After seeing the burning fireball in the sky, Yu had carried Rumi and Lee and dashed into the other part of the city. Since it was far, it was best to leave it for her to cross it on her feet.

However, Lee thought it's better not to rely on his girlfriend's long legs.

Stopping the time, he increased his speed along with Star Platinum and flew with a high speed toward the opposite location of the city.

Once he arrived, he saw a fire heading down. When he got closer, Enji, surrounded by blue flame and his own red fire, was falling.

Enji had a lifeless expression on his face. He did not seem to care about the battle he is facing.

Quickly, Lee made Star Platinum hold Enji before he put him on the ground.

Once Star Platinum was done from that, the seconds he needed within the time stops were over.

He looked around for the Dabi, who is likely to be the heir of the dead All For One.

The people around were running to the side.

The buildings had destructive marks. In fact, three buildings seemed to suffer massive damage.

Lee looked. There were ashes of somebody on the ground. Meanwhile, there was one Nomu standing in the middle.

The Nomu was pitch black, with a hood covering his face. If there were a way to describe his face, it would be absolute darkness with shiny yellow eyes and white grinning teeth.

Lee shook his head.

"You can talk, tell me what happened," Lee asked the Nomu.

The Nomu only grinned, before he looked behind Lee. "Well, seems I'll have fun with you before that big lady who is coming here."

The people, who were running below, halted their steps and looked at the sky, seeing the new figure.

The citizens had been here when Enji had fought the Nomu, and until Dabi's appearance. As they had seen how the number two hero had lost, the people naturally lost hope. However, now, a figure of a man who has done very well in the Hosu gangs' war appeared.

"You said what?" Lee flinched, not liking how the Nomu worded his sentence.

"You know exactly what I have said."

The High-End Nomu was very strong compared to the first Nomu had met. Very fast in fact.

In a blur, he vanished and appeared in front of Lee, with his hand nearing Lee's neck.

Once the time flowed again, the Nomu found himself heading to the ground, with Lee pushing him with an amazing speed. Because of the speed of Star Platinum that exceeds the speeds of sound, the Nomu's body hit the ground violently. A shockwave extended from its body that everyone in the city could feel it. Although the Nomu has regeneration, the damage from the impact it took was too much, that it would need time.

"Well, that's not something." The Nomu smirked when he saw Lee above him with his hand on his neck. "I can regenerate at no time. Plus impact like this isn't enough to kill me."

"You sure about that?" Lee looked at the Nomu's body that started regenerating. With a thought, Lee took the Super Regeneration Quirk out of the Nomu along with the flying one.

Great, another girl would have this Quirk.

The people halted their steps and watched from far as Lee was holding the Nomu from the neck, surrounded by cracks on the road.

"Wow, his strength is real."

"Isn't he Lee? From UA."

"He's here, we're saved."

People change their mood in crisis time more than the weather in spring. They had seen Lee as a hope. After all, everyone knows that he is crazily strong.

His body was refusing to regenerate, and the wounds and internal damage was still there.

He looked up at Lee, feeling shocked. Soon, he laughed.

The Nomu was happy. He was made of a corpse of an underground fighter, and thus he had his personality. Fighting someone who is too strong would appeal to him.

"Hahaha. Great. Finally, a worthy opponent –"

"Our battle won't be legendary," Lee said blandly with sarcasm. "Now, do you know where Dabi is?"

"He had left somewhere. Why would I care? I only fight."

"Hmm… you know nothing then."

It was the truth. Lee knew that since he was forcing the Nomu to say it. Nevertheless, Lee still has the giant man to milk the truth out of him.

Star Platinum left Lee's body and stretched his arm. Like a ghost's hand, Star Platinum searched the Nomu's body and found its insides, and crippled the Nomu. Should he risk and take it somewhere else. However, there should be a helicopter recording this.

Lee found a solution. He controlled the Nomu's body with Hamon. The Nomu then held Lee from his neck, and Lee flew back along with it.

Thinking that the Nomu was fighting again, the people down freaked out and started running.

Lee, in his head, was chuckling.

On his back, hang a backpack that contained life Ripples bottles from the two Nomus he had fought and the giant man. Now, this Nomu is on his very as well. Once Lee led him to a corner where he was away from the camera, lee stored its life.

By that time, he noticed that Yu and Rumi arrived in that city. It was not hard to spot them, though. Yu was looking in Lee's direction, worried. Only she should possibly see him.

Lee shook his head, held the Nomu from his neck, and he made it seems that he teleported to the City.

The people saw Lee appears on top of one building with a Nomu in his hand.

Lee was standing, while the Nomu was dead.

To them, it seemed like a heroic battle, a hard one that happened, where the Nomu fought and Lee fought back, yet the hero ends up winning.

The hospital.

Enji was lying down on the bed while being connected to medical kits.

After Lee had beaten that Nomu, Endeavour had been moved to the hospital for emergencies section.

He had taken so much damage that the doctors had declared that he was in a coma.

"Trigger… Nomus… Toba."

While being in the bed, he was murmuring with those names.

"Nomus… trigger… are using…"

Enji subconsciously was repeating words that have a relation to the battle.

However, because of the oxygen mask, it was hard to hear them.

Outside his room, his kids were sitting, while having worried faces.

From the door, a lean man in a white suit got out.

Fuyumi swept her white hair and patted her sunglasses. Her eyes had some redness. Shoto was standing on the corner, bitting his nail, and not saying anything.

"Doctor, will he be fine," Fuyumi asked.

"He's passed the danger level. However, nothing is guaranteed. We have to keep him under check."

"No way." Fuyumi and Shoto, although their dad was harsh on them and gave them a hard childhood, could not bring themselves to feel something else other than sorrow. That was the case especially for Fuyumi, who just wanted to have a complete family again.


Everyone turned his or her faces.

Lee was in the hall, walking in their direction.

"Hey," Shoto replied, while still staring at the wall.


Fuyumi, somehow, felt a bit of relief seeing someone familiar, someone who she and her brother used to look up to ever since he had beat their dad.

"Are you fine?" Staring at her face, Lee felt quite bad. He and she have lived under the same roof for some time.

Lee put his hand on her shoulder. "You should maybe rest somewhere else."

"Dad… he may die." She said with sadness.

She threw herself into his embrace and hugged him. Lee only closed his hand on her back while staring behind her. Feeling warm and safe, Fuyumi hugged him with more strength, crushing her c.h.e.s.t on his.

"It's okay, nothing will happen." Lee rolled his eyes as he patted her. He was resisting having a biological reaction as some soft melons were on his abs.

He then stared behind her at Shoto.

"I don't need a hug," Shoto replied.

"I didn't offer a one." Lee just smirked at him while hugging his siste

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