Chapter 0159 Complete the ten-tailed six-level peak life form!!

At the Five Kage Conference, the third Tsuchikage Onoki had a gloomy look on his face:”Those people in the Akatsuki organization are so abominable, we must completely eliminate them!” The fifth kage shadow Gaara’s focus was obviously on Uchiha Madara’s twin reincarnations. Eyes:”The top priority is to regain the lost Samsara Eye immediately.”

“If Uchiha Obito has the Rinnegan Eye again, then except for the Sixth Hokage, none of us will be his opponent!”

Listening to the Fifth Kazekage Gaara’s suggestion, the Third Tsuchikage Onoki beside him was so shy that he could only bite the bullet and echoed:”Yes, we must regain the Rinnegan Eye as soon as possible!”

Bang, the Fourth Raikage Ai slammed his palm on the conference table and said angrily:”It’s this Uchiha Obito again!”

The combination of old and new grudges made the Fourth Raikage Ai furious.

Hatake Kakashi, who attended the meeting on behalf of Naruto Uzumaki, was solemn on his face, but he was embarrassed in his heart.

Obviously, he knew that Uchiha Obito had been taken by the Uzumaki. Naruto’s recruitment, so this attack was undoubtedly caused by Uzumaki Naruto.

Jiraiya and Tsunade, who knew about it, looked at ease.

Now they know that Uchiha Obito was absorbed by Uzumaki Naruto because Uchiha Obito and Kakashi are close friends!!

In addition, Jiraiya, Tsunade and others can also be regarded as the information revealed by Kakashi. Other than that, no one else in the village knows about it, so it is not Senior leaders don’t have to worry about other villages knowing that the Akatsuki organization was absorbed by Uzumaki Naruto.

As for why Uzumaki Naruto did this, they haven’t figured it out yet, but they just roughly guessed that it might be related to dealing with Otsutsuki hidden in the ninja world. After a simple discussion, a consensus was quickly reached at the Five Shadows Conference.

As Uzumaki Naruto expected, everyone unanimously approved the proposal to comprehensively strangle Uchiha Obito.

The proposal was passed, but how to operate it was stumped Everyone was stunned.

Although the previous Fourth Ninja War ended with the defeat of the Akatsuki organization, in fact, Uchiha Obito still survived. Therefore, if Uzumaki Naruto did not take action, the ninja coalition would attack Uchiha. Obito’s advantage is far less than imagined.

After all, Uchiha Obito has taken away Uchiha Madara’s pair of reincarnation eyes.

You must know that Uchiha Madara’s pair of reincarnation eyes were the result of the Ten-Tails investigation. Carat’s nourishment.

And under the control of Obito and Madara, he entered the peak six-level realm twice.

Just like Uzumaki Naruto’s reincarnated eye after undergoing the blood continuation fusion ceremony, the eye itself can It can be regarded as the ‘sixth path level’ reincarnation eye.

Of course, Uzumaki Naruto’s reincarnation eye now belongs to the blood net level.

After Uchiha Obito regained these eyes, his strength was at the lowest level below the ‘sixth path level’ That level of strength.

As long as Naruto Uzumaki doesn’t take action, even if several Kages from other villages come together, they can’t do anything to Uchiha Obito.

Therefore, after the Five Kage Conference, several Kages found themselves in the mansion of the head of the Hyuga family. Uzumaki Naruto.

I hope that Uzumaki Naruto can personally take action and catch all the Uchiha belts.

After seeing off the few shadows who came to the door, Kakashi, who accompanied the few shadows, asked Uzumaki Naruto:”Naruto, what are you doing? What’s the plan? Why should Obito raid Iwagakure and snatch the Rinnegan Eye? Uzumaki Naruto smiled and asked:”The news that Uchiha Obito is reactive should have spread by now, right?””

Kakashi’s eyes narrowed, he vaguely guessed something, and said:”Well, it was just at the Five Shadows Conference.”

“The ninja coalition has formed hundreds of search teams. As these teams search the ninja world,”

“It won’t be long before the entire ninja world knows that Uchiha Obito is back active and has taken away the Rinnegan.”

“Great, don’t block the news, let the news spread as widely as possible.”

After a pause, Uzumaki Naruto winked at Kakashi:”As for the search for Uchiha Obito, you will be responsible for it!

Kakashi asked:”Approximately to what extent?”?”

Uzumaki Naruto said casually:”Don’t let Uchiha Obito really get caught.”

“If you have the right opportunity, you can also pretend to fight for a few times, as long as you don’t get caught! Kakashi asked again:”Naruto, are you doing this to target those Otsutsuki?””


Naruto Uzumaki nodded in response.

After receiving a positive answer, Kakashi stopped asking any more questions and turned around to make arrangements. After Kakashi left, Uzumaki Naruto directly activated the Yellow Springs Hirazan, and then stepped into the deep space gate in one step.

