Eraser Head looked at the now split open building. The sudden attack from their side now would surely surprise the clueless villains.

From the building, two villains flew to the side. Aizawa gave them a glance each, deactivating their Quirks temporarily.

Two heroes, Kamui and Midnight rushed toward them. Kamui captured one villain easily while wrapping his wood around him. On the other hand, Midnight produced some colourful gas from her body. The villain tried his best not to sniff it and fight back. However, his Quirk was inactive and he couldn't do anything to Midnight. Very soon, she gave him a sadistic smile as she let a whip near her face. She licked her lip and said in a seductive tone. "Ara Ara~".

The villain pinched his nose. His body was aching in pain as the sadistic beautiful woman started whipping him. After two wh.i.p.s, he opened his mouth and took a slight breath in pain.

Slowly, he fell to his knees and slept.

The villains weren't done so fast. As it seemed, when things seemed to go in their side, a Nomu, a strong one, turned into a blur and went to Kamui, knocking him out.

"Be careful, they made a copy of him."

Ragdoll screamed. Her ability told her about what's going on. Someone from the inside seemed to have the ability to make doppelgangers and use them in this battle. "No worries." Aizawa followed the Nomu with his eyes. Kamui used his wood and created a shield, which took the punch instead of him. But only one punch was all that it took to break that shield.

"I'll help in this case."

A hero, who was wearing jeans, a jeans-coat, jumped in the battle.

Strings from his clothes extended and wrapped the Nomu who had attacked Kamui.

Although the Nomu was strong, the sheer number of the threads, which the hero, Best Jeanist, was controlling, had quickly wrapped the Nomu and pressed him.

Aizawa glared at the Nomu, disabling the ability to regenerate, then he nodded to the number three hero, Jeanist.

Best Jeanist waved his hand. The pressure from the strings became stronger and the Nomu started screaming in pain. Those threads were controlled by the heroes' strength. Although one thread wouldn't be as strong, with millions of threads sharing the burden, they were a very strong weapon. When the pressure became stronger. The Nomu turned into a lump of clay.

"It's not the real one." Ragdoll, who was standing on the back lines said as she pressed the earplug. She then flinched when she sensed. "Mount Lady, be careful."

The real Nomu, which got out of the building, decided directly to attack the most troublesome one. Mount Lady.

Yu wasn't as surprised when she saw a small blur heading toward her. In a quick motion, she controlled her Quirk to go smaller a bit, letting her head avoid making contact with the Nomu who was like a cannonball.

"Got you." She then extended her hand up and increased her size again, to the new max, 80 meters, before holding the Nomu.

What Lee had done to her made her physically stronger. Along with her Quirk, that strength was multiplied. Although the Nomu was so strong physically, he wasn't able to resist the impact when he was palmed to the ground, creating a very strong shockwave that destroyed him internally and externally.

There was a helicopter that was in the air recording this as exclusive news.


Meanwhile, Lee was Yu's house, switching between the channels, before settling on a football match.

"Lee, I guess they are streaming that," Itsuka said as she looked at her phone.

Lee, after he had talked with Yu, was watching football, aka soccer, match. Although she understood him, she felt quite anxious to see how things are going.

"She would be fine, besides, the referee gave a penalty kick."

"Wow," Itsuka said. "You are so cold."

"I need the two of you to make me melt." Lee made this comment, without expression, as he turned his head and sighed.

"I would, for sure, but we need to see the other one."

Lee gave up finally. He was trying to watch something else and wait for Yu to come back later. But then, he couldn't hold his urge to see what happened.

Itsuka told him about the channel. Lee quickly chose it. As it seems, they were streaming the event from a helicopter. Itsuka smiled wryly as she saw Yu, just was done from slamming a Nomu.

"You know Lee, you could just, not give her that water."

"Why," Lee turned his eye to Kendo.

"When I thought I could finally tease her with no comeback…" Kendo rolled her eyes.

"Does it matter? As long as I know that you can be safe when I'm not there." Lee looked at the screen and clicked his tongue. He looked at Yu, then to the Nomu, and finally to the building.

"That idiot, I told her to lift a rock and slam it at him," Lee murmured.

Itsuka patted his back and said. "Eraser Head is with them. No way Tomura could sneak on her."

"Whatever. He better not blink at him"

[The heroes now are having the advantage.] The reporter was talking. [One Nomu was taken down by Mount Lady, the other by Midnight. Now, finally is coming.]

[Wait, who's that, Ragdoll is pointing behind the heroes, a guess have arrived]

Lee's eyes shook when he saw where the camera had pointed. All For One was there, floating in the air.

Yu, on the screen, clicked her tongue. She quickly hugged an empty building and threw it in the direction of the building where Tomura and the remaining are hiding.

"Nice One," Lee praised as he lifted his fist.

"Look!" Itsuka pointed with her hand.

All For One extended his hand and shot an air cannon at that building before it hit Tomura and his gang. Letting it fly away from them. He then shot another beam at Yu, who blocked by crossing her arms, before staring at All For One. Her hair was messed up a bit

"You ugly clown, you almost broke my nail," Yu said as she tightened her eyes on the floating man.


"My sincere apologies for your nail." All For One said with a calm tone. "But I can't just let you do as you want, you big ass lady."

Yu looked at All For one, whose presence felt big even though he was small.

She clenched her teeth and thought about attacking him.

That attack from earlier, had she not got a physical boost from Lee, it would damage her for sure.

All For One floated in the air.

Aizawa was lying on his back, unable to move.

As it seems, as All For One had arrived earlier, the first one he had attacked was Aizawa.

"Now, hope you deal with these." All For One said. Yu and the others flinched. From thin air, dark liquid appeared on random spots.

Inside of it, the silhouette of Nomus was revealed.

All For One used one of his teleportation Quirk to call a group of 7 Nomus here.

Yu cracked her fist and said. "We can always take care of these."

"I agree," Best Jeanist said.

All For One extended his hand, ready to shoot something from his hand.

But then, a wind surged with a blur. The Nomus were knocked down.

"All For One never expected I had destroyed a copy of yours." A posing figure appeared. "And you," he looked at the here, "worry not, for I am here."

Yu rolled her eyes. All Might, as Lee says, like to make things dramatic. She wasn't as worried.

All For One turned and looked at All Might before chuckling. "Though, I don't know how you figured out my hideout.

"For you to cross that distance. I bet you are exhausted, hmhmhmh." All For One sneered. All Might is done for now, since his doppelganger had exhausted him.

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