A couple of days passed since the date Lee had with Reiko. Lee wasn't at his best state now, as he was a bit nervous. He wasn't anxious for himself. But for the fact that Yu had moved to do her job, at night.

Although she is now stronger than she was in the past, she said that she has important work to do and had left in the evening after asking him to take care of her apartment, until she comes back.

Lee had a doubt, even though she didn't tell him. When Lee had caught Kurogiri, he forced him to spill out the place of All For One and the place of the league of the villains. Yu, as one of the heroes who work in this city, was obligated to go.

"I think she would be fine," Lee murmured

"I hope so." Itsuka patted Lee, as he was turning on the TV channels. She continued, "I mean, common, her ability was boosted, not to mention the physical strength. You may be overthinking."

"I know," Lee said. "But she likes fame and all. Getting c.o.c.ky against an opponent that you can't guarantee that you can beat them is no good."

"Don't you mess sometimes with your opponents?" She replied, eyebrows lifted. "Besides, isn't some, typically, 80 meters giant? Not to mention the physical boost."

"I only mess with my classmates." Lee mocked. "I don't mess with villains. I only mock them before ending them tragically."

"Oh really." Itsuka didn't believe it.

"Come on." Lee rolled his eyes. "It was once, against Stain. And he was just a man who uses weapons."

Itsuka chuckled at Lee. When Lee was changing the channels non-stop, she told him to stop on this one.

"In case there is urgent news, we would know fast."

Lee lifted his head and started thinking. If only he had his hero license, he would be able to participate in this.

This situation made him want more to have his license.

"I wonder," he lifted his head.


"When will we have our heroes' license?"

"I've heard that the next exam is near. Though, I wonder if UA would let us participate."

"What are the requirements?"

"Flashy costume, and anyone who thinks that he can be a hero can pass that test." Lee was silent. In case UA didn't take them to pass the license test, he would pass it by himself.

Suddenly, the phone rang. It was Yu. Picking it up, Lee felt some relief when he heard her voice. "So, how it's going, are you done?" He asked.

Yu let a long sigh and said, "We are about to start."

Lee narrowed his eyebrows and thought for a moment about what to say, "And here I thought that I would hear that you are on your way home." He sounded unpleased.

"Hmm." Yu chuckled. "Are you worried about me then?"

"Yep, isn't that obvious." Lee didn't deny it.

"Come on, it's just a usual hero operation."

"Anyway. Be careful from the League of the villains, especially Tomura, isn't to underestimate. If you faced him, jump back, pick up the largest rock you can lift, and throw it at him." Lee said softly.

"Hey, how did you know! it was a top-secret mission." Yu was shocked. She didn't Lee that she is going against the league of villains with the other heroes.

"I was the one who provided the information about them." Lee sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me about that."

"Why didn't you ask?" Lee replied back at her question.

"hmm, I see."

Yu calmed down when she heard that Lee was the one who provided the information. To her, it felt so warm that Lee was so caring and showing how much he was worried about her. Even though he knows that many other heroes are here and they would take the lead though.

Yu let her lips close to the phone. "Anyway, I will shut the phone now, babe. I have to move."

"Really? Babe." Lee didn't know if he should feel amused.

"Muah." Lee's skin perked when he heard the kiss.

"Be sure to come back soon."

She then turned off her phone.

"Is she going to be fine?" Itsuka asked, her eyebrows furrowed. Lee glanced at her and saw that she was as worried as him.

He sighed. "Nothing important anyway.



At another part of the city.

It was night.

The heroes who are active in this city were gathered.

Yu turned her face when she saw Ragdoll staring at her. "You have a nice boyfriend there."

"Mm. He's."

Midnight, who was in their side, with other heroes, clicked her tongue and said. "Ara~ Ara~. Yu grew up enough to have a relationship with a man. I didn't think I would see this day."

"And here I thought you are too old to remember stuff like that," Yu smirked back at Midnight's face and said.

"Take it back."

Midnight had veins appears on her face.

Yu knows that she is sensitive about her age, so she uses that to tease her.

"No, I won't." Yu turned her face.

"Both of you, focus." Eraser Head, Aka Aizawa Shota, said, staring at one building with one garage at the entrance.

Aizawa was here as well, as he can play a vital role in this operation to success, with his Quirk ability.

Midnight and Mount Lady turned their faces, not staring at each other.

"By the way, thanks for his number." Yu suddenly broke the silence and told Midnight.

"I didn't do it for your sake." Midnight rolled her eyes. "I only did that so he would call you 'old woman' a few years later."

"You wish." Yu sneered, "I'll look more youthful than you by then."

Midnight wanted to retort at Yu, but held herself. "Dream on. My fandom is larger than yours."

"I don't think so."

"Ragdoll, how it is." Some hero at the corner asked.

Ragdoll, after being kidnapped, was back to the work very quickly.

Although she still believes that she had lost her Quirk, she's still having it, after Lee had saved her, which made her doubt herself.

That surely would leave some impact on her feelings, since she had been jailed for weeks. But still, she was thankful for being saved and healed.

She looked at the building and let her Quirk work.

"They are 4 now. Tomura, their leader, is there." She said with some disgust. Tomura had been a part of their team and tricked them. She couldn't help but feeling hatred for him.

"Any Nomus?" Eraser Head asked, his eyes shining in red.

"Only one," Ragdoll replied.

"All right, while All Might is after All For One, we'll start here." He said, before looking at Yu.

"Mount Lady, you have the honour for the first attack." He said, pointing to the ten stories high building in front of them.

Yu nodded, and walked forward, standing in front of the building.

In no time, she grew up to 50 meters long.

People lately had been wondering how her Quirk evolved so fast, 4 times in fact, and even had been asked in some interview.

Because Lee had asked her to keep it a secret, and she knew how much it costed him to do that, she had kept it a secret and didn't tell anyone. The public answer she had given was that her Quirk mutated because she had lost her v.i.r.g.i.nity.

Most of the people took that as a joke, though.

Midnight's lips were twitching when she looked up. "Brats, they grow up fast, don't they."

"Usually I would say no," Kamui the Wood shared his opinion. "Seems the wood did its effect."

"Focus guys." Vlad King said, cracking his fist.

"Mount Lady, you can start, no one other than them is there," Ragdoll said.

Yu nodded firmly, lifted her leg, and gave an axe kick, splitting the building in half.

The ground shook violently.

The building was split in half with a strong impact happening in every direction.

A couple of villains flew out, in a random direction, as their bodies weren't able to get hold of this power.

The operation of taking down the league of villains started.


A beast without a skull covering his brain, Nomu stood outside, looking at them, and roared loudly.

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