In a blink of an eye, Uzumaki Naruto arrived at the fortress where Uchiha Obito was, then walked to the power room and carefully inspected the fused giant reincarnated eye.

“At this rate, the fusion should be completed within a week!”

After more than a month of fusion, the fusion state of the giant reincarnation eye has come to an end. According to Uzumaki Naruto’s estimation, the fusion should be over in another week.

And according to the inspection, Uzumaki Naruto can now be sure, after the fusion is completely completed, his giant reincarnation eye will definitely be able to enter the ‘sixth path level’.

In fact, the giant reincarnation eye on the moon itself is already very close to the six path level.

Otherwise, the big tube in the original space and time It is also impossible for the Muto people to use it to control the moon to hit the ninja world.

After all, the moon in the ninja world is not a naturally occurring celestial body.

It is Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and the Hamura brothers use it as the ‘Six Paths Earth Blast Star’, a ‘sixth level’ A man-made celestial body formed by the condensation of powerful sealing techniques.

If there is no power close to the ‘Six Paths Level’, it cannot affect the movement of the moon.

Therefore, although the giant reincarnation eye of the Hyuga clan is not as good as the giant reincarnation eye on the moon, But they belong to the same realm.

It’s a pity that the giant reincarnation eye on the moon completely disappeared last time because of the blood continuation fusion ceremony.

But there are gains and losses, and it’s a normal thing!!

Now What Naruto is doing is to bring the giant reincarnation eye of the Hyuga clan to the Great Six Paths level.

Let the level of the giant reincarnation eye be truly improved.

Otherwise, if the level of the giant reincarnation eye is not improved, it will be helpful to Naruto. It’s simply insignificant.

That’s why Naruto’s current series of actions!!

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the sealed Ten-Tails and said lightly:”It’s not the Ten-Tails in its peak state.”

“Not doing much for me, so I need to get it back to its peak!!”

After Uchiha Obito’s efforts in the Fourth Ninja War.

The ten tails in front of me have been completed with one tail, two tails, three tails, four tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, eight tails, these eight The tailed beast is close to its complete body.

For ordinary people, the Ten-Tails in this state is already a super weapon.

Whether Uchiha Obito or Uchiha Madara, they all rely on the Ten-tails in this state to successfully cross the border. The entry-level ‘Sixth Level’.

But for Uzumaki Naruto, a ‘blood successor’, the Ten-Tails in its current state is still a little less interesting.

So Naruto looked at the Ten-Tails, just to fill in the final missing parts of the Ten-Tails The Nine-Tails restored the Ten-Tails to its peak state before being dismembered by the ‘Six Paths Sage’.

Only the Ten-Tails in its peak state is barely qualified to become the trump card of a ‘Blood Successor Snare’ like Naruto Uzumaki.


With a soft drink from Uzumaki Naruto, the seal that restrained the Ten-Tails was instantly released.


The Ten-Tails who escaped from the trap suddenly shouted loudly, and the sound waves were vented to the surroundings with a sound wave visible to the naked eye, making people in the ‘divine power space Uchiha Obito inside was horrified!

“Isn’t it so shocking every time I see the Ten-Tails?!”

Subconsciously taking two steps back, Uchiha Obito’s heart was in turmoil.

The Ten-Tails completely surpassed the tailed beast level. Even the Nine-Tails, the most powerful among the tailed beasts, was far from being comparable to it.

Uchiha Obito was all over the place. Feeling a little uncomfortable, he said,”This guy seems to be going on a rampage again!”


At this time, Uzumaki Naruto snorted.

The Ten-Tails, who was about to go berserk, was awakened by this snort. He quickly calmed down his restless chakra, became honest, and squatted aside obediently like a pet. The

Ten-Tails is chaotic. The symbol is a weapon in the true sense, so unlike the tailed beasts, it has almost no emotions and only knows the most primitive obedience and killing.

Although the Ten-Tails has subsided, the fear in Uchiha Obito’s heart has not been relieved. He instinctively felt fear:”So… so strong!!”

“As expected of the Ten-Tails, I didn’t pay that much attention before, but now that I really feel it, I realize that the amount of chakra the Ten-Tails has is so terrifying.”

Before, I was too carried away and only believed in realizing the infinite Tsukuyomi plan, so I ignored it!!

But now it is different. Only after I felt it seriously did I know the terrifying chakra aura of the Ten-Tails!!

Uzumaki Naruto shook his head:”This is not the peak of it.”

The difference between complete completion and incomplete completion is very big. Even though we are only missing one Nine-Tails at present, the impact on the Ten-Tails is in all aspects.

This is not just a matter of chakra amount. It also involves the completion and balance of various attribute chakras in the Ten-Tails body.

So as long as the Nine-Tails is replenished into the Ten-Tails body, the completed Ten-Tails.

No matter in terms of chakra quantity or chakra quality, there will be a very significant improvement.

After all, this Ten-Tails has been carefully cultivated by Kaguya Otsutsuki for thousands of years, and has successfully condensed a mature chakra fruit.

