Chapter 0169 My goal is the sea of stars!!

Otsutsuki Ishiki, who had moved his position again, appeared again. He crossed his arms and smiled leisurely:”It seems that you are stupider than I thought. Isn’t it good to accept your fate calmly?”

“If you want to vent your anger, isn’t there Urashiki? So let’s stop. I can pretend that everything that happened before never happened!!”

“You continue to live here, and I will leave the ninja world and return to the family!!”

Uzumaki Naruto raised the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Blast’ in his hand, pointed at Otsutsuki Ishiki on the opposite side and said:”Do you think I will believe your nonsense??”

Otsutsuki Isshiki raised his hand and took out a glass of red wine from the ‘Daikokutian Space’, took a sip, and then said with a smile:”It’s been discovered, but so what? I can’t kill you,”

“But I can find opportunities to slowly kill all the relatives and friends around you, and destroy the ninja world in front of you.”

“And all you can do is just watch it all happen!! Uzumaki Naruto said coldly:”Shameless!!”

Otsutsuki opened his arms and said proudly:”Who said you can’t kill me?”


In a burst of roar, Uzumaki Naruto exploded with speed To the extreme, he swung the dazzling golden sword in his hand and stabbed Otsutsuki Ichishi.

Otsutsuki raised the corner of his mouth in one move, and before Uzumaki Naruto attacked, he hid in the Daikokutian space again, and then there was a flash of light and shadow.

The reappeared Otsutsuki Ishiki instinctively wanted to mock Uzumaki Naruto.

But he was horrified to find that Uzumaki Naruto was right in front of him, and the golden sword in Uzumaki Naruto’s hand pierced his chest at some point.

After coughing up a mouthful of blood, Otsutsuki looked at Uzumaki Naruto in surprise and said,”Why… why?!”

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said,”You thought my previous attack was incompetent rage? Ha, I was doing that. Calculate the precise time that needs to be traced back!!”

As he said that, Naruto Uzumaki suddenly waved the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ in his hand to cut off Otsutsuki’s body.

While swinging his sword, Uzumaki Naruto’s Nine Magatama Rinnegan Sharingan on his forehead shone with red light, strongly disturbing everything around him.


Otsutsuki’s body was split into two by Uzumaki Naruto’s ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Blast’, with shock and confusion still remaining on his face.

He didn’t understand why he, who was supposed to be invincible, was struck by Naruto Uzumaki, because he hid in as he expected! After Mahakala Space.

Uzumaki Naruto would completely lose track of him, and it would be impossible to guess where he would appear again.


At this time, a violent explosion of Otsutsuki came from the fracture of Otsutsuki’s body.

Immediately afterwards, the Ten-Tails, which was sucked into the body by Otsutsuki Ishiki, roared and broke free, and suddenly appeared in front of Uzumaki Naruto


Looking at the other Ten-Tails emerging from Otsutsuki’s body, Uzumaki Naruto was slightly surprised.

However, he quickly reacted and raised his hand to aim at the Ten-Tails that was obviously smaller than his own. The unfamiliar Ten-Tails who walked around shouted:”Earth Explosion Star!!”


In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and countless rubbles rose up from the ground.

They swarmed towards the strange Ten-Tails who had just escaped from Otsutsuki’s body.


Otsutsuki’s Ten-Tails roared immediately and tried to resist Uzumaki Naruto’s ‘Earth Explosion Star’.

However, its resistance was undoubtedly in vain. It barely struggled for a few times and was submerged by countless rubbles., was buried in the giant sphere and slowly rose to the sky.

After casually solving the ten tails of Otsutsuki Ishiki, Uzumaki Naruto immediately turned his attention to Otsutsuki Ishiki again. With the sword just now, although he blocked the middle The body of Ōtsutsuki Ishiki was broken and the Ōtsutsuki Ishiki was divided into two.

But for a living body like the ‘Blood Successor Snare’ that does not rely on the body, such trauma is far from fatal.

So when When he returned his attention to Otsutsuki Ishiki, only the incomplete lower body of Otsutsuki Ishiki was left in front of him, while the upper body was missing.

“Want to escape??”

Uzumaki Naruto snorted, then slashed the lower body of Otsutsuki into pieces with a sword.

Then the reincarnation eyes in his eyes bloomed with a bright brilliance, and he looked around.

Soon, the corner of his mouth With a raise, he locked onto Otsutsuki Ishiki, who had shrunk into a particle state not far away, with only his upper body remaining.

For a ninja of Uzumaki Naruto’s level!!

Once his reincarnation eye is adapted, Otsutsuki Ishiki’s name The shrinking effect of Kunguna was greatly reduced.


With a sway of his body, Uzumaki Naruto accurately flashed in front of Otsutsuki Ishiki, and slashed down the golden sword in his hand.

His body was cut off, and he lost the Ten-Tails. Otsutsuki Ishiki didn’t dare to confront Uzumaki Naruto at this moment. He immediately hid in the ‘Daikokutian Space’. However, just like before, when he appeared again, Uzumaki Naruto was waiting in front of him and stabbed him with a sword. She entered his chest and picked him up with only half of his body left.


