devils than shopping with his mother.

At the time they were visiting the city, their mother lost no opportunity to buy clothes and Leo turned out to be the victim who had to try a multitude of outfits that her mother liked.

"Leo-chan you seem very tired" A voice rang when Leo opened the door of his room.

Once Leo entered the room, the first thing he saw when he entered was Serafall lazily lying in his bed while she eating a package of cookies.

"Tsk ... I don't want to hear that from someone who doesn't do anything all day," Leo said as he left the bags on the floor.

"Of course not!" Exclaimed Serafall. "I have been working all day, we just dealt with a legion of devils and it turns out that here, they have already been making their move taking advantage of the opportunity that we were busy with the rebels," Serafall said as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"By the way, What is that about fox hunting," Leo asked.

"Ohya, Leo-chan, are you curious?" Serafall asked playfully.

"Not at all, I just wanted to verify you did your job correctly. You also don't have to tell me what it is about "

"Always, I do my job correctly. And since you're so curious to know, I'll tell you." Serafall said.

"It turns out ..." Serafall explained the situation in which the Youkais were

"And I imagine your job is to make sure no devil was involved," Leo concluded.

"Yes, since some rebels began experimenting with devils and some stray devils, it is possible that they were also trying to experiment with Youkais," Serafall said.

'It seems that the Hero Faction has begun to use interest in the Kitsunes.' Leo thought to himself when he discovered why the Hero Faction was so sure that they would invoke the Great Red if they used Yasaka and that was because they were already testing with other Kitsunes, only that they needed someone as powerful as Yasaka to succeed in the invocation.

"But there is nothing to worry about, this issue is not related to any of the three factions. So the Youkais will solve the matter for themselves." Serafall said.

"The three factions are not planning to help?" Leo asked.

"This matter is not related to us and although we want to help them, we have enough rebels to take care of to have time to help the Youkai's. As long as the matter does not go to extremes, we do not interfere, "Serafall said as she stretched her body.

"Now that I remember, in three days we will leave Tokyo and head to the underworld so prepare yourself," Serafall added.

"three days? I thought it would be within a month when we would go to the underworld " Leo asked surprised.

"Jejeje… in three days it will be the ceremony in which the evil pieces will be given to the devils of this generation and I thought it was a good opportunity to take you," Serafall said wich a smile.

"Sigh ... I've told you so many times, I have no interest in being part of someone's evil pieces and that includes you." Leo said knowing his true intentions.

"Who knows, maybe you change your mind," Serafall said as he left the room.

Leo could only sigh, he knew what she was trying to do but as much as he refused she kept insisting.

"It seems that I only have to wait until he surrenders." Leo thought in dismay.

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