In Leo's room, his magical energy gathered around him slowly forming a mantle over his body, when the mantle had covered the lower half of his body the mantle became unstable and quickly disappeared.

'I can't go on… this is harder than I thought.' Panting heavily, Leo sat on the bed and sighed wearily.

Since Leo talked with Serafall, about six hours had passed. Leo was resting for approximately three hours, after three hours Leo was in perfect condition so he began his experiments to replicate the snake's ability.

The more he tried to replicate the skill, he discovered that it was not as simple as he had thought. With the absorption of energy, one could dissolve the various powers exerted on the body. If the power could not exceed the support limit of the ability, the power would be absorbed and transformed into his power.

This caused it to be resistant to physical attacks and ineffective for attacks that could not exceed its absorption threshold. To deal with the absorption of energy, magical attacks that exceeded their absorption capacity was the best option. The supported limit of this type of skill naturally depended on the level and strength. In general, the support limit of the ability would always exceed the combat capacity of the same level. And once the energy to be stored at the level where it overflowed it was necessary to expel the excess. That would cause a large explosion depending on the level of power of the user.

If Leo listed the important points of the skill they would be:

1- It required great control of his magic.

2- Should be able to control the mantle completely so you can redirect the energy throughout your body.

3- It would act as a second layer of skin so it had to be very thin to maximize its effect

The skill had its complications but Leo could imitate it, he had imitated Full Counter. So this ability would be easier to replicate, right?

"I can easily solve magic control. Mantle control should not be a big problem, and creating such a thin layer to act as another layer of skin was difficult but not impossible. The only problem is mixing it with dark matter," Leo muttered to himself.

Thinking for a few minutes, Leo realized that it was not necessary to worry so much about fusing skill with dark matter.

'First I will imitate her with magic and then I will think about how to make it work with dark matter.' Once he decided what to do, Leo set out to practice.


Over the course of the two days, Leo immersed himself in his self-learning, sometimes he went out with his family to tour the city but always managed to take time to practice and after numerous attempts, on the third day Leo was already able to replicate the ability of the Snake just in time to travel with Serafall to the underworld.

Stretching his body, Leo left his room.

"Leo-chan, are you ready?" Seeing Leo leave his room, Serafall who was waiting asked as she rose from the couch.

"Yes, are we leaving now?" Leo asked.

"Where are you going?" Satomi asked curiously.

"Eh… I wanted to take Leo to visit my family, there shouldn't be any problem if he took me for a few days, right?" When Serafall finished speaking, her eyes emitted a faint glow.

Seeing how Serafall hypnotized his parents, he made Leo feel uncomfortable. He didn't like the idea of ​​hypnotizing his parents but he knew that if Serafall didn't do it, he couldn't go to the underworld.

'Just for this time, I shouldn't let him hypnotize them anymore' Leo thought to himself.

As it was Serafall who hypnotized his parents, Leo had no problem since he trusted her but if it was another devil he didn't trust he would cut off his head immediately.

"Sure, there is no problem," Suezo said monotonously.

"What do you say, honey? Leo has to go to school. Remember that when we changed school Leo insisted on being in a lower grade. So we should not let him miss more class." Undeterred from Serafall's gaze, Satomi scolded Suezo.

"Huh?" Leo and Serafall exclaimed in unison.

"I'm very sorry Serafall-san but Leo can't go with you, summer vacation will start in a few months so you could take Leo with you but now he can't miss classes," Satomi exclaimed.

Looking at Satomi with surprise, Serafall tried to hypnotize her again.

"I understand you Satomi-chan but I have talked to my sister about Leo and she wants to meet him" This time, Serafall's eyes shone even more intensely than before.

Undeterred, Satomi continued.

"I don't think it's possible. Leo has to study more, he is not yet able to write the Kanji perfectly and still has problems with classic Japanese. What would others think if they knew that they can speak Spanish, English, and Italian But they are not able to speak Japanese correctly? At first, I thought my son was a genius but it turned out that you were teaching him Serafall-san. So it's time for Leo to be more independent of you." Satomi exclaimed resolutely.

Listening to his mother, Leo felt ashamed, he was able to speak Spanish and English from his other life and Italian had been learning it recently, but Japanese was too complicated so he still had a hard time pronouncing it and writing it but curiously he was able to Understand it perfectly.

Genesis Note: (As I am a great god, I gave you the ability to understand it but learning to write and speak it is your job, I already have enough work translating you readers. ¡¡so praise me!!!)

"Eh ..." Not knowing what to say, Serafall looked at Leo and said quietly: "What have you done to your mother Leo-chan, hypnosis does not work with her"

Shaking his head, Leo was also as confused as she.

"I haven't done anything to him ... Will she have become immune?" Leo asked trying to find an answer.

"I don't think so, she is supposed to be a normal human so she shouldn't be able to resist if I hypnotized her, Leo-chan. Is your mother the same as you?" Serafall asked as her intrigue increased more and more.

"You should know better than me that my parents are normal humans" Leo replied with a snort, he already knew that Serafall had checked if his parents were human or not.

"Jejeje... that's a thing of the past Leo-chan, instead of thinking about that, you should think about how to convince your mother." Serafall said trying to change the subject.

"Tsk. You saved yourself for this time." Leo snapped his tongue in annoyance.

"Jeje" Serafall laughed awkwardly.

Looking at his mother, Leo turned his brain around to find a credible excuse but he couldn't think of anything so he decided to improvise.

"Mom, the trip will only be for two weeks ..."

"No" Satomi refused before Leo could finish speaking.


"No, be a good boy and don't argue with your mother," Satomi said as she looked coldly at Leo.

Before Leo could keep talking, Serafall intervened.

"You should let him come to my house Satomi-chan, he can study at my house"

"I know you care about Leo Serafall-san peró ..." Before Satomi could finish Serafall continued.

"My younger sister can help him study, she studies hard and I can make sure she is as smart as Leo. And I think she will help Leo delighted," Serafall suggested.

Contemplating her proposal for a moment, Satomi didn't think it was a bad idea.

Leo was surprisingly intelligent, he never studied and but he had good grades and although he had problems with his Japanese, he was able to speak three languages. What 12-year-old boy was able to speak four languages ​​without being considered a genius? Even so, she wanted Leo to learn to try harder and stop being so dependent on Serafall. So maybe knowing someone his age that wasn't so different from him will help you be more independent.

"Okay," Satomi agreed after thinking carefully.

Leo felt strange when his mother accepted so easily after listening to Serafall.

"Hurry Leo-chan, before your mother changes her mind." Serafall decided not to waste any more time and leave before her Satomi changed her mind.

"Sigh ... now that I have free time I should go take a bath" Satomi muttered to herself as she headed to her room without noticing the small black spots around her.

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