Chapter 0155 Time and space are converging!!

After the excitement, the young Uzumaki Naruto said with some worry:”Tell me this, doesn’t it matter?”

At least he couldn’t change history unscrupulously, so he was a little worried about whether the future would change after he knew this information about the future.

The current Uzumaki Naruto explained:”Don’t worry, after I leave, this memory of yours will be sealed and it will not affect our future.” The young Uzumaki Naruto was a little confused:”Memory seal? Then Why are you telling me this? Isn’t this unnecessary? It’s too risky!”

Now Naruto smiled and said:”I just want to tell you that your seemingly humble efforts are not without purpose!”

“Although this memory will be sealed by me later, at least for this moment, you should feel better!”

Of course, it is impossible for the current Naruto to tell the Uzumaki Naruto of this period that the current Naruto will travel through time in the future.

After all, the current Naruto will also be somewhat worried, because the distortion of time and space changes all the original Thing!!

Looking at the dull-looking boy Uzumaki Naruto, the current Naruto smiled and said:”No need to be so surprised”

“In the future, you will do many things that seem unbelievable now. You should be aware of your integrity!”

The young Uzumaki Naruto was speechless, why did his future self evaluate him like this!! It’s so sad. The young Uzumaki Naruto looked at the surroundings worriedly, because there is a future him, the young Uzumaki Naruto was also afraid of being seen!!

Naruto Uzumaki retracted his gaze with a smile on his face and said calmly:”Don’t worry, this space has been imprisoned by me!

At this time, the young Uzumaki Naruto asked curiously:”By the way, why do you want to travel back in time?” Is there something wrong with the future?”

“Not a big deal, just hunting down a nasty guy.”

With that said, the current Naruto came to the young Uzumaki Naruto and said:”I want to leave a mark on you.”

“If that guy targets you at a later time point, I can come immediately.”

The young Uzumaki Naruto nodded quickly, but it cannot affect him in the future. The future is the sixth generation Hokage of Konoha Village.

Just thinking of this makes the young Uzumaki Naruto excited!! He is very excited deep in his heart.

Now Naruto used the ‘Eye of the Moon’ between his eyebrows to leave a mark on the young Uzumaki Naruto that could not be detected under the ‘Blood Successor Snare’.

Now Naruto said:”I’m leaving, I wish you well transport!”

The young Uzumaki Naruto nodded quickly:”Well, wish me good luck!”

Now Naruto no longer lingered, turned around and walked out.

Young Uzumaki 917 Naruto shouted:”Hey, come on! The enemy must be eliminated! Protect the safety of Konoha Village, I believe you can do it, future me!”

Now Naruto did not look back and waved his hand casually:”Don’t worry!”

After that, the current Naruto disappeared into the sunset with a ‘swish’ sound.

And as the current Naruto disappeared, the young Uzumaki Naruto suddenly felt a wave of tiredness, and then like everyone else, Fainted on the ground.

The young Uzumaki Naruto had no idea what he had lost just now.

While sealing the memory, Naruto also erased the Asura chakra from the body of the young Uzumaki Naruto!!

To be honest!, I’m not worried that it’s fake. Now Naruto is also worried that when he travels back to Naruto in the future, what should he do if he is delayed by that Asura chakra? If you’re not afraid of ten thousand, you’re afraid of ten thousand. So! Naruto directly seals the memory. At the same time, it is not unreasonable to erase Asura’s chakra.

At least now Naruto will feel more at ease.

In another time and space, the one-armed Otsutsuki Ura Shiki fell to a big tree in the Leaf Village. On the tree, looking at the distant environment

“What bad luck!”

Otsutsuki Urashiki spat in frustration.

There is no doubt that he knew that the time he had traveled back was too short.

The Uzumaki Naruto in this time and space is not only an adult, but may also be very powerful.

“It’s all because that damn guy was chasing me too closely, preventing me from traveling to the most suitable time point.”

“Now I can only hope that in this time and space, his strength has not reached its peak.”

After thinking for a moment, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki opened his Byakugan and spied on Konoha Village.

As a blood successor with a mutated blue reincarnation eye, he can control time. Snare L.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is very aware of the backlash that will result from using time travel to eliminate a blood successor Snare.

But Otsutsuki Ura Shiki doesn’t care, because he has confidence in himself!

No matter what kind of timeline correction, he believes in himself He could bear the trap of the blood successor and possess the blue reincarnation eye.

At most, he would encounter some unexpected changes.

