A/N: 25 chapters ahead at patréon



Reiko was surprised. When she turned to her back, Ibara had a knife in her hand and was about to slice her.

This didn't make any sense. But she could see her reflection in the knife. She was about to get sliced!

What a grave mistake she made. The blade was next to her face. Reiko's heart skipped a beat.

After a half-second, however, the blade didn't slice her.

Behind Ibara, Lee appeared, from nowhere. He was holding Ibara's wrist, which hand's held the knife.


"Yare, Yare." Lee clicked his tongue as he looked down at the green-haired girl. "And here I didn't want to let my guard around you."

"Lee, what are you doing?"

Ibara questioned as she turned her face and looked at Lee, before pointing to the blue-haired girl. "She's the enemy. I have seen it. She killed someone from our side!"

Reiko half-closed her eyes when she heard this annoying remark. Now, she is certain, this person isn't Ibara.

Looking at Lee's face, it seemed that he figured that out too.

"What a cheap act. Ibara would never, ever, use the phrases that you used." Lee tightened his grip around her wrist. The knife fell from the girl who looked exactly like Ibara, and she showed a hint of pain.

Ibara showed a horrified expression on her face as she looked at Reiko. Her eyes were widely opened and she was flinching nonstop.

"Huh? Lee? What am I doing here? Reiko, your face is wounded. Did I do that? Oh, how did this happen."

"First of all, Ibara would wish hell for whosoever did that. She is a religious girl. If you want to fake her role, do it well?" Lee said.

"And second, if Ibara were mind-controlled she would've used her vines, not a knife," Reiko said, raising her hand, and making objects fly around. The blood on her cheek seriously annoyed her. She didn't like to get touched, much less getting wounded.

"Now, tell me, what happened to the real Ibara." Lee channelled some sparks, from his hands to Ibara's body.

It was the same thing Lee used to interrogate Muscular, who didn't say a lie. It seems that Lee can make people honest here.

Ibara all of the sudden had an evil facial expression. Lee and Reiko could feel the killing intent of her raising around them.

"I just sneaked on her while she was doing her night prayer. I gave her a stab and took her blood, making myself turn to look like her."

Lee half-closed his eyes, clenching his jaw.

"You hateful sc.u.m!" Reiko, even if she didn't show that expression, she was angry.

How could they not be, as their friend was stabbed?

"Ora." Lee simply said.

The fake Ibara floated. Fists marks appeared across her whole body. After some serious beating, she fell to the ground, unconscious.

Reiko assumed that Lee didn't go all out, since this girl had Ibara's face.

The next second, Ibara's shape started to change.

A blonde girl appeared in her place. She was beautiful and had a curvy body.

She was sleeping there, facing Lee. Lee got stunned for a second. Reiko knew what to do. Quickly, she blocked his view with some rocks that she put in front of his face.

"I hope Ibara is fine." Lee didn't seem to care and turned to Reiko. After looking at her face, he sighed. "I'm not a pervert."

"Hmm," Reiko said. "You asked me to ask your girl before we start dating?"

Lee walked toward her. "You are the one who insisted on that."

Reiko, somehow, felt a bit upset. Lee, when his mother was mentioned, was triggered that he would kill. Yet, when someone tried to kill her, Lee only beat them to a death-like state. Isn't she enough trigger for him?

Reiko's thoughts were snapped back. Lee was standing in front of her.

He placed both of his hands on her cheeks and stared deeply at her eyes.

From his hands, a comfortable rippling feeling ran across her face. It was so relaxing. In no time, the burning feeling from the wound she got has vanished.

Seeing how he was looking at her, with his blue eyes having concern, Reiko's heart skipped another beat, blood rushing to her cheeks, making them turn pink.

"Now, that wound is fixed, don't let your guard down, ever."

"Mmm…" Reiko's small lips curled up into a smile, seeing how caring he is.

Reiko was standing slowly on her toes, ready to steal a kiss. However, when she saw something behind Lee, she opened her eyes widely.

"Lee!" She called. Lee turned quickly.

In the original place of the sleeping Nomu, there was no Nomu. Instead, there was a dark vortex, which closed as soon as they looked at it.

Lee opened his eyes widely.

Reiko and Lee had seen this fog somewhere before.

Reiko knew it the best since she had been kidnapped in the past by Kurogiri.

"Impossible!" Lee was shocked. "There must be someone else with the same Quirk."

Reiko turned and looked at Lee.

Why is he making drama over it?

It's Kurogiri. Why did he seem to think it's someone else?

She probably misheard him.


It was pretty hard to believe. What I had seen was Kurogiri's ability as the Nomu had been teleported by that fog.

I had killed Kurogiri in the past. I had delivered a very strong blow to his neck and made holes over his whole body.

The only explanation I could think of is that someone has the same ability as Kurogiri. But, another person who can use fog to wrap space was unheard of. Probably Kurogiri has a twin.

This current theory is the best one I have currently. I looked around, to Reiko, and wariness started to take over me.

There is a Nomu here, and I could feel his location, thanks to the Ripples I am currently having.

But there is a space manipulator around, a Nomu, and the League of Villains attacking. Things seemed to be a game of chess.

I looked to the n.a.k.e.d girl, lying on the ground after I beat her, for hurting Ibara. I didn't feel a tiny ounce of sorry for her. I scoffed. The fact that she had wounded Ibara, who was known to be one of the strongest people in 1-B, made me worried.

"Reiko, go back to the camp and protect people there. I will catch up once I come back."

"What! Lee, I'm not that capable." Reiko seemed to be confused. "We should go back together."

I wasn't planning to send her like that.

Her quirk would do so well if she could only lift just 200 kilos.

Besides, I remember how my mother's Quirk has evolved.

I looked at Reiko and then at the guy who was on the ground.

That guy had been knocked out by her earlier and didn't wake up ever since.

'Just 3/10 of his life energy would be enough.'

If 10 on 10 was enough to give someone the strength to rip a collar of three steel rings with bare hands, then 3 on 10 would be enough to rip a collar of steel with one ring.

I thought, doing math, which Julia taught me.

'And another 4/10 of him could be saved to Itsuka.'

This is war, I need to protect people, my people. In war, humanity is the last thing that would be written on your grave.

'3/10 would be left for the man to live with it.' I thought. At least, I was considering a bit.

"Modern troubles requires a modern solution. " I murmured, making Reiko her eyebrow. "And your Quirk is enough."

"Lee, what are you–"

"Doing, yes, this."

I placed my finger on her head.

Reiko closed her eyes all of the sudden, as she seemed to relax. I made her relax temporarily for 30 seconds. Then I walked to the Yakuza-looking guy.

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