“After coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, Otsutsuki asked in confusion:”Why? Why can you guess where I appear?”

Uzumaki Naruto kept the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ in his hand and pointed at Otsutsuki. A chakra attack on the body.

Uzumaki Naruto whispered:”Look around clearly first!!”

Otsutsuki Ishiki, whose mind was filled with panic and surprise, then paid attention to his surroundings.

To his shock, he discovered that it was not that Uzumaki Naruto had tracked him, but that he was still hiding in the position before he entered the ‘Daikokutian Space’

“How can this be?! Before I activated the pupil technique, I had re-anchored the position where I appeared, and it was protected by the word”rice”.”

“No one can interfere with my anchoring, so why don’t I switch positions??”

After saying that, Otsutsuki was stunned for a moment. He recalled what Uzumaki Naruto had just said about going back in time. Then he suddenly realized it and immediately looked at Uzumaki Naruto blankly.

There is no doubt that in the field of space, there are Otsutsuki Ipki’s combination of”rice” characters is indeed invincible.

Because of the existence of”rice” characters, Otsutsuki Ipki’s ‘Daikokuten Space’ has become an absolutely safe harbor.

Even if the Ipkiki cannot allow itself to stay in the ‘Daikokuten Space’ for a long time, In the”Black Sky Space”, he can also move his position at will through the safe”Great Black Sky Space” to avoid enemy attacks.

In the space field alone, this set of coordination is impeccable. This is also the Otsutsuki One Style and the Otsutsuki Ura Style., the reason why three of their kind, Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki, were defeated and calm.

However, Uzumaki Naruto never took the initiative to provoke an uncertain battle.

This time he dared to break into the territory of the Otsutsukis and launch a surprise attack. He was fully prepared.

He first absorbed the Ten-Tails to strengthen his endurance and ensure that he would not fall into a passive position due to insufficient chakra.

Secondly, the giant reincarnation eye he left in the ninja world was very important to reincarnation. The eye is the best space coordinate for him.

As long as there is a giant reincarnation eye, he has a way out, even if he is defeated, he can escape.

Finally, in order to prevent being fooled by the strange tricks of the Otsutsuki.

Uzumaki Naruto He also used the previous battle with Otsutsuki Ura Shiki to develop time reflux from his Nine Magatama Rinnegan Sharingan.

Once caught in a trap or injured by a certain magic weapon, he can also reverse the situation by going back in time.

It was his thorough preparation that allowed him to eventually turn defeat into victory when facing the nearly invincible Otsutsuki Ishiki.

It is true that Otsutsuki Ishiki is invincible in the space field, but if another timeline is added that can be manipulated.

Then Otsutsuki Ishiki The so-called invincibility of Istika was immediately full of flaws.

In addition to affecting his own timeline, it can also slightly affect the time in the surrounding area of one or two meters.

Therefore, Uzumaki Naruto only needs to seize the moment when Istika hides in the”Great Black Sky Space”, look back one second to the time in the area where the formula is located.

If Otsutsuki Iski is allowed to return to the time line before he hid in the ‘Daikokutian Space’, Otsutsuki Iski’s invincible cooperation can be easily broken.

Looking at Otsutsuki Ishiki who was looking at him blankly, Uzumaki Naruto said calmly:”In these thousands of years, you don’t seem to have reflected on it.”

“It seems that your defeat to Kaguya Otsutsuki was not an accident! If you had cooperated with Otsutsuki Ura Shiki and Otsutsuki Momo Shiki earlier, I would not have won so easily!!”

Otsutsuki Ishiki recalled the scene of the battle just now, and then realized:”The same ability as that guy Otsutsuki Urashiki??

Uzumaki Naruto smiled:”It seems you have finally guessed it.””

Otsutsuki Ishiki’s face was full of bitterness.

I never thought that he would end up in such a situation now. This is something Otsutsuki Ishiki never thought of.

Now it has really happened, don’t you want to accept it! I really don’t want to accept it.

Just now At this time, taking advantage of Otsutsuki Iski’s brief moment of daze, Uzumaki Naruto, who had been looking for an opportunity, decisively took action and removed the rice-shaped finger from Otsutsuki Iski’s right eye.


Otsutsuki Ichitoshi suddenly cried out in pain, and instinctively wanted to hide in the ‘Daikokutian Space’.

But as the rice words were removed by Uzumaki Naruto, his pupil technique could not be activated at all. Uzumaki Naruto then removed the Ishita The Byakugan of the left eye stopped talking nonsense and pressed a palm on Otsutsuki Ishiki’s forehead. He used the sealing technique to temporarily seal only half of his body, and lost the ten tails and rice characters. Byakugan Ishiki Otsutsuki.

It’s done. After all this, Uzumaki Naruto put the stolen rice words and Byakugan into the storage tank. At the same time, he released the ‘Rescarnating Eye Chakra Mode’ and cleaned up the super strong acid attached to his body.

