In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 16 - 16: Are You Single?

Today wasn't the ideal day I was expecting for a heroic class. The home teacher didn't come, and we had some usual subject to study.

"Okay, class, tell me the mistake in the next sentence."

Present Mic, the Sound Hero, was our English Teacher. It wasn't my perfect day start. On the good hand, here, you don't have to read about Shakespeare. Just some grammar and spelling.

The teacher was acting like a DJ, trying to make it fun to stay here. It didn't work for me.

"Me, Me. I'll tell you."

Pony, the blonde girl with big blue eyes and long horns, lifted her hand and participated. I wondered where I heard that accent.

"Not you Pony, you're American. Another one."

"Ha, but I want to participate."

'What a day.'

You can't sleep here, or Present Mic would scream in your direction.

My only solution was to breathe calmly and train the ripples energy. I was now used to it and can channel it at will. The more I practised Hamon, the more I understood why they removed it from part three. Hours passed and teachers changed.

But, one subject, which I thought it would be hell to study, was the most interesting one, to me and the boys.

The teacher of Modern history and arts was a pretty woman, 170 tall, with blue eyes, long black hair, a beauty mark under her eye, and full lips. A mature bombshell, like Mt Lady, with melon sized chest jiggling in her class.

And, she wore a very tight white uniform, making it easy to see through her curves, and sticking

That was Midnight, one of the most famous heroes for being hot as a model. I guess she is X or R rated heroin. Her fandom was very big. But apparently, Mt Lady is stealing lights from her.

'Why would they let a teacher wear like that?'

We are not late bloomers, they should know that.

And it's not like I would mind. Okay, a note, I won't miss this class in future.

Jokes aside. This bombshell is one of the few I shouldn't let my guard down around her.

Her Quirk allows her easily to defeat most Quirk Users. They call her Midnight for some reason, as she can send you to sleep easily with some fog, or perfume, produced by her body hormones.

"Ara~ we are good for now, I see." With her red eye mask, she turned in our direction and nodded with satisfaction, a whip in hand, seeing that her students are paying attention. "Boys, anyone wants to stand up. No one. Girls."

I turned my head and looked at my classmate, the guys were all paying attention. That moment I knew we are destined to fail this subject. Only the Chinese was closing his eyes. Weird, why did his nose bleed, is he sick.

Very soon, our home teacher came, late today, as he seemed to have something to do.

I was the surprised one here, as I could see, he would present the first place in the apprehension test with a reward. Though, I only got a high score in the tests depending on brute power.

"Lee, you are going to become the Class President," Kan said, huffing his muscular chest.

For some reason, I didn't like it. You have to do tasks, rat your classmates.

I don't know why, but when I looked at my classmates, I saw all of, except for that one with insect face and helmet face, giving me jealous look. I think here in Japan, most of the students would like to take that position. Maybe because they want to build a better hero foundation.

"So, what do you want to say? And who do you want to choose as your vice."

For some reason, a couple of girls raised their hands. Itsuka seemed anxious.

As everyone paid attention to the last seats, I placed my hands on the table and stood up, looking at the home teacher.

"As your Class President, my first decision is to retire, and pass my seat to…" Let me see, I looked around to see that only the orange-haired girl who didn't lower her hand yet. "Itsuka Kendo."

"I knew it… you have something on me" Neito reacted first. The rest of the classmates, I could see the shock in their eyes, and the surprise in Itsuka's face.

I sat down, put my head on the table.

Good, I got rid of an unnecessary burden.

Now, I started to wonder why people are trying to annoy me.

First, All Might had asked me if I'm interested in being the Symbol of Peace, and made me miss that football match.

Now, Vlad King tried to make me Class President.

"I'll not disappoint you! Lee! And everyone!" Itsuka stood up and said.

The Vice was the ghost girl next to me, Reiko, who thinks herself have similar Quirk to mine.

Vlad King looked at me with wide-opened eyes before shifting his gaze to the others, and nodding, "As long as you had decided, I won't care. Kendo, Reiko, I'll depend on you."

It seemed that the homeroom teacher didn't care about who would pick up this. As long as it is done, he was fine.

"Yes, teacher," Only Kendo raised her voice before looking at my direction and smiling. I nodded back.

Vlad King then pulled some paper and gave us homework – I know I won't remember it –and the schedule of the classes. He then said,

"Alright, wait here, your Heroic Teacher would tell you something and then you are free to go."

Watching the back of Kan leaving, the classmates broke the silence and started to talk with each other.

I felt sleepy. I started thinking about who I would pass the next years and keep my sanity. After all, I believe that the only one who had been in school for more twenty years and has yet to graduate is me.

'What is this?'

Reaching with my hand underneath the table, I could feel a paper with my fingers. Someone left it there; or was it me but I just forget? The only way to find out is by seeing it. Pulling the paper, I noticed that it was nicely tied.

Opening it, I could instantly tell that it was a girl handwriting – girls like to write in a fancy way, while boy, either a messy or organised way.

[Lee, are you single, or dating someone for now?]

'What the heck!'

I lifted my head and looked through the class. Everyone was just busy. Even Rieko was just standing with her arms stretched and talking to Itsuka. No one seemed to pay attention if I was reading this.

Now, this means one of two things. Someone is too shy and fear to humiliate herself. Or, someone is trying to troll me. Still not making sense giving the handwriting, if it is the latter, I'll give him some Ora for sure.

