It was dark. The only light source was the moonlight that was veiled by the leaves of the large trees.

His feet stepping on the trees, he approached the Nomu who was 20 meters away.

The Nomu didn't move or made any sort of reaction and kept waiting for Lee. It made Lee think that there may be a trap.

But after using Star Platinum, petting the ground in front of him, nothing was triggered on his way.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

The very faint sound of a whip hitting swiftly against the air could not be heard. Lee took his hands out of his pocket.


Since it was so dark, it was almost impossible to notice the super-fast dark silhouette moving. No, it was already too fast for the eye to see.

Kurogiri didn't flinch.

moving between the trees like a blur, he observed Lee, who was stepping toward his death. Kurogiri was taking the advantage of his new super speed, which he got after being revived and modified.

Lee clearly seemed to be clueless about him.

According to Tomura, unless Lee saw you, he won't hit you. Unless he activated his aura randomly. That what Tomura had told him from his experience at Kyo, who had trained with Lee and got his balls crushed again that Kurogiri was doubting if his young master is having balls any longer.

'All for the mission,' with this thought, Kurogiri ran in front of Lee appearing behind him and looking at his back. Lee just kept walking. Kurogiri was now assured that he has a chance with his new power.

Turning into a blur, he dashed forward.

But all of the sudden, as Kurogiri was 20 centimetres near to Lee, Lee made a gesture with his hand as he raised his index.

Kurogiri, out of reflex, jumped back, feeling the danger. That gesture reminded him of a gun, which made his instinct of survival kick in.

But Lee wasn't having a gun.

"Ha, ha… finally you decided to show yourself"

He shook his index, which was pointing up, mockingly, and turned to Kurogiri, staring at his eyes.

"Now, you mind introducing yourself?" asked Lee.

Lee put his hand under his chin and examined Kurogiri. Now, this person is exactly like Kurogiri. He has the same dark fog surrounding his body. However, he is faster. If Lee isn't wrong, then Kurogiri should be dead.

"You looks like your sister. Red eyes. And you are quick. Never thought there are two of you."

But there is one thing that made Lee doubt it.

"What makes you assume that, Mr Angle?"

He is Mr Angel, not Angle. There is a big difference between the two.

The original Kurogiri had made this typo. And his mom had corrected him.

"So, you don't deny you were a female." Lee mockingly said.

"From all of the heroes that I met, you seem to be the only one to know that I had died." Kurogiri narrowed his eyebrows. He flinched, "You are the one to kill me, that day."

Lee somehow realised what happened.

The one in front of him is the Kurogiri he had attacked.

Since he did it while stopping time, Kurogiri was killed without noticing anyone. Lee, although he is a hero, he had done that for a personal reason. Kurogiri had been too annoying.

"So, you came back from the dead," Lee asked. But he didn't express any exclamation on his face. Who knows if someone healed him, or had a good Quirk to fix Kurogiri.

"I came back to take you to the grave."

Lee put his hands inside of his pocket and approached Kurogiri.

It seems that capturing this guy was the best action, instead of killing him.

He can be revived. Besides. Kurogiri should have more information about the League of Villains.

Lee flinched when he remembered his current target.

He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at Kurogiri.

"Where is the blue flames guy?"

That bastard. He dared to insult Julia. There is no way he's going to let this pass. Even if he had to chase the latter to the depth of the hell.

"Oh, Dabi. Have you met him?" Kurogiri looked at Lee's angry face and nodded.


Kurogiri waved his hand. From the air, multi portals appeared so suddenly. This was more compared to what Kurogiri had been able to do.

"His name is Dabi, I see." Lee took a deep breath as he walked forward. "I'll take the D from his name and stick it in his ass when I'm done."

"You won't by that time."

"And who's going to assure that, you. You're just a secondary villain."

"We will see about that."

Dark fog spread from Kurogiri's body and covered the ground.

Few portals are still in the air.

As it seemed, unlike the past, Kurogiri, besides attaining super speed, can control more than a portal.

Warping space around Lee was the only known weakness of Lee. Besides this one, of course.

Lee floated slightly in the air and dashed forward. Kurogiri smiled. From the portals, fell multi grenade-like pieces, surrounding Lee from all of the directions.

Lee, seeing this, didn't even flinch. What can these grenades do to him?

But he better not risk it anyway.

'Star Platinum!' Calling, Star Platinum made an appearance and yelled. "The World."

The time has frozen. Lee was now in a world of a frozen time. Not even gravity here means a thing. Not even Kurogiri's speed means something. Even if he was as fast as light. Lee now had infinite speed, outside the time freeze.

*Boom* *Boom*

Kurogiri was closing his eyes, as his body flashed back with amazing swiftness. All of the flashbangs exploded. Light, a strong flash filled the air followed by a loud booming sound.

This should blind Lee and disable his hearing and sight, which would allow them to move to plan B.

Once the light was calmed, Kurogiri prepared for his next step.

However, he felt a grip taking by his neck. He tried to move, but something, like energy, didn't let him do so.


Kurogiri didn't believe it. Did Lee show a speed more than him, he who is modified Nomu and came back to life again, with both super speed and teleportation?

"Yare Yare Daze." Lee let a long sigh behind Kurogiri, his hands on his neck. "So, where have we been? Right. Now, I am controlling your brain's functions."

When the voice left Lee's mouth, Kurogiri smirked.

"Oh, is that so."

"Yes, that's so."

The dark fog which had been around started to dissolve into nothingness.

"Now, you are going to tell me exactly what I want to know."

"Make me."

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