Yu and Rumi walked behind Lee, who was hugging Fuyumi. Although Yu and Rumi felt that they should say something about it, Fuyumi has just suffered a shock. Therefore, it was better to let Lee confront her. Not to mention, they were familiar, since Lee had told her that he stayed in Enji's house in the previous spring.

Now, they were here just to check out the fallen hero and see if he has something to say. However, the doctors had said that Enji might enter a long coma. In addition, they need to check him 24hours a day for any possible danger. Enji's lungs had been burned along with most of his internal organs. Not to mention that most of his bones were broken. Even the Recovery Girl from UA cannot save him.

However, Lee did not seem to take it seriously.

"Okay, you can leave me."

"Sorry, I just needed this."

Fuyumi pulled back and swept her eye.

Lee patted her shoulder. "No need to apologise. I will be here if you need anything."

After hearing that, she stared up at his face and smiled. "Thank you."

"Now relax." With a breath, Lee ran his Hamon inside of her body. Fuyumi started to feel funny and dizzy at the same time as if she is relaxed and forget. He helped her to the seat next to Shoto, before going back to where his girls are standing.

Lee is here since he had heard that Endeavour was repeating with words that have relation to the Nomu has and Trigger. Trigger has been the medicine that boost quirks, made by Kai Chisaki from the blood of Eri, that little girl. Thinking of her, Lee wondered how she is doing.

"Seems you are close." Rumi came to the scene and asked.

"Mm… I stayed in her house for two weeks."

"Nothing happened, right?" Yu raised her eyebrow.

"I'm just being sarcastic." Yu rolled her eyes. "I used to call you every day, remember." Lee let a hopeless sigh.

"Anyway, let's wait here until the doctor gets out." With that said, he, Yu and Rumi had a small chat. Yu was interested in the details of how Lee and Rumi's date went. Lee didn't say anything. Rumi, however, proudly said. "We were getting in the mood, and as I was being lifted, I was feeling his manhood. Geez, it was large and made me excited. But that c.o.c.kblock giant came here, and we had to beat his a.s.s."

"Hush, we are in hospital." Lee lifted his finger and hushed at her. Rumi was a very straightforward girl who won't hold back saying what's in her head. Not even if it were s.e.x.u.a.l. Lee thought she has a point. Why care about people why you are living your life.

"I know, right." Rumi didn't seem to feel embarrassed about it.

"And here I thought myself being bold with the kill steal," Yu said.

"You've admitted it." Lee pointed his finger at her.

Yu rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I have no idea what you are saying."

Lee only raised an eyebrow at her. Acting like this is why he loves her.

"You can enter the room." Came a voice that made everyone stop chatting.

"His situation is stable for now. But please, don't get too close." The doctor said this and left for another room. He didn't even have time to stay and explain to them.

In a world where 80% of people have quirks, hospitals were very busy. Not only people are damaged in hero-villain fights, but also most of them are from school fights and fights at the bar. Despite the rule that only licensed heroes can use their quirks, humans tend to break the rules when they are angry.

Anyway, once the door was opened, Shoto was the first to enter. He gave his old man a sad glance before turning and standing outside, next to his sister, who was in a relaxed mood.

Lee then entered with his group.

"I don't think he can say anything," Yu said.

"You bet?" Rumi replied to Yu.

"Whatever. I worked as an intern under him for short time, beat his a.s.s, and ate his food. At least I owe him a visit."

Lee didn't seem to be worried at all.

Looking at Enji's body, he flinched. The second in rank hero had burns all over his body. Lee, even though he has a solution, could not help but flinch. Seeing such a sigh was hard, wasn't it?

She stared at her man while standing behind Lee and holding his arm.

Lee didn't push her away, since he knew of her situation.

"I guess I will have to stay the night here," Fuyumi said. "Lee, I may need you to bring me few things from home."

"Don't worry about that."

Lee lifted his finger. With a quick motion, he stabbed it to Enji's lung area. Everyone opened their eyes widely at what seemed a hostile action.

"Lee, what are you doing!" Fuyumi drew a shocked expression. She was in shock, and she shook Lee's arm, staring up to his face with horror. "Dad is about to die! Why!"

Lee only turned and sighed. "Something he needs. Good grief."

*tit* *tit*

Everyone could see on the screen Enji's heartbeats were rising. His skin somehow was healing on its own, and the burning marks were vanishing slightly. Very soon, his heartbeat rate became stable.

Fuyumi only stared at her father with wide-opened eyes.

A nurse who was seeing this from the window called a doctor who quickly rushed here. The doctor was shocked at what happened, and after examining, he said, "It's amazing, his body, internal organs, especially the organs, are completely healed. All left to check are the brain damage and the brain waves."

"Will he be fine?" Fuyumi asked.

"Only if he is willing." The doctor assured. Most of the patient in a coma wakes up only when they are willing to, or their subconscious pushes them to wake up.

Enji may have suffered some brain damage while fighting.

Therefore, even if his body is healed, he may take some time. The doctor, after telling them the details they need to know, left.

Fuyumi turned and stared at Lee, feeling guilty about how she screamed while she was trying to help. Looking up at his face, she realised that he has grown up since the last time he had been at their houses. He also looked more muscular, and more handsome. He was the kind of a man that people feel safe around him, she knew.

"Thank you; I have no words to express my apology," Fuyumi said.

"You're welcome. Anytime. In addition, do not blame yourself. What you have done was natural. " Lee sat down. In addition, his face level became closer to hers.

Yu and Rumi, who were standing with Lee, opened their eyes widely as they

Enji. His eyes shook. He was about to wake up from a nightmare. However, no one noticed his brainwaves.

Enji opened his eyes slowly. His vision was blurry at first. However, soon, he could make out of the figures he is seeing.

He was seeing Lee and his daughter, kissing, in front of his bed.

'Seems ever since I met Toba again, I lost my mind.'

Enji felt his consciousness fade away again.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Yu entered in the middle, put her hand on Fuyumi's collar, and pulled her back.

Fuyumi, who was enjoying the rippling feeling, resisted at first as she clanged to Lee, however, Yu was strong for her and managed to do it.

"Hehe! Lee seems to attract women wherever he goes. As expected from the person who I chose as a partner!" Rumi chuckled, as she liked what she just saw.

Fuyumi, faced by Yu's glare, lowered her head as she had realised what she had done. Putting her hand on her lips, she apologised.

"Sorry, I'm not usually me. I don't know what I'm doing." Fuyumi apologised.

"Well, if so." Yu rolled her eyes and did not want to add more suffering to the girl. "It's okay then. I can let this pass." Yu said.

Lee, on the other hand, was just sitting and lifting his head, looking with a blank expression. He, when he had been in Enji's house, fantasied about having something with her a couple of times. However, he had enough with Yu and Itsuka around. Now, that he got a kiss from her, those feelings were back, and it felt good.

However, this was no time for something like that.

"No need for an apology, stay here with your dad."

Fuyumi put her fist close to her chin and turned her face, blushing.

"Where are you going?" Yu asked as she saw Lee giving his back to them.

"To interrogate that guy," Lee said.

The doctor had come again and confirmed that Enji's brain waves are normal again. However, for some reason, he is refusing to wake up to reality.

Fuyumi was still sad about her dad. However, she just threw a meaningful glance at Lee's back.

Lee knew what to do. Since Endeavour is not waking up, there is only one place to go. Gigantomachia. He needed to interrogate him.

In addition, he just kissed in front of his girlfriends, and the situation would get awkward if he stayed.

'It's not like it's the first time it happens.' Shrugging his shoulder, Lee left and sighed "Gimme' a break."

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