Chapter 0168: Pupil Technique Great Black Sky Space!!


In an instant, another huge black stone spear appeared out of thin air and stabbed Uzumaki Naruto. However, this time Uzumaki Naruto did not dodge and turned a blind eye to the black stone spear stabbing him.

Accompanied by a loud ‘boom’, the black stone spear touched the wisps of breeze around Uzumaki Naruto at the moment when it was about to stab Uzumaki Naruto, and was instantly shredded by those seemingly harmless breezes, turning into a piece of debris blown by the wind


Otsutsuki Ishiki’s expression suddenly changed.

Because what was crushed by the breeze just now was not only the black stone spear he released with ‘Maikokuten’, but also several black sticks that he shrunk with ‘Shaoning Vigana’.

He was originally He was planning to use the black stone spear to attract Uzumaki Naruto’s attention, and then repeat the same trick, using Shaoning Kunguna to shrink the black rod, avoid Uzumaki Naruto’s insight, and launch another sneak attack. But he never thought that the lingering Uzumaki Naruto The breeze around people can not only shield giant targets such as black stone spears, but also resist the raids of black sticks shrunk by ‘Shaoming Vigana’


Uzumaki Naruto in the pit took a step forward and walked slowly towards Otsutsuki Ishiki on the opposite side.

Otsutsuki Ishiki frowned and said:”Impossible, I have already investigated the pupil technique of your reincarnation eye., there is no such pupil technique at all!!”


Uzumaki Naruto chuckled, with a trace of ridicule on his face.

Otsutsuki Ishiki may have investigated him, or he may have really found out some information about him and the Tsangikan, but Otsutsuki Ishiki obviously does not understand his true nature.

Unlike many people who simply pursue power, Uzumaki Naruto will never stop exploring the unknown, even if he has achieved the ‘Blood Successor Snare’. So even though he knows enough about his reincarnation, But he never stopped exploring and developing the Tsangikan.

Because of this, he developed the chakra invasion characteristics of the ‘Kinrin Reincarnation Blast’, allowing him to use ‘Kinringan’ as one of the two major pupil techniques of the Tsangikan. The Tensei Baku has the terrifying destructive power to kill people of the same level.

And if the pupil technique of ‘Golden Wheel Tensei Blast’ is the highest manifestation of the Tenseigan’s gravitational force, then the other pupil technique of the Tenseigan, Ginrin Tensei Blast, is the Tenseigan. The highest expression of repulsion.

Based on this, Uzumaki Naruto developed the new ‘Ginrin Tensei Blast’. He put shackles on the original disordered and violent repulsion of ‘Ginrin Tensei Blast’, sorted out the context, and allowed That storm that could overthrow everything turned into a clear, delicate and smooth breeze.

And this seemingly harmless breeze is actually a storm that returns to order, so even in the face of the most terrifying attack, it can Easily tear it apart.

Today’s ‘Ginrin Tensei Explosion’ is no longer a means of attack, but an ‘absolute defense’ unique to Uzumaki Naruto, a domineering body that ignores all attacks!

Watch as it approaches you Uzumaki Naruto, Otsutsuki’s pupils shrank, subconsciously took a step back and said in shock:”Uzumaki Naruto, your chakra has been contaminated by super acid, they are tarsal maggots,”

“Even if we, the ‘Blood Successor Snare’, want to completely eliminate them, it will take a lot of effort.”

“In battle, you don’t have such a chance, so you will lose!!”

Uzumaki Naruto heard the words and briefly glanced at the mottled color spots attached to his reincarnated eye chakra coat.

These mottled color spots were the super acid that had previously melted into the steam and stained his whole body, and like the Otsutsuki Ishiki As he said, this kind of super acid that does not exist in the ninja world is indeed extraordinary. He has tried it before, but found that it could not be removed. It seems that this super acid has the ability to specifically restrain chakra.

But the steps are not smooth. The stopped Uzumaki Naruto quickly retracted his gaze:”After I deal with you, I have plenty of time to deal with this!!”


After saying that, Naruto Uzumaki, who was slowly approaching, immediately launched an offensive. In a flash, he suddenly rushed in front of Otsutsuki Ishiki.

Otsutsuki Ishiki’s face was gloomy, and he had no choice but to bravely go forward.

Bang bang. In a blink of an eye, a series of muffled sounds of fists and kicks erupted in the huge pit!!

Even without the indestructible golden sword of ‘Golden Wheel Tensei Blast’, Uzumaki Naruto’s offensive was still fierce and fierce, and ‘Ginrinn Tensei Blast’ Absolute defense means that he doesn’t need to worry about the weird eye skills of the first style, and can focus wholeheartedly on the offensive. Therefore, although Otsutsuki’s physical skills are extremely high, far surpassing those of Otsutsuki Momo, Otsutsuki Ura, etc. Facing Naruto Uzumaki’s onslaught, he could only retreat step by step.

“hateful! hateful! hateful!”

Otsutsuki Ichishi, who was gradually suppressed by Uzumaki Naruto, began to become angry, and his original calm look was replaced by ferocious distortion.