And if he paid some price, he could eradicate Naruto Uzumaki, the life and death enemy. He felt that It was worth it.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he immediately searched for traces of Uzumaki Naruto in this time and space.

After searching two or three times, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki knew who the damn guy was without even finding Uzumaki Naruto. Not here.

In fact, Otsutsukiura-shiki can take action to destroy the Leaf Village, but Otsutsukiura-shiki does not dare. In fact, Otsutsukiura-shiki is also afraid that the impact will be too great. Returning to the original time and space will lead to unpredictable The consequences are too serious.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki’s purpose from beginning to end is to kill Uzumaki Naruto

“Just wait for me! Damn bastard!!”

Before he finished speaking, Otsutsukiura Shiki disappeared in place. Since he has traveled through time and space, that guy must be somewhere in this time and space.

As long as he is found, kill him and Otsutsukiura Shiki will win. At a certain time and place.

Otsutsuki Ura’s expression was joking:”You monkeys, you dare to attack me?”

After successfully sealing ‘Naruto Uzumaki’, the dark clouds that had been hanging over Otsutsuki Ura’s head disappeared in an instant.

So at this time, he returned to his previous arrogance! He was scolded by ‘Shinra Tensei’ and was severely beaten Jiraiya struggled to get up after falling to the ground.

He glanced at ‘Uzumaki Naruto’ who seemed to be frozen, and then asked Otsutsuki Ura Shiki:”Who are you?

Jiraiya then asked:”Why do you have the Samsara Eye?” What is your relationship with Nagato, and why did you attack us?”

Jiraiya looked at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki warily.

From the outside, although Otsutsuki Ura Shiki had the Rinnegan and the terrifying chakra that made everyone frightened, his right arm seemed to have been cut off at the shoulder level. The clothes on his body were also badly damaged, and he looked as if he was being hunted by someone. He was extremely embarrassed.

Therefore, Jiraiya subconsciously had a question, who is chasing him? Who can chase him?

Otsutsukiura Shiki ignored Jiraiya’s question, but used the fish basket magic weapon hanging on his waist to take in the sealed ‘Uzumaki Naruto’


Jiraiya saw this and all stepped forward to attack again!

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki waved his hand casually, and another huge repulsive force was waved out, sending Jiraiya away who was attacking him.


After a cold snort,

Otsutsuki Ura Shichi let out a sigh:”You inferior creatures are not even qualified to communicate with me, and you still want to ask me questions? Are you worthy?”


After saying that, Otsutsuki Urashiki laughed and flew into the air.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who was high in the sky, shouted proudly:”Uzumaki Naruto, you didn’t expect it, but I won.””

“No one on this planet can stop me now! Everything here will belong to me!”

At this time, Otsutsukiura Shiki is both proud and cathartic!

Otsutsukiura Shiki can’t remember how long it has been since he felt the threat of death. In his long life of thousands of years, he has always been the only one to hunt others, and no one can Threaten him.

Therefore, although the previous fight with Uzumaki Naruto was very brief, the unforgettable feeling of being just one step away from death left an indelible psychological shadow on him, so after the victory, he needed to vent!!

After the catharsis, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki did not stop. The blue samsara pupils in his eyes swelled up, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air. And at the moment

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki left, Uzumaki Naruto followed this time and space to himself. The coordinates of the mark.

With the pupil power of the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan ‘Eye of the Moon’, he forcibly tore apart the time and space barrier and arrived here.

Seeing the moment when Otsutsuki Ura Shiki disappeared, Uzumaki Naruto was surprised:”I’m coming late?”

Immediately, he looked around and quickly discovered the Naruto of this time and space.

Then he had a strange look on his face:”Hey, isn’t the Naruto of this time and space still there? So why was that guy so proud when he left?”

“It seems like you don’t know that there is such a thing as the shadow clone technique, right?? This Otsutsukiura style is also quite rubbish. Jiraiya struggled to get up. When he saw a different Naruto, he was very confused and asked:”Are you really Naruto?”?”

“Why do you give me the feeling……”

However, before Jiraiya could finish speaking, Naruto directly erased Jiraiya’s memory with a wave of his hand!!

After all, it wouldn’t be good for Naruto if Jiraiya was left with these memories that he shouldn’t have!!

Glancing at the space-time entity Naruto not far away, Naruto now had a smile on his lips.

After returning to normal time and space, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki immediately became vigilant.

He is waiting, waiting for the timeline to end, waiting for the correction force to come back, and he knows very well that those who try to fool history will often be fooled by history.

