Chapter 0154 The pursuit through time and space!!

At the same time, pieces of black pixels suddenly appeared behind him, folding and opening.

In just a moment, a door to an unknown depth of space opened.

“Want to escape!?”

Uzumaki Naruto snorted, and the Eye of the Moon with nine magatama between his eyebrows opened instantly.

“You actually……?!”

Staring at the eyes of the monster moon between Uzumaki Naruto’s eyebrows, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was shocked.

Not caring much, he jumped back quickly, trying to escape into the space door.

However, at the moment when Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was about to escape into the space gate, the power of the eyes on Naruto Uzumaki’s ‘Eye of the Moon’ exploded.

The black pixel-like blocks that opened the space barrier quickly disappeared, and the space door also closed instantly.

The space door that closed in an instant was like a sharp space-time blade, and it almost chopped into pieces the half of Otsutsuki Ura’s body that jumped into the space door.

Even though he managed to escape after a narrow escape, Otsutsuki Ura Shi’s shoulder was still cut with a shocking wound that was so deep that his bones were visible.

This is his ‘Blood Successor Snare’. If it had been anyone else, he would have been dead by now!

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who was covered in injuries, was horrified. He really didn’t expect Uzumaki Naruto to be able to open the pupil between his eyebrows that he could only open in his second form.

“That bastard Otsutsuki Isshiki, he must have done it on purpose! This damn descendant of Kaguya Otsutsuki is so powerful, and he didn’t even tell me clearly!”

Feeling the murderous gaze of the ‘Eye of the Moon’ between Naruto Uzumaki’s eyebrows, Otsutsuki Ura’s heart was frightened.

It was obvious that in the battle with ‘Yomi Hirazan’ just now, the pair of six magatama reincarnations in his eyes were Eye.

He was defeated by the Nine Magatama ‘Eye of the Moon’ between Uzumaki Naruto’s eyebrows.

At this time, the reincarnation eyes in Uzumaki Naruto’s eyes suddenly bloomed with a dazzling bright light.

Immediately afterwards, the extreme light in his hand Condensed, the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Blast’, which was only one meter in length, was once again shortened to half a meter.

And even with the Six Magatama Rinnegan, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki felt extremely dazzling. He could not look directly at the gold in Uzumaki Naruto’s hand. Sword, horrified in his heart:”If I get hit, I will definitely die!”

The dazzling light dispersed all the surrounding smoke and dust, as if what Uzumaki Naruto was holding was not a golden sword, but a truly blazing and dazzling sun!

“i will die……”

The shock instantly turned into fear, and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki did not dare to wait for Uzumaki Naruto to make a move.

Immediately changed the six magatama samsara eyes in the eye sockets back to the special blue samsara eyes.

As the ‘Blood Successor Snare’, the escape techniques he has mastered are not limited to those of Hirazaka.

After transforming into the blue reincarnation eye, Otsutsuki Ura Shi shouted to Uzumaki Naruto:”Wait for me.……”

He was about to say a harsh word and then run away, but when he saw Uzumaki Naruto suddenly taking a step forward, he didn’t even have time to finish his harsh words. He didn’t dare to wait for Uzumaki Naruto to take action, and panicked and activated the secret technique to save his life.


In an instant, Otsutsukiura’s body turned into small paper cranes emitting red fluorescence and dispersed!!

Uzumaki Naruto’s eyes suddenly shuddered, and the Tsanscargan and the ‘Eye of the Moon’ were activated at the same time, tracking every paper crane.

However, these scattered paper cranes quickly disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed.


Uzumaki Naruto’s figure flashed and came to the place where Otsutsuki Ura Shiki disappeared.

“Time and space ninjutsu?”

From the remaining chakra fluctuations around him, Uzumaki Naruto instantly determined that Otsutsuki Ura Shiki had just performed some kind of time and space ninjutsu that he didn’t understand.

“Humph, want to escape? Not that easy!!”

After snorting coldly, the ‘Eye of the Moon’ between Naruto Uzumaki’s eyebrows suddenly emitted a burst of strange red light.

As long as there are traces of ‘Time and Space Ninjutsu’ left on the scene, whether Naruto Uzumaki understands it or not The ‘Time and Space Ninjutsu’.

He couldn’t escape the tracking of the ‘Eye of the Moon’ Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan between his eyebrows.


Otsutsuki Ura-style flashed and appeared hundreds of miles east of the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind. On the sea.

He was covered in injuries and extremely embarrassed. He did not immediately use the time and space ninjutsu to escape again, but stared at the sea below. He whispered in a low voice:”When I burst out my pupil power just now, this is the location I sensed. That should be right!”

Having said that, Otsutsukiura Shiki returned to his white eyes, and then turned on the perspective state and scanned the seabed.

After a while, he focused on a place and said happily:”Found it!”

Poof. He didn’t care much. He covered the wound of his broken arm and plunged into the sea, causing a wave of waves.