In the fierce battle, he successively tried the ‘Maikokuten’ and Shaoning Kunguna many times, and some Several times, he even used ‘Shaona Kunguna’ to shrink himself, trying to catch Uzumaki Naruto off guard, but either he was penetrated by Uzumaki Naruto’s reincarnation eye, or he was caught by the ‘Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion’ lingering around Hyuga Mirror. He flew out with no chance at all.

Not long after, Uzumaki Naruto hit more and more smoothly, and finally broke through Otsutsuki’s defense, and punched Otsutsuki’s face impartially, knocking him fiercely. It flew away.


With a huge roar, the Otsutsuki who was knocked away created a long ravine on the ground, which extended for thousands of meters before he could stop himself……

As soon as Otsutsuki stopped his body in one move, and before he could get up, Uzumaki Naruto fell in front of him, grabbed his collar and twisted him up:”It’s over!!”

“”Ahem!” After coughing violently for a few times, Otsutsuki Ishiki suddenly said with a ferocious smile:”Naruto Uzumaki, even if I can’t kill you, you can’t kill me either!”!”

With that said, Ōtsutsuki Ishiki disappeared.

Uzumaki Naruto thought that Ōtsutsuki Ishiki had shrunk him again, so he quickly activated his reincarnation eye and looked around carefully, but did not find any trace of Ōtsutsuki ichishi. At this moment, Otsutsuki Mu Ishiki suddenly appeared next to Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who was seriously injured and fell to the ground in the distance.

Uzumaki Naruto immediately flew to high altitude, looked over from a distance, and thought to himself:”Is this guy trying to swallow Otsutsuki Ura Shiki??”

With the previous example of Otsutsuki Momoshiki devouring Otsutsuki Kinshiki, it is not surprising that Uzumaki Naruto felt cannibalistic among the Otsutsukis.

However, what Uzumaki Naruto did not expect was that Otsutsuki Ishiki actually passed on some chakra. To Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, he helped Otsutsuki Ura Shiki recover some of his injuries, and then urgently urged:”Quick, go to the ninja world!!”

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, who had recovered somewhat, said in surprise:”Go to the ninja world??”

Otsutsuki Isshiki glanced at Uzumaki Naruto high in the sky and said,”I’ll drag that guy here, and you take the opportunity to go to the ninja world to harvest chakra!!”

Obviously, after discovering that he was unable to break through Naruto Uzumaki’s Ginrin Reincarnation Explosion despite all his efforts, Otsutsuki Iski came up with an idea to fight a war of attrition, that is, he would block the space in this different space and block it. Uzumaki Naruto then asked Otsutsuki Ura Shiki to go to the ninja world to harvest chakra. The knowing Otsutsuki Ura Shiki looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a cruel smile on his face:”Don’t worry, I will turn the ninja world into hell.!!”

After that,���Without any further hesitation, Tsutsukiura Shiki instantly activated the ‘Yomi Hirazan’ and disappeared into a different space.

“You can’t kill me, but I can destroy the ninja world in front of you!!”

Otsutsuki Ishiki laughed loudly, while staring at Uzumaki Naruto with the word”meter”, sealing the space in the area where Uzumaki Naruto was, making it impossible for Uzumaki Naruto to return to the ninja world through time and space ninjutsu. Watching the disappearing Otsutsuki Ishiki, Uzumaki Naruto began to think thoughtfully.

Otsutsuki Ishiki continued to laugh:”Haha, I am invincible, you will understand this soon,”

“And you can’t go anywhere, you can only slowly exhaust your chakra here, and then die in humiliation!!”


Spitting disdainfully, Uzumaki Naruto swayed and came to Uchiha Obito who was nailed to the ground by the black sticks of the Otsutsuki style. Then he waved the black sticks that were nailed to Uchiha Obito. All cleared away.

Panting heavily, Obito Uchiha quickly said:”Naruto, we must stop the Otsutsuki Ura style, otherwise the ninja world will be over!!”

In Uchiha Obito’s view, although Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is not as good as Uzumaki Naruto, he is still a ‘blood successor’. In the entire ninja world, except for Uzumaki Naruto, no one should be Otsutsuki Ura Shiki’s opponent.

Uzumaki Naruto was not too nervous, and just ordered calmly:”You rush back to the ninja world and hunt down Otsutsuki Ura Shiki!”

“Can I do it?”

After asking, Uchiha Obito continued:”And that guy Otsutsuki Ishiki has blocked the space. I’m afraid there is no way for me to return to the ninja world!!”

The ‘Eye of the Moon’ between Uzumaki Naruto’s eyebrows suddenly became brighter. Then, a space gate tore through the space barrier with difficulty, and slowly appeared in front of Uchiha Obito. At the same time,

Naruto also passed on some The temporary power of yin and yang escape was given to Uchiha Obito.

In an instant, Uchiha Obito’s strength returned to the Six Paths level again, but it was not as powerful as the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

But it was enough, the Six Paths level strength With the addition of the Samsara Eye Technique, there is no problem at all in dealing with a huge Otsutsukiura style.

