Reiko opened her eyes. She didn't know what happened, but when Lee touched her forehead, she was out for a second. She tried to remember what the last thing happened. Villains attack, fighting with Nomu, capturing the villainess who almost killed her. But most importantly, Lee had asked her to go back to the camp and help there. She didn't know if he had been serious.

Only know she remembered what had been in her mind.

"Lee, what is that."

"You were out for a couple of seconds."

Lee smiled at her and patted her hair.

Reiko raised an eyebrow. For some reason she doesn't know, she was feeling so different. So refreshed.

"You were out because I used my technique on you."

"A technique?"

Reiko's memory drifted back when she had faked fainting that day.

At that time, Lee's mom had said something about her Quirk being affected by Lee's technique.

"Using my aura and some of my vitality, I could force your mutant cells to break out of their limits."

Reiko blinked twice. Did Lee say that he used his vitality? She didn't know what that was, as it sounded something from a fantasy novel. But Lee's ability was based on those fantasy novels, Aura. She was certain that it was something that requires life from him. Something that may backfire him.

"Try to lift that rock." Lee pointed to a big rock next to her. It was almost as long as her height and could be around 700 kilograms.

Reiko didn't know if he was kidding or not. However, when he made it float pushed it to her, all of the sudden, she reacted by surprise and held it with both arms. Reiko didn't believe when her slender arms could push such a thing, and she stared in disbelief.

Pushing it with her Quirk, the rock, this heavy, floated!

Reiko didn't believe her eyes as she made it fly. That never happened. Usually, if the person were heavier than her physical ability, she wouldn't able to do a thing to him.

Now, she understood why Lee told her to go back.

He had a plan!

With the ability to lift two humans alone, the Quirk can be to potentials.

"And, oh, don't tell anyone. If I was forced to use this on the others, I would die, I hope you understand."

Reiko's sleepy eyes, for the first time, were cloudy like this as she opened them widely. "Lee~"

She, in her life, never felt such a thing. Lee had used something like that, which could kill him, to help her… he gave her his life, just to help her with her power, which now, could be on par with his! Except for the fact that she can control more than 2 objects at the same time.

Back to the real point. Lee gave her his life, but he didn't do this to Itsuka.

That made her feel something else.

Now she was certain. She surely is better than that girl, whom Lee asked Reiko to ask her permission.

Part of her was crying because she was happy, although she knew that can be due to the villains' attack and she was the only choice, she thought about the positive things only.


I was certain. With the so little life Hamon I got from the villain, the poor villain, Reiko can lift between 700 kilos to 1 ton.

I would never use my life Hamon though.

I would only improve it.

"Now, since your Quirk was improved, try to provide help back there.

"And oh, give this to Itsuka." I threw a bottle to her, a one full of water, which I found in the villain's pocket.

"I understand," she replied, the bottle floated around her;

That water contained the 4/10 of the life Ripple of that guy. It was meant for Itsuka. It will evolve her Quirk at best, since Quirks like muscles, not to mention it would increase her strength as well. With that, I can guarantee their safety while dealing with the Nomu and the teleporter.

I stared in front of me, Reiko floating, as she seemed to lift herself. But there was something else floating from her eyes. Wet water drops, and it wasn't raining.

She is crying!

She can cry?

I have a teleporter, someone who can be like the dead Kurogiri to deal with, and Reiko was the one who I can rely on.

"It's no time for fear, go there, and help the others. Start with Itsuka!" I said my eye on the water that floated around Reiko.

Had any Quirk user got this, they would have their strength increased dramatically, not to mention how their quirk can evolve. Mom's quirk evolved for her to manipulate forces in objects near her, and more couple forces for a longer duration.

You can understand how that water is valuable.

I didn't want anybody else to have that Life Ripple containing water.

"Stop Crying and go there!" I exclaimed at Reiko.

"I understand." She got closer to me, put her hands around my cheeks, and gave me a kiss on my lips.

It felt quite fluffy.

What an ordeal. Romance now.

She pulled her lips back and nodded. Raising her hands, the two unconscious of the villains on the ground flew along with her. Their weight didn't seem a problem.

Phew. Now, I can easily rely on her to help teachers. With such power, she can at least lift the villains and throw them away.

This is why I thought I could rely on her.

I looked at Reiko, flying away and trying to adjust herself in the air, then, I glanced at the man who I took 7/10 of his life energy.

I believe that's the only right thing he had done with his life.

His sacrifice shall be remembered.

Reiko now left, and I was left alone.

"Now, it's time for me, to collect more for myself, and for Yu Takeyama." I thought about my heroine girlfriend.

She surely would be happy to have some form Nomu, and the other villains.

It's time to use the League of Villains as a foundation for me.

Closing my eyes, I could sense the place of the Nomu. He was very near.

Earlier, when I was super pissed off at the blue flame guy, I used that Nomu as a sandbag to venture my anger. In the process, I had used some Hamon to punch him.

"Time has frozen."

Did I mention, that, after I got a power-up from Muscular, the time stop increased as well, mostly 20 seconds now! But I didn't have time to count them as I was in hurry to move.

As an assassin, I started moving within the time stop, so my enemies wouldn't notice me, or, it would be late for them when they notice. And I didn't want to waste time, so I stopped it.

I flew up, with my Stand, looking bellow for any villain.

Very soon, the feeling of my ripples inside of that Nomu, which were about to fade, got me nearer to the Nomu. I pushed one last tree.

The 4th time stop in the row was over. I felt a bit fluffy, like when you read a newspaper so fast, but it wasn't worth to mention.

Bellow me was that Nomu, ready to spread his gas again.

When time resumed, I fell down.

As soon as my feet landed on the ground, and I stared at the Nomu, two dark portals appeared next to my feet. Stopping the time, I got back. Noticing, in my original spot, there were two bullets, which I dodged.

"Show yourself." Once the time resumed I said.

"Ghwwaa." Replied the Nomu.

I was feeling a bit of danger as I looked around. A shadow, no, a blur, far, moved so fast, fast like All Might, and it was almost impossible to see him.


A/N: 25 chapters ahead at: patrè

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