Kan clicked his tongue as he dashed toward someone who's called Dabi.

Dabi had arrived here and was spreading flames.

Just when Aizawa has gotten rid of him, a portal from nowhere appeared and threw another Dabi, full of flames.

It seems that Kurogiri is here, and he is getting a new copy of Dabi here.

Kan and Aizawa had tried to capture Kurogiri. But there was one problem. Kurogiri was so swift. Fast like the Nomu whom they had seen at the USJ, that it was impossible to capture him when he escaped.

Other than that, most of the students were doing well.

Pixie was using his earth golems, which helped them to open the way for the students to safely come back here.

Kyo was fighting with Tiger and they were trying to find the students to help them coming back to the camp.

'In the hell.'

Kan thought as he dodged a burst of flame. He turned into a blur, appeared in front of Dabi, and held him from the neck.

"You better be the real one." Vlad King growled.

"Oh, we are just burning chaos here. Also. Prepare yourself, for the other one to arrive."

Dabi made a smug face when Vlad King lifted him from his neck.

Despite Vlad King being faster and stronger, it was all but useless if they don't catch the original one.

Vlad King, smelling the smoke, flinched. Dabi, not only was attacking them here but was creating fire in random places in the forest.

They needed to call All Might, so he may end this now.

Right. That number one hero was their solution.

Usually, they wouldn't do that, as only the teachers at UA and few other people know about All Might's injuries.

However, All Might had told them to keep the fact that he was healed secretly. When they had asked him, All Might had said it's one of their students, and he said that the student didn't wish to reveal himself.

'If only was he here. We need him to help with some injuries.'

Kan looked around his students. Not so long ago, they had brought Ibara, who had her arm stabbed. An important vein of hers was cut and it was a miracle that she could use her vines to stop the bleeding.

Aizawa was assisting him from the back. Vlad King and Erase head formed a good team. One can disable Quirks, and one has super fighting abilities and can control his blood.

Now, there is one thing missing.

Tomura, the leader of the villains, wasn't here as it seems.

Kan crushed the smiling face of Dabi, no holding back. Dabi turned into a lump of clay that fell on his hand.

A very fast black blur passed by them. Although Vlad King has enhanced speed, he couldn't keep up and chase after the shadow.

"Eraser head!"

After this shout, Aizawa turned his eyes to look at the black blur, which would be enough to disable his super speed. But, the blurry fog was too fast for Aizawa's eyes to even follow.

Behind Aizawa and facing Kan, appeared Kurogiri, a man covered in a dark fog, looking with his new shiny red eyes.

Kan noticed the difference.

This is Kurogiri. But his eyes are red.

Kurogiri lifted his hands. From thin air, two vortexes appeared and from them, two silhouettes jumped.

Two bulky big Nomus descended and landed on the ground. Vlad King's eyelids shook. He clenched his fist.

Lifting his arm and putting his wrist next to his mouth, he bit and blood fell from it.

"There are two of them. Before anyone can save you, the two of them shall spread destruction." As soon as Kurogiri completed his words, Eraser head turned to kick him.

Kurogiri was faster and escaped, by making a portal which he dashed at.

"Damn him!" Kan said.

"What a drag… Now, we have these two to deal with." Aizawa clicked his tongue.

"Not to mention, the others."

Kan looked at the other villains, who should be around trying to hunt students.

And where the hell Lee is. Had he been here, there would be some assistance.

"All Might is approaching. Let's just stall them." Aizawa said.

"Right." Kan cracked his neck and looked at the twin Nomu's. "One of them seems to be a doppelganger."

"And they can clone one person at a time," Aizawa said what he had noticed.

"Meaning that all of the other enemies are the real persons."

"Remember. The copy has less endurance. We target it, it will dissolve fast."

"But it still can take a few hits."

"Let's attack find and destroy it.

"Only if we knew which one was it."

Now it was understandable how the villains could put pressure on them.

Giving the fact that Kurogiri is super-fast, it was clear that someone is making doppelgangers each time while Kurogiri was bringing them around.

Not only he is troublesome with his Space Wrapping ability, but now Kurogiri has super speed! That surely annoying.

Aizawa and Kan began to resist the assault of two Nomu's, who had the same abilities.

Meanwhile, Pixie Bob's golems were around assisting. But they were too weak for the Nomus.


Reiko was still floating above with the villain's bodies around her, looking for anyone to help. After the boost she got, she felt that there was a heavy responsibility on her shoulder.

On her way, there were a couple of Random villains, attacking students from A1. When the villains spotted her, she made a couple of heavy, extra heavy rocks chases after them.

