In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 17 - Chapter17: Date

Like most school days in public school, in heroic academies, students would study for half-day, unless they have an important class or trial for their heroic career.

Lee had a date today, and he hoped that Itsuka's friend was the person he thinks.

After being single for a long phase in his life, it's time to move on. Too bad that he was too young for Mt Lady… would she be interested in young men?

Reaching his home, Lee did what every sane person would do; he took a shower and changed his clothes before ordering a taxi. Today was your perfect spring day, sunny with a clear sky.

"This address." It was at the west of Musutafu.

Lee told the driver as he gave him the small paper. The driver just winked and told him to hold on. Very soon, the taxi stopped next to a park and streets that he never went to.

Walking around with his Stand ready, Lee was looking for his date. Weird, she didn't show up.

Lee walked forward before picking his phone, to see if he came earlier than he had to.


He heard a shy, yet familiar voice, calling him from behind.

Turning, he recognized the girl from a glance.

Itsuka wore a one-piece short white dress that stopped on her thighs. It made her long pale legs look more appealing. Lee couldn't help but steal a glance, as they were just fit. There was a tied belt around her waist, which made her chest look perkier. Above the dress was a black jacket. She didn't seem to be the type to wear heels, as she just wore her sport shoes.

Lee checked her from toe to head, and he must admit, she looked more attractive in her civilian clothes.

"Surprised?" Itsuka made eye contact with Lee as she walked forward.

"I know it's early to say that, but you are too beautiful."

Lee said after done checking her, his lips' corner rose.

"This is the second time you said that. Now, would you hold your promise?" Itsuka smiled and said.

Yes, Lee said that he would date if his date was pretty like her. Now, that's her. He can't go on that.

Itsuka's felt more relieved seeing Lee's reaction.

Earlier, she didn't want to embarrass herself, so she made that note, as she was interested in the guy.

Usually, she is a spirited girl who loves black coffee and motorcycles. Most people in her country had referred to her as masculine. But as it seems, Lee had that one good sentence during the test, 'what kind of heroes would I be if I let a lady hurt herself.'

Itsuka smiled when Lee smiled.

"So… how would this go?" Lee asked and looked around.

There was a green big park, with couples and families sitting and eating. There were also streets with restaurants and café shops to stay in.

"I don't know, this is my first date."

Itsuka's hand swept her ponytail tied orange hair and stared at his blue eyes.

A handsome young man like Lee should have some experience, right?

After the small interaction they had, she knew he had a glib tongue, so, he should have been through a couple of dates at middle school.

"Really, me too." Lee pretended to be surprised.

He wasn't lying if you put previous life out of the count.

That surprised her for sure. But he seemed to be totally honest.

"Haha… we have that in common I think."

After chuckling, Itsuka put her hand inside her Jacket's pocket and started to walk, Lee walking next to her.

"I guess we need to figure that out," Lee said while looking at her. Finding her smile attractive, he couldn't help but smile as well. There were more smiles in the way.

"Mmm, what would do you like to drink?"

"Coffee, Black Coffee," Lee said.

"Didn't know!" Itsuka lifted her eyebrows and said, "I'd like that too."

Looking at a near café shop, the two of them entered and took a table. The two of them had a black coffee they wanted and started chatting.

It wasn't weird in Japan to see two young people dating publicly. In fact, according to Japanese Law, people can marry starting from 13 years old, while 14 in China.

"So, how did the idea of you asking me out came to mind?"

"I mean, you are handsome, an interesting guy, and the way you act in a serious situation with sarcasm, was funny, I think."

"Hmm, just that." Lee leaned his head closer.

"No, the moment you said a lady like me shouldn't scratch her hand, hooked me, I think." Itsuka lowered her head and focused on her coffee.

"Hmm… isn't that obvious; that's the first impression I had on you when I saw you." Lee was honest when he thought of her as an elegant and pretty girl the moment he saw her.

"Stop, you are going to make me blush," Itsuka made a small fist and gently pressed his shoulder when she saw his teasing smile. It made her feel a bit embarrassment and some heat on her cheek. She didn't want her face to become red. So, she decided to rely on sarcasm to let that pass.

Lee silently smiled. It was a nice and pretty date. Enjoyable with sweet coffee. It had been a long time he had a date like that.

"You, tell me, what do you like in me," Itsuka asked

"Too hard to choose," Lee leaned back, "take it, your eyes; I think they are attractive."

"Hmm, glib tongue." she said, "Tell me, what was your feeling when you saw your date being me. Did it surprise you?" It was hard to read through his face.

