While holding the head of the Nomu and activating All For One, Lee could sense the existence of the cells that contain the quirks.

With All For One, Lee can control the cells with their memory, and move them to his own body, or somewhere else.

With a deep breath, Lee took the quirks that let the Nomu have super regeneration and the ability to float.

"What are you doing?" Asked Rumi, who found that this battle is about to end very soon.

"Nothing much," Lee said as he took his hand back, clenched and unclenched his fists. He, somehow, found that he has the ability to float, with a thought.

Lee floated. However, if not for Star Platinum, Lee would have lost his balance. Seems that he needs to get used to his quirk before using it directly.


The Nomu, from which Lee took the Quirks, still had his mutation type quirk that allowed him to have super speed and power.

With a quick dash, he appeared in front of Lee and waved his claw.

Lee had made sure to let Star Platinum stay near, yet not stop the attack.

Once the High-End Nomu was done, Lee had deep wounds in his arm.

Rumi noticed that Lee's wounds were healed in a second.

Like it regenerated.

She blinked twice and thought that she had seen something wrong.

Lee, on the other hand, clicked his tongue as he fell to the ground. Rumi was in her fighting position as she looked at the Nomu she had kicked. She expected it to stand up and fight.

However, as Rumi had broken his face, the Nomu is about to die.

Rumi showed her wondering as she stared strangely at it. Meanwhile, Lee had stopped the time, and there were three cans of water on him. Lee had thought about it earlier. Hamon strengthens the quirk, just like it strengthen the body. Lee thought that it would be better to absorb life Hamon from Nomu's once he gets enough quirk.

With a quick step, he held the Nomu, under Rumi's watching eyes, and explained, "He can't regenerate because of a technique from my Aura."

Once he was done talking, the Nomu fell dead completely on the ground. Lee assumed that since people were focusing the camera on his blonde girlfriend punching the other giant, no one would pay attention to him.

"This is great. How are you so strong?" Rumi said while looked at Lee. Seeing how strong he is, and how easily he had dealt with the Nomu she struggled with, turned her on. She liked seeing how powerful he is. her rabbit instinct kicked in.

In a flash, he appeared in front of the other Nomu. While holding the water bottle under his shirt, Lee absorbed the Quirks from this Nomu, and then he transferred its life ripples to the bottles.

When the right time to drink them come, Lee would drink them.

Most of the quirks in this world are useless until their owners improve them.

Lee thought that drinking this water should be done once he has enough quirks, for him and his alleys (girlfriends with mom included)

Lee then stopped the time, brought a bag, which he put the water in before he appeared back in his original spot.

Lee would get more quirks, useful ones, before using it.

But honestly, not so many quirks are good for him.

Compared to his strength and time stop power, quirks like Bakugo's are useless.

However, quirks that assist are the real deal.

Lee looked around.

"She is wild, isn't she?" Rumi said, looking at Yu, who was still beating that giant. "I bet he regrets looking down at us."

"You bet?" Lee tilted his eyebrows.

This giant, despite getting a beating by a bigger giant, was enduring all of the beat.

This super endurance and durability can't be a result of Gigantification. It must be a dependant quirk on its own, or quirks, just like All For One.

"Let's move."

Rumi jumped on the top of the roofs, while Lee floated and appeared up, in front of Yu.

"Are you done?" He yelled, while thinking if she noticed him.

Yu's eyes moved down; she nodded at him, before giving the giant a last squeeze. She then threw him away, making him land in a far land, with wounds all over his body.

"He has so much endurance; I tried my best to hold back not to kill him." Yu then went down to size 10 meters, enough to walk around, and said, with a sigh.

She then looked around. "You are done with those already."

"Before you even know it."

She smiled at him and patted his head with her finger.

"You're cute by the way."

"So are you," Lee said as he rolled his eyes. "Meet me where you threw him." he then stopped the time and arrived first at the location of the giant.

That man seemed to hold very good collections of Quirks.