Naruto Uzumaki still believes in the fighting ability of Uchiha Obito.


Uchiha Obito was surprised. It was not only Uzumaki Naruto who could open the door to another space.

Because it was mainly the Yin-Yang Escape power that Uzumaki Naruto passed to him, which allowed him to once again possess the strength of the Six Paths level.

Even if it is only the early stage of the Sixth Path level, the Sixth Path level is the Sixth Path level, and cannot be compared with those below the Sixth Path level.

Also surprised was Otsutsuki Ishiki not far away. He never thought that Uzumaki Naruto could break through his space blockade.

However, he soon discovered that Uzumaki Naruto did not break through the blockade by his own ability, but with the help of a certain chakra in the ninja world, combining inside and outside, he broke the space barrier.

Uzumaki Naruto then ordered Uchiha Obito:”Go!!”

“Be careful yourself!!”

Knowing that the situation was urgent, Uchiha Obito did not dare to delay, and quickly got into the space door and left this different space.

Uzumaki Naruto then waved his hand and removed the space door.

After learning that the Otsutsuki One Style can seal the space, after the time and space ninjutsu failed.

He dared to take a preemptive strike and broke into the Otsutsuki’s territory alone. Obviously he would not be unprepared. The

Otsutsuki style can indeed block the space door opened unilaterally by Uzumaki Naruto.

But it cannot The space gate that blocks Naruto Uzumaki and the giant reincarnation eye left in the ninja world opens from both sides at the same time.

In other words, the giant reincarnation eye left in the ninja world is a coordinate and receiver that belongs exclusively to Naruto Uzumaki. As long as it is still there, Uzumaki Naruto can ignore the blockade and return to the ninja world from any different space.

Of course, after returning to the ninja world, Uzumaki Naruto will not be able to invade the different space of the first style again.

It is precisely with this in mind, Uzumaki Naruto He did not personally return to the ninja world to hunt down Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, but asked Uchiha Obito to hunt Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

He believed that Uchiha Obito would have no problem dealing with a seriously injured Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

He sent Uchiha Obito away. After the soil, Uzumaki Naruto moved his sight to Otsutsuki Ishiki.

Otsutsuki Ishiki’s expression was extremely embarrassed at this moment. Uzumaki Naruto can send Uchiha Obito away.

It means that Uzumaki Naruto himself can leave at any time, which undoubtedly declares His tactic of killing Uzumaki Naruto by 270 was a complete joke.

Sighing helplessly, Otsutsuki Ishiki asked:”You are more difficult to deal with than I thought.”

“You actually recorded chakra coordinates of that magnitude in the ninja world. How on earth did you do it??

Uzumaki Naruto said coldly:”I have no habit of explaining to the dead!”!”

Otsutsuki Ishiki snorted softly and said:”Uzumaki Naruto, I admit that I made a miscalculation this time. I can’t kill you, but you can’t kill me either.”

“So that’s it for now! As for the Otsutsukiura style, it’s up to you!! Uzumaki

Naruto said:”Kill if you want, stop if you want. Do you think there is such a good thing in the world?”?”

Otsutsuki restrained his previous ferociousness and madness, smiled slightly and said:”I’m just stating a fact, you can’t kill me!!”

Sa Uzumaki Naruto didn’t waste any more nonsense. He immediately pounced on Otsutsuki’s Istki and unleashed a highly concentrated ‘Eighty Gods Air Strike’.

However, just like before, in the face of Uzumaki Naruto’s attack, Ipshiki was once again inexplicable. He disappeared.

Then he appeared in another place hundreds of meters away, smiling leisurely and saying:”You can’t kill me. This is your fate, you ignorant person.”

“Why resist fate?? Uzumaki Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly and said,”Did you just move yourself into your pupil space?””

“Very sharp!”

Smiling, Otsutsuki Isshiki continued:”Since you have guessed it,””

“Then you should know that no matter how you try, you can’t kill me!!”

Otsutsuki Ishiki did not deny that he had indeed hidden in the ‘Daikokutian Space’ in his right eye just now.

And because of the existence of the rice word, Uzumaki Naruto could not follow the traces of space to invade his ‘Daikokutian Space’ Inside.

So his ‘Daikokutian Space’ is absolutely safe, which is why he is sure that Uzumaki Naruto cannot kill him.

In fact, deep down in Otsutsuki Ishiki’s heart, he is also worried that if Uzumaki Naruto keeps following He kept working hard.

By then, Otsutsuki Ichiki himself might feel that he would be in trouble!

After all, Uzumaki Naruto is not an ordinary person! Such a monster rarely appears in the ninja world for thousands of years.


Uzumaki Naruto did not give up and withdrew. The Ginrin Reincarnation Explosion lingering around him once again turned all the Tao-seeking jade into dazzling golden swords, and slashed towards Otsutsuki Ichitori. However, as the golden light flashed, Uzumaki Naruto’s slash hit empty again!!

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