In the ninja world.

Otaku As soon as the front foot of the Kiura style returned to the ninja world, Uchiha Obito came to kill him.

Under normal circumstances, it is not impossible for Otsutsuki Kiura style to defeat Uchiha Obito.

Even if he gets part of the Yin and Yang Escape given by Naruto With the power of Uchiha Obito, who has entered the early stage of the Six Paths.

But the current Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is seriously injured, so even Uchiha Obito is very difficult to deal with.

Therefore! Otsutsuki Ura Shiki and Uchiha Obito After an hour of fighting, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was finally defeated.

Two days later, in the air fortress,

Uzumaki Naruto was analyzing a pile of bottles and jars in front of him through instruments. The contents of these bottles and jars were It’s not anything else, but a pair of eyes captured from Otsutsuki Ishiki, Otsutsuki Momoshiki, and Otsutsuki Urashiki.

There are both the rice character and the white eyes of Otsutsuki Ishiki, as well as the golden eye between Otsutsuki Momoshiki’s eyebrows. The Rinnegan Eye.

And after returning to normal state, Uzumaki Naruto took off the Otsutsukiura-style blue Time Reincarnation Eye.

After calibrating the instrument, Uzumaki Naruto did not wait, but paced. Arriving at the secret room on the side.

This secret room was a cell specially built by Uzumaki Naruto, and what was held inside was the Otsutsuki Ishiki and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who were defeated by Uzumaki Naruto. At this time, they were captured by Uzumaki Naruto. The sealing techniques imprisoned the eyes, and these sealing techniques were all connected to the giant reincarnation eye.

Therefore, even if Uzumaki Naruto was not here, Otsutsuki Ishiki and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki could not escape.

Sensing Uzumaki Naruto’s arrival, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki cursed loudly. Said:”You damn monkeys, our Otsutsuki clan will not let you go, just wait!!”

“One day our people will find this place and raze it to the ground!!”

Otsutsuki Ishiki also said:”Uzumaki Naruto, you don’t understand what you are facing!!”

“Our Otsutsuki clan is the master of the universe. Although you are powerful, in the eyes of our Otsutsuki clan, you are just a wisp of dust!!”

Facing the yells of Otsutsuki Ura Shiki and Otsutsuki Ishiki, Uzumaki Naruto remained unmoved. He came directly in front of Otsutsuki Ishiki and slowly raised his arm.

Otsutsuki Ishiki said in shock:”You…you What to do?!”

Uzumaki Naruto didn’t explain. He directly inserted his hand into Otsutsuki Ishiki’s body and took out Otsutsuki Ishiki’s memory light ball.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki exclaimed:”Damn it, he is reading your memory!”

Otsutsuki Ishiki looked embarrassed, but could do nothing.

After reading Otsutsuki Ishiki’s memories in silence, Uzumaki Naruto came to Otsutsuki Ishiki again. He followed the same pattern and took out the Otsutsuki amidst Otsutsuki Ishiki’s yelling. Mokura-style memory ball.

After a moment, he said calmly:”It turns out that this is how you travel through the universe!!”

After browsing the memories of Otsutsuki Iski and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, Uzumaki Naruto discovered that the way the Otsutsuki clan traveled through the universe was very similar to the rainbow he inspired when he achieved the ‘Blood Successor Snare’.

It was to compress himself. It became highly condensed chakra and was projected out at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

After understanding the method, Uzumaki Naruto ignored the yells of Otsutsuki Ishiki and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

As he walked towards the laboratory, he murmured in a low voice:”New The time has come, my journey is to the stars and the sea!”

Laboratory Orochimaru has been waiting for a long time

“Naruto-kun, it seems you have found a new goal! Orochimaru licked his tongue and smiled.

Naruto smiled and said:”Yeah!””

“Study the bodies of the two Otsutsukis over there. There are many secrets hidden within the Otsutsuki clan.”

“Do not worry! Naruto���,give it to me!”

Orochimaru licked his tongue, his eyes full of excitement. Orochimaru had been looking forward to these research materials for a long time. Orochimaru walked to the cage where Otsutsuki Ishiki and Otsutsuki Ura-shiki were detained.

Otsutsuki Ishiki and Otsutsuki Ura-shiki. His eyes were full of gloom!!

Orochimaru smiled and said:”You two, the next step is to study you carefully.”

“Damn mortals, just wait! Our Otsutsuki clan is inviolable.”

Otsutsuki Ishiki roared with teeth and claws.

Otsutsuki Ishiki never thought that one day he would be violated like this by a mortal. Not only Otsutsuki Ishiki was angry, but Otsutsuki Ishiki was also very angry deep in his heart.

“Uzumaki Naruto, if you dare to leave us, just wait for the revenge of our clan!”

“Otsutsuki said in a cold tone,”Next””

“Ah! It’s a pity that you all were defeated by Naruto-kun.”

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