Judging from the importance the Otsutsukis attach to it, Even among the Otsutsuki clan, it should be very rare for the Ten-Tails to develop to this level.

Uzumaki Naruto immediately opened the ‘Eye of the Moon’ between his eyebrows and controlled the Ten-Tails. In an instant, one after another The lavender chain shot out from the mouth of the Ten-Tails.

At the same time, Naruto formed a seal with his hands, and as soon as the seal ended!!

The Bagua seal on Naruto’s belly was released, and Nine-Tailed Naruto rushed out of Naruto’s body.

“Kyuubi? There is really a qualitative difference from the Ten-Tails!”

Uchiha Obito on the side compared the auras of the Nine-Tails and the Ten-Tails.

He came to the conclusion! There is an essential difference between the Nine-Tails and the Ten-Tails!!

The two are not on the same level.

At the same time, Uchiha Obito also We know that Kyuubi is another clone of Naruto, but there are also some doubts.

Is Naruto really planning to let the Ten Tails absorb his other clone Kyuubi??

This means that Naruto has another clone. A body of nine tails will disappear because of this.

Of course, Uchiha Obito will not disturb Uzumaki Naruto’s decision. Now Uzumaki Naruto is his immediate boss, Uchiha Obito.

For Naruto who is in the realm of Blood Continuation Snare, there is no danger in separating the Nine Tails.

This danger is only for those below the Sixth Path level!!

It has no impact on life forms above the Sixth Path level!!

“here we go.”

Naruto whispered.


In just a few breaths, all the lavender chains pierced the huge Nine-tails Chakra in the body of Nine-Tails Naruto, and flowed directly into the Ten-Tails’ body along the purple chains.

Kyuubi Naruto’s body continued to lose weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kyuubi Naruto became as skinny as a stick, and his entire huge body seemed to have been sucked dry.

Finally, the Ten-Tails instinct increased its strength to devour the Kyuubi. The original chakra of the tail.

Suddenly a huge force came and interrupted the devouring of the ten tails.

Naruto said:”I can’t let you destroy my other body!”!”

The one who just interrupted the Ten-Tails and finally devoured it was Uzumaki Naruto.

If the Nine-Tails���If it is all swallowed up, it is equivalent to another body of Naruto, completely disappearing from the world. How can Naruto ask for permission??

At this moment, the Kyuubi is only the size of a lion!!

The amount of chakra on his body is only about the same as the chakra of an ordinary jounin.���

It is conceivable that if Naruto had not intervened in time to interrupt it, the Nine Tails would have been completely devoured by now.

But fortunately, at least it was saved. Even if the Nine Tails shrank to the size of a tiger or a lion, at least a trace of the yin and yang carat origin was preserved.

Even if it’s just a trace, leaving life is the most important thing.

This is enough for Naruto. It can be said that the Ten-Tails has absorbed 99.99% of the Nine-Tails’ chakra.

“The Ten-Tails has recovered.”

Uchiha Obito stared at the Ten-Tails at this moment with wide eyes.

Roar… another deafening roar!

The Ten-Tails, which had absorbed the Nine-Tails and supplemented all the chakra, now became more powerful. The ‘Six Paths’ life form suddenly became the pinnacle of the ‘Six Paths’.

Uchiha Obito’s eyes were sharp, and he instinctively felt fear.

Although he was mentally prepared, the Ten-Tails after completing all the tailed beasts, It was still stronger than he expected.

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto was looking at the Ten-Tails who was gradually returning to his peak state.

At the same time, he reached out and put his hand on Nine-Tails Naruto’s shoulder, passing him some Yin Yang Chakra.

With the strength of his current ‘Blood Successor Snare’, it is easy to heal the Nine-Tails who have been drained of a large amount of Yin-Yang Chakra source.

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the Ten-Tails in front of him with satisfaction at this time and said with a smile:”Not bad!

Uchiha Obito glanced at Uzumaki Naruto and said in shock:”It’s just not bad?”?”

“Just nice.”

After a pause, Uzumaki Naruto said:”It will enhance my strength to a certain extent.””

“But it still doesn’t have a qualitative change effect, but it’s pretty good!

Uchiha Obito asked:”Do you want to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki?””

Uchiha Obito was shocked. It turned out that Uzumaki Naruto had been working for a long time in order to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Uchiha Obito was aware of the risks of becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Uzumaki Naruto nodded, He said casually:”Well, let’s just make do with it for the time being!”

The reason why he wants to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki is obviously to deal with the threat of the Otsutsukis.

Because even he can’t guarantee that he will definitely win if he fights one against four.

In addition, the current situation, compared with the original time and space, It has changed beyond recognition.

Therefore, he cannot rely too much on the vague memories of the original time and space to judge the strength of the enemy.

Therefore, before taking action, he must do everything possible to improve himself to increase the chips in his hand.

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