It's not like I'm getting this for the first time.

There were many girls I was interested in Middle School. But because I had died in my previous life at 16, I decided to let that pass until I grow up. I just had felt that my classmates were kids.

But now, I'm approaching my 16 years old… few months until then. It doesn't sound bad to resume my life again. And my classmates all were good looking. Either cute or bombshells… call it a Quirk effect.

"What is this?" Rin, the Chinese who is next to me, let his head slip in my direction. I just pushed his head, as he was trying to invade my private zone. "Oh, this–"

"Don't raise your voice." I calmly said as I was tying the letter.

Rin just smirked, lifted his head, "that reminds me of my first love in China… Her skin was white as milk and smooth like jade, her hair was black and long like silk, her teeth were white like a pearl…" (Chinese describing a beauty)

Was he about to tell me his life story? No, I don't have time for that.

"Shh…" I shut him and whispered, "Have you noticed anyone passed by my seat."

"No." He whispered back.

"What the two of you are talking about."

From nowhere, Neito's head appeared between us. The tricky guy, he must have used that pitch-black guy, Shihai's quirk to sneak here.

"None of your business," I said.

But inside, I was really curious, who. In my life, I've never seen a letter without someone mentioning her name.

Neito looked through the tied pic, his eyes were half-closed. He was muttering slowly that he got my attention, "Hmm… this writing, very familiar–."


Neito fell to the ground, upon a palm chopping his neck

"Ouch, Kendo-ch." Neito's legs shook as he stood up.

He got another chop on his neck

"Don't Kendo-chan me and stop trolling." Itsuka was behind him, having a furious face.

"Haha," Neito laughed at her face, "Kendo…"

"Do you want some beating?" Itsuka's fist was growing bigger.

Neito quickly sank in the shadow of the table, after leaving a small laugh.

Well, and I thought that Itsuka was an easy-going girl. Pretty, but furious.

"What a troll."

"Agree," I said as she sighed. She then hummed, bent down, and seemed to read the traces of the tied paper in reverse.

I could notice curiosity in her face as she looked at my direction. I had talked to her a few times, and it started to feel like we're friends.

"Someone is asking me if I'm single. Don't you know who?"

I relaxed as the paper flew back to my bag.

"Are you single?"

I blinked twice when I heard her answer. Could it be… it's early to make

"What do you think?"

Surely, I was tall, handsome, I'm aware, and had a cold attitude. But it was obvious from my social media page.

"Are you interested in the letter?"

I looked at her and tilted my head back, arms crossed, showing that I'm aware that she is invading privacy.

Itsuka's cheek, for a brief, went pink. Understanding my thought, she waved her hand and explained, "I'm just asking for my friend. I know her handwriting and I want to ask for her."

I let a deep sigh. Now I understood why Neito got a hit after he almost said the word, 'familiar'.

Looking at Itsuka, she looked like a lovely girl, pretty, with appealing eyes, pale skin, and she was my taste with her body shape.

It doesn't sound like a bad idea. But she seemed to be afraid.

Besides, who's her friend here? Only she and Neito seemed familiar, and I only talked to Reiko, who barely shows her emotions.

"Who's your friend?" I said.

She rested her hand on the table and said, "Answer me first, are you interested or not."

I leaned my head back, "if she is pretty like you, then, sure. I'm single."

Rin heard me and almost jumped back.

"I..." She coughed. Noticing that her cheeks' colour changing, I became sure for now.

That was an interesting take out for me. And what a surprise. Sure, it's not like that I'm gay to refuse a beauty asking me out.

Besides, I'm sick of almost sixteen years of loneliness… No, I didn't count my previous life.

"Don't forget your words," she said, lifting her head and not making eye contact with me. Damn, her attitude went back the more suited of the Class President, "Evening, after classes, you shall meet her, and you have to take responsibility for each word you said."

"Umm." I nodded. "I wouldn't say a word I'd take back."

Rin just hit my shoe secretly, like he also understood. I hit his show back so he would shut up, and gave him a death glare.

Itsuka lowered her head and said, "So, you think I'm pretty."

She should be aware of that herself. Beauties have self-awareness, right.


Before I could complete my sentence, the door was slammed open and a blur came inside.


The two of us turned to head to the front, looking at who entered.

"I, your teacher, am here."

All Might surely know how to make a scene.

We already knew that he was a teacher of the first years. In the first year, there are two classes. The only difference between them is who the Homeroom Teacher is.

The students around got up and were cheered to see top hero this close for the first time.

"I'll tell her, tomorrow, after classes, don't forget," Itsuka whispered to me before running to her table.

All Might then scanned us one by one. The students here were looking with stars in their eyes at him.

He, after all, was a celebrity, and this was their first time meeting him.

"Okay guys, I want to tell you: Sleep Early, eat well, rest well, tomorrow, morning, is going to be tough for you."

All of us raised our eyebrows.

"All Might Sensei." Itsuka stood up, "but why."

"For that, you will have a Trial Battle at eight." He then turned toward the door, "For now, Class A1, would have their Trial Battle."

"Any questions…"

He then, all of the sudden vanished, before anyone could say anything.

At the way outside, Itsuka gave me a small paper in my hand and said it's the address.

"I'll be there," I said as I threw it back to my back-bag.

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