"I won't lie," Lee sights.

"I like you to be honest." Itsuka lifted her cup to sip the coffee.

"I knew it was you who wrote the letter from the beginning," Lee lifted his eyebrow when her cup stopped in front of her mouth, her eyes wide opened. Lee continued, "But I didn't want you to feel embarrassed."

"Swear." Itsuka's tone was serious. She found it teasing that he knew about her from the beginning, and it would make her feel like someone easy to read.

"No, I didn't know. I just hoped it was you." Lee smiled; he didn't want her to feel like an obvious girl, as she seemed to be the proud type. There is a limit how a person can tease.

"Ha~ you almost got me." Itsuka turned her head and let a long sigh. This man knows how to talk for sure. "Let's change the topic, so, tell me…."

The conversation took a drift as the two were exchanging details about their lives.

She was living with her parent, martial arts family, and dreamed to be a good hero with her fist. Lee was surprised when he knew that Kendo, a gentle-looking girl, has a black belt in Kendo martial art, which happened to be an old Japanese art.

"Good for you," Lee praised as he took a sip.


"Black belt in street arts."

Lee just shared a bit of his life. A late bloomer Quirk user, learned martial arts in school by experience. And he was living alone while his parent is outside. That wasn't bad, he is living alone and can do whatever he wants in his house.

"Your mother is a professional hero!" She was surprised to know about that. "Who is she?" she was curious to know a heroine.

"You won't know her, she's active in Europe." Not one country, since they were united.

"Well, that's new to hear. Your father, you didn't seem to talk about him. Is he a hero as well, from Japan, since you are half Japanese?"

"I think so, but we never met."

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be."

The only thing he knew about his biological father was from the few words his mom told him.

She had once said he is a strong pro hero. And one when he was 3 or 4 years old, Julia, drunk, had said, 'Don't be an asshole like your father. The bastard was already married and has kids. When I comforted him why he hid that, I knew he did that because of his ambition to create a son with perfect Quirk genes. What a bastard who treated his family badly. I'll never let you get corrupted by that XXXX.'

Of course, no one would believe that a 3-4 years old kid would remember that, not his mother of course. But, who in the hell would just breed to have a kid with a perfect gene. But how ironic, his father's genes gave only a quirkless kid like him.

The date continued with topic changing, taking pics, and exchanging numbers.

It got late, and the sun was about to set.

Lee was walking with Itsuka in the streets, hands in pocket.

"Well, I guess it went better than I'd expected."

"Me too." Lee nodded.

"I guess we are dating for now." Itsuka seemed embarrassed to say that out loud, "like a boyfriend and girlfriend."

"It seems so," Lee said it with no much expression.

The two of them made eye contact. Weird silence took over for a brief, only eyes talking.

Itsuka suddenly stood on her toes, Lee let his head lean forward.

Soon, their lips met.


'I had my first kiss, again,' Lee realised what's going on.

The kiss was fluffy and mind-blowing that he wanted it to last for more. He took a deep breath, and accidentally, a spark of ripples went through his tongue.

The girl felt the same way and opened her eyes widely. Not knowing why a stroke of fluffy electricity like hit her nerves. She felt like she was melting.

'Did I use Hamon accidentally…?' Lee didn't know as he saw her showing such reaction. 'No, I know that it needs to focus… Whatever, this kiss, feel so fluffy.'

In her first kiss, he found her tongue trying to open his lips. So he did, and the kiss with tongue felt so much better.


Taking her tongue back, Itsuka lifted her head and stared at Lee, eyes opened widely.

By now, her face was a mix of pink and red that it can be called a red face quirk.

Damn, why did she, in her first time, insert her tongue? The effect was a quirk like that she gave herself in.

But she knew Lee's quirk, so it must be her acting like that.

'Why did I use my tongue on the first date.' Looking at the stunned face of Lee, who just had his first kiss, Itsuka blushed harder; her heart beat faster and faster.

"So…" Lee didn't know what to say. Should he say, it's late and they can continue dating in his place? But, her parent would worry and look for her if she doesn't come back.

"I think it's late." Itsuka took a deep breath and looked around. She then glared at Lee with piercing eyes. "You know what we did. You better take responsibility."

"What responsibility. It's a blessing to have you." Lee always believed that you have to be choosy, yet tricky about words when it comes to dating. He hoped that he didn't forget that.

"Haha… I'll take that as yes." Itsuka tried to laugh to forget her burning cheeks.

Very soon, Lee ordered a taxi for her, before going back to his own place. He isn't single now, is he?

Tomorrow, he has an early trial battle.

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