Chapter 0158 Naruto’s strategic approach changes!!

Boom boom boom. At this moment, there was a violent explosion on the ground. In an instant, smoke and dust flew everywhere, obscuring the Iwagakure team!

“not good!!”

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki exclaimed.

Without waiting for the Third Tsuchikage Onoki to give instructions, Kurotsuchi changed his previous casual attitude, buried his hands in the ninja bag at his waist, and rushed towards the ground.

Because of the Rinnegan Eye The storage device is a medium-sized constant-temperature nutrient tank, which is transported by the team on the other side, and the explosion just now was concentrated near the device for transporting the samsara eye.

Swish… swish… swish… right there in the Third Tsuchikage When Onoki and Kurotsuchi landed on the team transporting the Rinnegan Eye, figures wearing red cloud uniforms of the Akatsuki organization jumped out of the smoke.

“Akatsuki organization!? How dare you……”

With just one glance, Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, recognized that the enemy who attacked them was an old acquaintance of the Akatsuki organization.

As a result, there was no unnecessary nonsense between the two sides, and a melee broke out in the divine space.

A moment later, with a twisting vortex, Uchiha Obito returned to the Kamui space carrying the Rinnegan Eye storage device.

Said to Uzumaki Naruto who was already guarding there:”We got it!!”

Uzumaki Naruto just briefly glanced at the device that stores the Rinnegan Eyes, and then nodded:”Very good, you can re-transplant these Rinnegan Eyes now. Bar!”

“What!? Uchiha

Obito was shocked at first, then stared at Uzumaki Naruto and asked:”You’re not trying to plot against someone again this time, are you?”?”

Surprised at Uchiha Obito’s keenness, Uzumaki Naruto looked over with some surprise.

Uchiha Obito spat:”Don’t look at me like that, I suffered so much at your hands,”

“Even if he is really a pig, he should be smarter now! Uzumaki Naruto smiled:”

Yes, letting you attack Iwagakure and snatch the Rinnegan Eye is indeed just part of my plan.”

Uchiha Obito became serious:”Your purpose is to let me legitimately regain the Samsara Eye?””

“Um. Uzumaki

Naruto nodded and responded.

Uchiha Obito was a little confused:”Then why do you have to let me attack Iwagakure?”?”

“With your current strength, it should be an easy task to deal with several other villages, right? There is no need for 01 to do so much, right?”

“Solve other villages?”

After a pause, Uzumaki Naruto shook his head:”No, no, no, I do this to keep them!!

Uchiha Obito became even more confused:”Keep other ninja villages?””

Uzumaki Naruto said:”If there is not enough threat, there is no need for me to take action, and those ninja villages will slowly disappear.”

“So I have to do something to keep them alert and necessary to exist!!

Uchiha Obito asked in confusion:”Why?” Now you can clearly and legitimately unify the ninja world!!”

“Let everyone enjoy peace, why do this?”

Uzumaki Naruto glanced at Uchiha Obito:”Peace? Uchiha

Obito opened his hands and responded:”Yes, you are now the strongest sage in the ninja world. As long as you are here,”

“The ninja world can stay away from war and killing forever, and there will be no need for ninja villages to exist anymore!

Uzumaki Naruto shook his head after hearing this. Uchiha

Obito’s face darkened:”Did I say something wrong?””

“It’s a pity that the ninja world is not an island!”

After sighing lightly, Uzumaki Naruto explained:”The peace you ideally want is indeed desirable.”

“But for the ninja world, absolute peace is a slow poison.”

“It will castrate our fighting spirit, lower our vigilance, interfere with our judgment, and make us unable to resist when facing the predators in the stars!

Uchiha Obito asked:”The predator in the starry sky?” You mean the Otsutsuki clan?”

Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly and continued:”If we were the only ones in the universe, the peace you long for would not be impossible to achieve.”

“But the reality is that we are only a small part of this universe. If we cannot maintain sufficient competitiveness and vigilance,”

“We will be like the lives on the planets destroyed by the Otsutsukis.”

“Complete destruction in the universe, even the traces of its existence will be wiped out”

“If we work together, aren’t we more competitive? Uchiha

Obito asked in confusion.

Uzumaki Naruto chuckled:”Just imagine, if I eliminate all the disputes in the ninja world, will the ninja still have the basis for existence?””

“If there is no battlefield as a stage to show talent and a tool to test diligence, how will the next generation of children prove themselves?”

“Is it based on seniority? Will the Hokage’s son continue to be Hokage? The son of a Jonin will continue to be a Jonin?”