So after solving Naruto Uzumaki through time travel, he was ready to withstand the backlash of the correction force of time and space.

Eye socket���His pair of mutated blue reincarnation eyes watched the surroundings with great vigilance.

However, after a while, nothing happened, only the sea breeze was blowing slowly.

Otsutsuki Ura-shi laughed and said:”I thought I would encounter some inexplicable bad luck, but it turned out that there was nothing!”

“Hahaha, it seems that even time and space don’t dare to disobey me!”

Before he finished speaking, the time and space in front of Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was distorted, and a figure came out of the distortion. After seeing the figure coming out of the distortion clearly, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was stunned!! He murmured:

“How is that possible?, how is this possible? I have obviously sealed you!”

Uzumaki Naruto did not answer, but glanced coldly at the Otsutsukiura-style fish basket magic weapon hanging on his waist.

He knew that the shadow clone of Uzumaki Naruto in that time and space was inside.

The brief stay just now made him understand Come to what Otsutsukiura Shiki did in that time and space.

After knowing that Otsutsukiura Shiki mistook the shadow clone he was pretending to be for him and used the title of”Blood Successor Snare”, he launched a sneak attack without shame, and even used Behind a magic weapon.

While he was laughing and laughing, he couldn’t help but lament the horror of the correction power of time and space. There is no doubt that Otsutsukiura Shiki launched the wrong raid in the wrong place. It was not just luck. There must be corrections in it. The influence of force.

It is very likely that Otsutsukiura Shiki came at a time point when Naruto was lazy using the shadow clone technique.

It is time and space that is converging to prevent Otsutsukiura Shiki from trampling history at will.

After all, Uzumaki Naruto is not an ordinary creature, his The existence has profoundly affected the situation of the ninja world in recent decades and determined the direction of the Fourth Ninja War.

Once the key figure of Naruto Uzumaki is obliterated, the timeline of the entire ninja world will fall into irreparable chaos.

Therefore, the correction power of time and space made a clever arrangement to fool the self-righteous Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Of course, even without the influence of the correction power, Uzumaki Naruto would not have an accident because he had made arrangements in advance, and in his own The coordinates were left on his body, and the reason why he was a step late just now was simply because the first thing Otsutsukiura-shiki attacked was the shadow clone technique of Naruto of time and space.

If the first thing Otsutsukiura-shiki attacked was the true shadow clone of that time and space, body Uzumaki Naruto.

The coordinates will be activated immediately, allowing the future Uzumaki Naruto to instantly come to that time and space.

Looking at the Uzumaki Naruto slowly approaching, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki still had a dull look on his face:”Is this how I am revising history? bad luck?”


“At this time, Uzumaki Naruto turned on the reincarnation eye chakra mode, and the nine” seeking jade” quickly condensed into his hand, reuniting into a dazzling golden sword!

Looking at the dazzling golden light in front of him, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki’s heart trembled:”No,Do not kill me!”


Before he finished speaking, Uzumaki Naruto’s figure passed by him!

Immediately afterwards, a stream of blood spattered out, and the staggering Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was horrified to find that his left leg had been injured by Uzumaki Naruto. He flew away in an instant!

He fell to the ground. Otsutsuki Ura-shiki was filled with fear, and his face no longer had the arrogance before.

Otsutsuki Ura-shiki shouted:”Our Otsutsuki clan cannot kill each other. If you kill If you kill me, you will be wanted by the whole clan! Uzumaki Naruto snorted:”I’m not some Otsutsuki!””

Otsutsuki Urashiki tried his best to persuade:”No, you are Otsutsuki! With your strength, you will become the leader of our family”

“Being given a large star map and inexhaustible resources!! Uzumaki Naruto said indifferently:”What I need, I will get it with my own hands, I don’t need anyone to give it to me!””

“Do not kill me! Don’t kill me you bastard!”

Otsutsuki Ura-shi was crawling hard on the ground, trying to stay away from Uzumaki Naruto, but with one arm and one leg missing, he couldn’t crawl fast at all.

Uzumaki Naruto was still walking towards Otsutsuki Ura-shiki unhurriedly.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who was crawling on the ground, roared:”Damn it, why can’t my hands and legs recover!”

These injuries should have been recovered quickly for his ‘Blood Successor Snare’.

I don’t know why, but the blood is still flowing until this moment, with no signs of recovery.

Therefore, although the blood is also almost immortal,”Jiwangluo”.

But now he has completely lost the confidence to compete with Uzumaki Naruto, even when he still mastered the second form.

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