Lee appeared above his head, with his hand on it.

With his Quirk, All For One, Lee was shocked to know something. This giant has 7 quirks.

"If you can hear me, say your name," Lee said.

The giant moved his lips. "Gigantomachia."

Lee nodded, seemed that he can force a brain that big to move.

"Can you get smaller?"


Without his will, Gigantomachia shrank down to the size of 2 meters.

Lee then decided to ask the real questions and stop wasting time.

"Tell me, what are your quirks? And what the good and the bad and the ugly of them."

"Ahh… master gave them to me, so they are all good." He started talking."I have Endurance that allows me to make my morals into physical power…"

The giant has seven quirks.

After Endurance, there is Pain Blocking, which is quite not useful for Lee, since he can endure pain with Hamon. Not to mention, pain is essential for survival.

Gigantification. A quirk like Yu's. However, not like hers at the same time.

Unlike Yu, Gigantomachia can grow his bones exceptionally in size. This also causes them to jut out of his flesh unnaturally.

To Lee, it's not useful, since it won't make Star Platinum grow. Not to mention, Lee can become a bigger target for his enemies.

But still, Lee would take it anyway.

It may not useful for him, but for the others could.

Two quirks were about animal characteristic. One is Dog, which gives an exceptional sense of smell and sight. The other is Mole. It allows one to grow claws in his hand and dig in the ground.

Energy Efficiency: it makes one able to convert conserve nutrients and water, allowing him to process without much sleep. Lee can always stay awake for several days with Hamon. Not to mention, he is not a morning person.

Tough Muscle: it allows one's muscles to harden to an exceptional level. In addition, it's an active type of quirk. This one should be useful to increase strength and defence.

Lee understood why All For One didn't keep these quirks for himself. However, they are very useful for others.

Tough Muscles for example can be more useful for Yu or Itsuka since it protects them.

Meanwhile, Endurance can be useful for Reiko.

She is a petit girl compared to him, and Lee can have more s.e.x with her with this quirk. It's not appealing to have Snusnu each time. Sometimes, Lee likes them tighter.

Lee took a deep breath, and all of the quirks were to move to his body. At least, he is storing them within himself.

Lee then stored the life ripples from him to another water.

Very soon, Lee heard the ground shaking. Turning, he saw Yu running here. Once she reaches their spot, she went to her original size and hugged him.

She looked at the Gigantomachia with a weird gaze.

"You made him submit? And here I had a hard time with that."

"Don't worry about it," Lee said, before looking down at her. Lee was thinking if a Quirk of those would be useful on her.

For sure, Super Regeneration should be given to all of them.

After all, he got two from two Nomus, and he can only use one.

"What are you thinking of?" Yu asked while looking at his eyes.

Lee swept her blonde hair lock to the side and said. "You're lips are pretty."

Yu giggled.

Very soon, Rumi arrived here.

"Hey, and you took all of the fun," Rumi said, pretending to be disappointed. "You left me nothing."

"Not really." Lee turned to her while hugging Yu. "There are other kinds of funs."

Yu turned and nodded as if laughing. "Sure, I can participate."

Rumi's ears twitched. "No! Rabbits takes their own turn. I prefer following my heart." She stood up in front of Lee, opening her arms. She wanted for him to lift and kiss her as he had done before Gigantomachia and the Nomus had appeared.

Lee lowered his head and smiled slightly, before hugging Rumi to the other side.

As he was thinking of having fun, his sixth sense alerted him.

Rumi pointed in one direction. "A sun?"

"No, it's a fire. A large one."

Turning, the three of them noticed a big blue fireball in the middle of the city, swallowing red flames.

Lee recognized them.

One is Enji, the other is Dabi's.

Lee opened his eyes widely.

Yu started growing to a large giant.

" Endeavour should be fighting the other group of Nomus. I thought All Might would arrive. Seems something bad happened. let's go, I'll carry you."

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