In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 28 - 28: Did You Take Your Medicine?

(Bonus Chapter)

USJ Park.

After I entered the vortex, I could notice that all of the eyes were on me. The small army of the villains seemed to get some hits, as I saw some of its members down.

Seeing that the other class's teacher was having a hard time, for some reason, I had a sigh of relief, before a small anger spark shone inside me.

I had dashed into the vortex because I worried about Itsuka. But now, seeing that they are in another location, far from my class who are supposed to study math, I felt some ease in my heart.

I'm not heartless or something. I felt a bit pity for the fellow UA students, who were class A1 members. Their home teacher seemed to get some damage for his own as well, but he was still here.

"You guys really got on my nerves."

Honestly, the anxiousness they made me feel, had played on my nerves.

Hearing my voice, the villains in costume glared at me, same for the students bellow. Bakugo was there, a guy with white mist leaving his body… some pretty bombshells and cuties. But that wasn't my focus.

Everyone stared at the guys I had thrown next to their feet, before staring at me.

"Ho… I didn't expect a student like you would make it here… you didn't participate in festival sports, so I had assumed that you must be at the first year who has yet to learn anything."

The guy with white-gloved hands covering his face stared at me. He continued, "Your Quirk seems to be strong. What is it?"

I paused my steps as I was approaching the villains. The guy with the hand-mask was the farthest one as he was approaching the other students, with some group on his own.

I couldn't believe that he stared at me with his red eyes, waiting for an answer.

"You don't have brain damage, do you? Have you forget to take your medicine this morning…" I shook my head, thinking that guy as a retard. "No… obviously you didn't. Good Grief."

"Gaki, go back to the vortex and call for help." The other homeroom teacher, Aizawa, stared at me and yelled. Taking a few steps back, he adjusted himself in the centre of the villains.

"I don't think so, he will stay here…" the hands masked man waved his hand. Suddenly, a man who seemed to be covered by dark purple fog, except for rings on his neck, appeared and waved his hand.

The vortex behind me was closed. The transporting method was closed. Now, staring at him, I knew that he must be the one to create these portals. His ability could wrap space, I see.

"Too late for you now. Kill that guy first." Their leader gave me his back as he walked away. Why did he seem to be angry? "And Eraser Head, of course."

Aizawa was the famous Eraser Head – a hero who can suppress Quirks – I see.

Kicking the ground, Aizawa jumped and landed next to me, as villains were getting closer.

No one seemed to underestimate me, but the villains had confidence in their number.

"Did you call for anyone?" Aizawa held his long scarf and asked.

I nodded, "I left a message for a classmate and called her phone three times. She must pick it up."

I knew she would put her phone on silent-mode while studying. That's why I had to make it vibrate three times, so she would glance at it.

"Good then." He said, "Don't get yourself hurt and stay behind. This is a serious situation, leave it to pros."

By pros, I understood that Star Platinum next to me would be counted.

Reaching my bag, I grabbed the scarf UA had given to me.

"Hey, do you know how to use this," Aizawa growled and clenched his teeth.

"I'm learning," I answered with ease in my tone.

"Tsk. Just persist and don't let them get you."

Aizawa clicked his tongue as he dashed forward first, to the villains' centre. He seemed to be placing my safety first, although he had witnessed the two guys I defeated.

They were around 10 or so villains that Aizawa jumped between them. All of their Quirks seemed to be mutation type… they are passive quirks and not active ones, so Eraser Head's ability won't work.

But whatever, still. Despite having an injured arm, Aizawa was dodging and hitting with high agility, even though there was someone whose skin was covered by rocks, and others had long sharp claws.

Knowing that I couldn't hold back on my own part, I coated myself with Star Platinum and jumped slightly, before landing on the centre of the guys.

"BRAT!" Aizawa yelled at my direction. My action surprised him.

The villains only roared as they approached me in every direction.

I wasn't as good as Aizawa in hand to hand combat. But I didn't need to dodge them at all.

Flinching, Star Platinum floated and turned into afterimages around me. Had anyone seen him, they would think that Star Platinum wasn't one person.


I saw his image in each direction, punching them far away.

All of them flew back in every direction. I didn't know how strong their mutation was. But if it wasn't strong enough, then the Star Platinum power would send them to coma for sure.

"Take this, bastard!" Someone far, 5 meters, placed his hand on the ground.

Sparks of electricity flew from his hand, danced on my standing, and wrapped me. I felt my nervous system was being attacked by electricity.

Ha… Electricity Quirk user… I hate these people.

Taking a breath, I called my Hamon. There were many types of it, one can attract, and one can repel. Channelling the breathing energy internally, I managed myself to push the electricity temporarily, gaining control over my nerves again.

"ORA." I waved my scarf at him, which I controlled with Hamon. It wrapped itself around his waist, and grabbed him closer, to the range of Star Platinum.

"Wait…" he said as he came to my range.

The next second, his face was never the same.


Aizawa didn't believe his eyes, as he was done from kicking two strong villains, only with his quirkless like body.

He knew that Lee was strong from the entrance test he had watched. The police's reports prove that as Lee's Quirk was strong enough to stop a bullet.

During the test, Lee had only shown that he could control two objects at the same time with his Aura before throwing them.

It was a part of the reason why he didn't want Lee to fight, as villains were too many and he wouldn't be able to handle all of them. His analyses seemed to give him the ability to focus on two directions at the same time, which would mean he can't deal with villains in all directions… Not to mention that Vlad King would be annoying for sure if Aizawa let his student get hurt.

But as it seems, the kid has good reaction speed. He even didn't need to look behind him – probably he slammed his Aura Quirk randomly around him.

Aizawa looked down.

'It's good that Lee was covered by their bodies. With this, the others won't know what his Quirk is. It can come to the advantage if they think he hit them with something visible.'

He thought looking at the fallen ten villains, which he wouldn't take them in a short time like this teen,

The other group of the villains stopped when they saw their friends' flying bodies.

"Ho~." Scoffing and sighing, the pale leader stopped approaching the UA students, patting the dark fog guy, "Kurogiri, you know what to do."

"Yes," the devil-like guy nodded as his body extended and turned to UA students.

There was that teacher with spaceman outfit. He pointed with his finger toward the fog guy. The fingertip turned into a black hole that was sucking. But as soon as it happened, a portal appeared behind and in front of the teacher, making him getting hurt by his own ability.

Then, the pale white man, Tomura, looked at Lee and said with a calm voice.

"Nomu. Get him some brain damage."

Nomu was supposed to be that bulky monster, who happened to be black, has a bird-mouth instead on a mouth and a nose, and has no skull to cover his face.

"Salty, aren't you," Lee commented toward Tomura.

Aizawa flinched, as he looked at the bird-like humanoid giant monster, who hadn't make a move until now. It was seriously big and looked to be strong.


When this novel reaches 900 Power Stone, another bonus chapter will be published.

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