As it seemed, her Quirk has her range extend as well.

It has evolved for sure.

When the villains destroyed the rocks, she made her power control their body, lifting them, before slamming to the ground repeatedly. Over and Over. And they couldn't even resist or control themselves in the air.

'Why did he have to pay from his life for me?'

Although Reiko knew that she shouldn't think about this in a battle, she couldn't help too. A man using his vitality for her in the war was so romantic, wasn't it?

After helping the two 1A students, she descended on the ground. One of them was Kirishima, a red-haired man whom Lee kicked at the Festival. The other one was Momo, a busty brunet who put her chest at Lee's neck at the sports. Reiko would feel sour whenever she remembers that.

After inquiring about their state, and the two told her that they weren't injured too much, Reiko asked. "Where is Itsuka?"

Quietly, she felt a bit wariness about her friend and rival. But she wasn't in the mood to think about the past, or there was a man shared between them.

Momo pointed to the left and told her that she was helping some student. Yanagi followed that trail with Momo and Kirishima. They found Itsuka punching someone, nothing much, as there were earth golems to assist her.

Reiko sighed in relief. If Itsuka was hurt, Lee may blame her. After helping her to take care of the villains quickly, Itsuka was looking at her with wide-opened eyes, like she didn't expect Reiko to be so capable. Although Reiko felt great from seeing such a glance, she didn't get c.o.c.ky. It was thanks to what Lee had to pay for her to get this far.

She threw a bottle of water toward Itsuka.

Itsuka caught the bottle, few sweats drops on her forehead. She looked at the bottle and narrowed her eyebrows, "what's with it."

"Lee said you to dri–"

"Phew. What is he thinking of." Itsuka stared at the bottle as she opened it. She was wondering why Lee would think about water in battle.

"Did he say not to drink it?" Kendo asked.

Reiko shook her head.

Itsuka's eyes tightened. She opened it and saw the water rippling, even though she wasn't shaking the bottle.

Trusting her boyfriend, she drank the water in one go.

Ripples ran across her body. It felt like when Lee had touched her to get her high. She then almost fainted.

"Let's go back, we should help the other."

Itsuka swept her forehead. The water was so refreshing.

Maybe that was its purpose, to refresh her energy.

She stared briefly at Momo's chest and thought. 'I wonder how she could have them on the shape, and perky.'


Reiko suddenly pointed at her, her eyes showing such expression for the first time. Reiko had her eyes widely opened with her jaw-dropping a bit.

Itsuka looked bellow and noticed it. Her chest, grew big all of the sudden. It was big in the past. But now, it was growing larger.

Blinking twice, she felt shocked.

What's going on?

Focusing there, it grew a bit, before becoming small again.

It was like when she does it to her fist.

"What… I can use my power on my chest…"

Itsuka wonder, before looking at her fist and making it grow.

To her surprise, it grew 4 times bigger than usual, and it can hold three persons inside of it with ease.

And her arm grew as well. As if a realisation stroke her, she focused on her leg, and it became bigger as well.

She can do this to her whole body, each part!

"Seems like your Quirk works on your whole body now."

Reiko opened her eyes widely, some redness appeared there.

She could feel that Lee, not only used his technique on her, but Itsuka as well, as it seems, and the water was the way. If he did that then he must be harmed, since he said it harm him.

"I think so. My quirk's improved." Itsuka said, unaware that she may have her physical strength increased dramatically as well, and that Lee gave her actually more life force than he did to the ghost girl.

Which would eventually mean, she would be able to last longer in the bed.

Itsuka thought. 'Maybe, I can do it like Yu, giving the size of my fist.'

"I don't recommend you to use it on your whole body." Lifting her hand, Momo spoke all of the sudden. As if she knew what Itsuka may do, she warned her. "Your clothes aren't customized for the new usage. You would get n.a.k.e.d once you use your power and every eye would be on you."

Itsuka snapped back and didn't do what she had been intending to. "Oh, right, Good point." She chuckled and grew her fists with her arms.

"Come on, I'll take you to the camp." Reiko waved her hand and the rest of them floated, while she was looking for the rest.

"You too!" Itsuka said, "Your Quirk. What happ–"

"Same for me, same for you." Reiko nodded.

"So, things went well with you and Lee? Or did they went badly?" While they were floating, Itsuka's tone changed all of the sudden. "No hurtful rejection?"

Reiko realised it. Lee wasn't lying when he had said she needs permission for them to start and that his girlfriend knows about it.

"Can we talk about that later?" Reiko said calmly. while thinking 'F.u.c.k!'

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