After a moment, he rushed out of the seabed with an object like an earthen jar and landed on a small nearby building. On the island.

After unlocking the seal on the earthen jar, Otsutsuki Urashiki shouted excitedly:”Wake up quickly, Plow!”

A flash of light flashed, and the original earthen pot instantly transformed into a small pink turtle.

It slowly stretched out its head and said in a mechanical voice:”The certification is passed, I am a Noble Phantasm, type! Ōtsutsuki

Urashiki raised the corner of his mouth:”Hey, it is indeed the Noble Phantasm that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya took away!””

At this time, the Noble Phantasm named ‘Type’ continued:”Dear Lord Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, please allow me to introduce to you the precautions when using it.……”

“Damn it, stop talking nonsense, shut up!

After roaring loudly, Otsutsuki Ura’s expression became ferocious again:”Start it now, quickly!””Quick” the Noble Phantasm ‘Shape’ said:”Please inject chakra……”

With a sullen face, Otsutsuki Ura-shiki poured his own chakra into the Noble Phantasm-type

“on the body.”

In an instant, the body of the Noble Phantasm ‘Plough’ emitted a burst of golden light, and then the golden light turned into a golden ball of light.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who had broken his arm, impatiently walked into the ball of light and shouted:”Quickly, quickly open the time and space tunnel, I want to go back to the past!”

“As you wish!”

The Noble Phantasm ‘Plough’ responded, and then said in a mechanical tone:

“I remind you again that maliciously tampering with the past will lead to unexpected bad luck, so please be careful.……”

Otsutsuki Urashiki glared at ‘Type’ fiercely:”Shut up, I know all this!”

There is no doubt that this treasure named ‘Type’ is from the Otsutsuki clan who was brought to the ninja world by Kaguya Otsutsuki. ‘s treasure.

Its function is very simple, that is, traveling through time and space.

When fighting Uzumaki Naruto before, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki exploded his eye power with all his strength, and unexpectedly sensed the ‘type’.

So he made a plan to travel to the past with the help of the Otsutsuki Clan’s Noble Phantasm, and eradicate Uzumaki Naruto when he was weak.

Because Uzumaki Naruto was so powerful, he, who was also the”Blood Successor Snare”, even lost the courage to face Uzumaki Naruto again.

Seeing that the time and space tunnel has been opened, Otsutsuki Ushiki snorted coldly while waiting for the shuttle:”You are just a lowly blood descendant, how dare you despise me and humiliate me! Just wait, I will let you know that our Otsutsuki clan The horror!”

“Huh, just because you are strong now, doesn’t mean you were as strong in the past!”

“Is it?”

Just when Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was imagining how he would insult the weak Uzumaki Naruto after traveling back in time, a cold voice faintly sounded in his ears.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was startled, turned around suddenly, and found that he was not far behind him. A space door suddenly appeared.

And Uzumaki Naruto, whom he least wanted to see, slowly walked out of it.

“This…how is this possible!?”

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was shocked.

He had been urging ‘Kata’ before because he knew that Uzumaki Naruto would definitely be able to track him down.

But he never expected that Uzumaki Naruto could directly break through the barrier of the Noble Phantasm and invade the Kata. In the activated space-time tunnel

“Hey, this is it?”

Uzumaki Naruto did not attack immediately, but was attracted by the colorful streaming pictures in the time and space tunnel.

Because his reincarnation eye captured many of these pictures were fragments of what happened in the ninja world in the past.

He was so shocked that he almost exploded. How dare Otsutsuki Ura Shiki continue to stay in the time and space tunnel.

Taking advantage of Uzumaki Naruto’s attention being attracted by the time and space tunnel, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki jumped up without thinking and rushed into a stream of light without choosing the right path.

Seeing Otsutsuki Ura Shiki He jumped and disappeared into the space-time tunnel. Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes were dazzled.

At this time, the Noble Phantasm ‘Plough’ said:”The certification is passed. I am a descendant of the noble Lord Kaguya Otsutsuki. I am the Noble Phantasm ‘Type’. Please allow me to introduce you to the precautions when using it.”

The inspection function of the Noble Phantasm quickly determined the noble identity of Uzumaki Naruto’s superior Otsutsuki, and the certification was completed in an instant.

He also introduced the usage and precautions to Uzumaki Naruto Matters.

After carefully listening to the explanation of ‘Kata’, Uzumaki Naruto stared at the little pink turtle in front of him with a strange look on his face:”Travel through time and space?”

Things that travel through time and space have never happened in the ninja world. Before, Naruto had used the violent torrent of the ‘Dragon Vein’ to accidentally travel back to the past, a thousand years ago.

But Uzumaki Naruto did not expect that the technology of the Otsutsuki clan was already superb. At this point, it is actually possible to create a treasure phantom that can accurately travel through time.