Uchiha Obito fell silent.

He really hasn’t considered this issue. War has brought a lot of suffering to the ninja world.

But for ninjas, war is undoubtedly the fairest and fastest way to rise.

There is no third During the Second Ninja War, there would be no”Konoha Sannin” who became famous in the ninja world. Without the Third Ninja War, there would be no counterattack by the civilians of”Golden Flash”.

Without the Akatsuki organization, there would be no Uzumaki Naruto now. Power King Kuanglan.

Competition is often the best catalyst for progress.

Uzumaki Naruto continued:”Before we completely master the technology of interstellar travel and can launch a full-scale battle for the universe with Otsutsuki,”

“I must retain the necessary internal competition and retain a stage for the younger generations and geniuses to display their talents.”

“I can’t let the ninja world turn into a pool of stagnant water! So even without you, I will create a new Akatsuki organization and create a new shadow,”

“It hangs over everyone’s head at all times, so everyone should stay alert and get used to being vigilant!

Uchiha Obito hesitated several times:”But the harm of war is……”

Uzumaki Naruto waved his hand:”Don’t worry, the war like before that affected several big countries and affected countless civilians will never happen again.”

“Such a war is meaningless and will only increase hatred and destroy the production base of the ninja world.”

“What I need is local conflict and controllable confrontation.”

Unlike the idealist like the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, Uzumaki Naruto is very pragmatic.

He needs confrontation and competition, but these are only for the most critical technological progress.

So he will control the intensity of competition, Avoid violent wars like the previous ninja wars!!

In his plan, he will use the Kingdom of Fire as the core in the future. He will use gentle means to gradually merge the surrounding small countries and the Kingdom of Water hanging on the sea., bringing the entire ocean under control and turning it into an inland sea.

Then further compressing the living space of Cloud Hidden, Rock Hidden, and Sand Hidden.

Some rich areas of the Kingdom of Thunder, the Country of Wind, and the Country of Deno were also brought under control.

In While retaining these three ninja villages, completely lose their ability to launch large-scale wars.

Force them to transfer their insufficient funds from large-scale ninja training to the cultivation of elite ninjas and technology research and development.

Maintain this Fight without defeat, compete with each other and cooperate with each other.

In this way, the geniuses and elites from both sides can have a stage to show themselves.

Children like Minato Namikaze who come from ordinary backgrounds but have extraordinary talents can There is a channel for advancement.

It also allows researchers from both sides to have an arena where they can compete with each other on their research results.

In short, Uzumaki Naruto needs Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Sunagakure to act as ‘competitors’ And the role of pursuer.

Constantly spurring his subordinates, his own researchers, and his own juniors.

Until one day the ninja world masters mature interstellar travel and interstellar colonization technology.

This role of ‘competitor’ will be We can let the Otsutsukis take over, and the ninja world can be truly peaceful.

After a long silence, Uchiha Obito asked:”Does it really need to go to this point? Do we really need to be vigilant all the time?

Uzumaki Naruto said:”You should have heard about what happened at my wedding, right?”

Uchiha Obito nodded:”Well, I heard about it!””

Uzumaki Naruto chuckled and said mockingly:”But you probably don’t know”

“Just a little bit, I was wiped out by that Otsutsuki in the timeline and history, right?”


Uchiha Obito was startled for a moment.

Uzumaki Naruto talked about how he and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki passed the Noble Phantasm ‘Plough’ and competed in history, and then asked:”Now, do you think it is necessary??”

After listening to Uzumaki Naruto’s description of the strange contest between him and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki in the past timeline!!

Uchiha Obito was stunned at first, and then broke out in cold sweat.

Everyone has times when they are weak, even if they are born gods. He may have been in peak condition since he was born.

Therefore, the Otsutsukis can travel through the time line and find when the enemy is weak in history to attack.

Not to mention anything else, this incredible combat idea alone made him shudder instinctively.!!

After a while, Uchiha Obito looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a complicated expression and said:”Fortunately, you are the winner!!”

His emotion was not only glad that Uzumaki Naruto defeated Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, but also faintly glad that Uzumaki Naruto defeated him.

Because in his opinion, if he controlled the ninja world, he would be the one attacked by Otsutsuki Ura Shiki..

Then he may have been obliterated from the timeline by Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, because he simply cannot imagine this level of confrontation.

Uzumaki Naruto said:”Except for the Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who appeared at my wedding, I doubt There are one to three more Otsutsukis currently hidden in the ninja world.”