“This Noble Phantasm was brought to the ninja world by Kaguya Otsutsuki, which means that the Otsutsuki clan had mastered this level of technology thousands of years ago.……”

As this thought came to mind, the slight pride he had just generated from crushing Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who was also the blood successor, was quickly restrained by Uzumaki Naruto.

A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard.

Just from the Noble Phantasm ‘Plough’ that opened up the space-time tunnel in front of him, Uzumaki Naruto could deduce that the Otsutsuki clan not only has the ability to travel between the stars, but also to colonize the stars.

He also has extremely in-depth research on the mysterious and unpredictable fields of time and space.

Comparatively speaking, the ninja world is like a child just starting out in this regard.

“Don’t underestimate the Otsutsuki clan just because of Urashiki.”

In the bottom of his heart, Uzumaki Naruto secretly warned himself.

At this time, the Noble Phantasm ‘Type’ said:”You can choose any time point here and travel back to the past.”

“However, any changes you make to the past will have unpredictable effects on the future, so please be cautious.”

Uzumaki Naruto nodded gently.

He was always cautious when coming into contact with new things that he didn’t understand, let alone things like time travel. Even without the reminder of the Noble Phantasm, Naruto would not act recklessly.

This is the basic quality of a person who knows the Tao of Gou well.


Suddenly, Uzumaki Naruto noticed a picture in the light surrounding the space-time tunnel, and the person in that picture was not anyone else, but himself! As soon as the thought came to his mind, he casually picked up the pink turtle shape and stepped into it. Arriving in the stream of light.

As the world spun around, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and the time-travel was completed in an instant.

As the”Blood Successor Snare”, Uzumaki Naruto was not affected by the dizziness. On the contrary,

Naruto took advantage of it. Taking this opportunity, I fully activated my reincarnation eye and ‘Eye of the Moon’, and carefully observed the entire process of time travel.

“It’s unbelievable that chakra can be twisted to such an extent. The more he analyzed it, the more shocked Naruto Uzumaki was by the Noble Phantasm of ‘Kata’.”

Using Chakra as the cornerstone to pry up space barriers is no longer difficult for Uzumaki Naruto to understand.

But using Chakra as the cornerstone to move the time tunnel is beyond Uzumaki Naruto’s current understanding. Kara understood.

After condensing his divergent thoughts, Uzumaki Naruto returned his attention to his eyes. It was already dusk, and there was only a faint sunset left on the horizon, and in the forest not far away


Uzumaki Naruto hiding in the distance raised his lips and chuckled.

Because Naruto saw Uzumaki Naruto when he was young. To be precise, at that time, the current Naruto had not yet traveled to this ninja world.

At the same time Naruto also knew the time when he crossed over, which was during the Chunin Exam!!

Of course, at this time, the current Naruto has not yet crossed over.

Now there are sounds of fighting everywhere in Konoha Village, but Naruto has not Pay no attention to it, but want to find the young Naruto as soon as possible.

After all, that guy Otsutsukiura Shiki was eyeing his youth!

Although the Naruto of this period is not the current Naruto, if the Naruto of this period dies,, then there will be nothing for him in the future.

Naruto will not allow that kind of thing to happen under his nose!! In a flash, he disappeared!!

When Naruto reappeared, he saw the Uzumaki of this period Human and Gama Buntai combined to form the Nine-Tails and defeated Gaara’s one-tail jinchūriki.

Both of them were exhausted in the end, and they were exactly the same as in the original scene.

Naruto also glanced at it from the corner of his eyes. Uchiha Sasuke, his appearance, the future Uchiha Sasuke also died.

But for this! Naruto will not be sad or anything at all, because Naruto only believes in himself.

After a few minutes, the battle is over!!

Uchiha Sasuke wants to As he approached Uzumaki Naruto, he suddenly fainted, and so did everyone else!!

Only Uzumaki Naruto at this stage did not faint, but he was also exhausted and said confusedly:”Huh? What’s going on??”

The moment the young Uzumaki Naruto saw Uzumaki Naruto approaching, the young Uzumaki Naruto said doubtfully:”Are you me??”

“What do you think?”

The current Naruto asked back.

The young Uzumaki Naruto didn’t think much about anything else and asked:”Will I become Hokage in the future?!”

What worries the young Uzumaki Naruto the most is whether he will become Hokage.

“The Sixth Hokage.”

Now Naruto answered this sentence, but this sentence is enough.

“Great, the Sixth Hokage, I have become Hokage.”

The young Uzumaki Naruto, who was already exhausted, jumped up with excitement when he heard this.

At the same time, it seemed that he would be able to become Hokage in a few years.

But that doesn’t mean that the young Uzumaki Naruto didn’t understand and asked:”Who is the Fifth Hokage??”

“Tsunade, one of the apprentices of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.”

The current Naruto responded.

The current Naruto is not in a hurry and slowly introduces the past situation to the young Uzumaki Naruto!!

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