“There are so many more? His face sank, Uchiha Obito asked:”Is this why you asked me to re-transplant the Samsara Eye?”?”

Uzumaki Naruto said:”Yes, in addition to Ura Shiki, there is at least one Otsutsuki hidden in the ninja world.”

“And nine times out of ten, he is someone who knows us very well.”

Uchiha Obito thought of something, and his expression changed:”He watched the Fourth Ninja War??”

Uzumaki Naruto nodded and responded:”This time is too subtle, so I suspect that the other party was observing in the dark when the war broke out.”

After a pause, Uzumaki Naruto continued:”The reason why I failed to eradicate the root cause this time was to eliminate the Otsutsukiura style.”

“It’s because once you scare the other party, it’s not that easy to eradicate the root cause.”

“If the other party wants to hide! Even I probably can’t do anything about it!!”

After understanding the threats that the ninja world is facing now, Uchiha Obito became much more serious and asked:”What do you want me to do?

Uzumaki Naruto smiled:”Do your job!”!”

“Old business?

After a slight hesitation, Uchiha Obito reacted:”You want me to contact those Otsutsukis in the name of the Akatsuki organization?” Uzumaki

Naruto’s eyes narrowed:”I won’t let them prepare to attack me again.””

“I want to take the initiative to attack, but they are very hidden, maybe even hiding in a different space, so I can only use you to lure them out.”

“Does this work? We had such a fierce confrontation before, but the other party didn’t come to me?”

Uchiha Obito raised his doubts.

Uzumaki Naruto said:”The situation now is different from before. Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who is also a ‘blood successor snare’, was easily defeated by me.”

“But the Otsutsuki Ishiki, which has been hidden for thousands of years, is hiding and not fighting. This shows that the opponent is either in poor condition or not sure of winning.”

“In short, there should be nothing they can do to me now. Uchiha

Obito immediately understood:”I understand. They didn’t take us seriously before, so they didn’t bother to intervene in our disputes.””

“And this time you gave them a big lesson, making them realize that it is not easy to defeat you.”

“So it is possible for them to find allies in the ninja world to deal with you!!”

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said:”Yes, and if the other party is really as I analyzed, he secretly watched the entire Fourth Ninja War.”

“Then he should have some understanding of your strength. As long as you regain the Samsara Eye, the probability of him wooing you is very high.”

Uchiha Obito asked hurriedly:”If those Otsutsukis really find me, what should I do? Uzumaki Naruto said calmly:”You only have to do one thing, and that is to find their hiding place!””

“Then what??”

Uchiha Obito asked quickly


Smiling, Uzumaki Naruto glanced at the sealed ‘Ten-Tails’ on the side, and his eyes gradually became piercing:”Of course I will personally send the return gift!!”

Naruto will not allow it. There are several Otsutsuki clan jumping on his chassis!!

Therefore, when necessary, extraordinary means must be used to achieve the goal.

Uchiha Obito nodded. It can be said that these plans of Naruto Uzumaki, The level of danger is very high.

But Uchiha Obito supports Uzumaki Naruto’s decision!!

Because now the only one who has the ability to protect the ninja world is Uzumaki Naruto…shuashuashua…

Teams of ninjas began to gather and left in a hurry Konoha Village was still immersed in the carnival of Naruto Uzumaki’s wedding.

When the news that Iwagakure’s reincarnation eye was robbed came back to Konoha Village, especially the news that the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Obito, appeared again.

The ninja alliance, which had been dispersed due to the end of the war, became nervous again when the name”Akatsuki Organization” appeared in everyone’s sight again.

And as soon as they took action, they accurately took away Uchiha Madara’s pair of reincarnation eyes..

No one needed to emphasize anything, the ninjas realized the seriousness of the matter.

There is no doubt that the psychological shadow left by Uchiha Obito on everyone in the Fourth Ninja War has not dissipated. He returned to Wood in embarrassment. Onoki, the third Tsuchikage of the Leaf Village, directly proposed to convene the Five Kage Conference.

This time Iwagakure stumbled into a big mistake!!

Not only was they raided by the Akatsuki organization who should have fled, they also lost the common property of the five ninja villages. The Rinnegan.

This makes the Third Tsuchikage Onoki very embarrassed!!

Because it is a common property, the Rinnegan, and other shinobi villages have no objections. It is fake, so the Third Tsuchikage Onoki is so angry.

PS: Many supports, flowers, vote, please support with various data, your support is the author’s motivation.

The more you support, the more the author will be able to kill himself!!

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