In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 29 - 29: Round One

(Bonus Chapter)

Tomura gave the command to the black big beast, and pointed with his head toward Lee., before walking away.

Tomura never expected that just, a novice hero, who has yet to start his school, may cause such troubles. If he didn't mishear Lee, the kid had left a letter for his friend… Ha~ so much to just kill All Might. It felt like a video game to him; before the last boss, there would be other bosses.

Well, all he has to do is to get rid of them, since he has a cheat code called Nomu.

Nomu was only following behind the villains until now, not doing any action.

But upon hearing his voice, the plus 2.5 meters tall muscled Nomu clenched his fist and roared.

Lee, who was observing, did only see the blur of the black creature.

Even Aizawa, a pro hero, was surprised by the sheer speed of the beast, who just passed by him.


A shockwave occurred and strong winds surged.

Nomu stopped 3 meters away from Lee, not able to surpass him. Tomura raised an eyebrow, amused. Would the kid collapse now.

Lee was surprised at first. Luckily, Star Platinum was too fast to block the Nomu's way with a punch. The Stand's punch itself was very fast and strong to generate winds behind the beast. However, Nomu seemed to absorb the shockwave, and his body looked like he hasn't taken any damage.

On the other hand, Nomu seemed to be very strong, as the power generated from his movement, made strong wind toward Lee.

Lee quickly breathed and crossed his arms; sparks like ripples danced around his body, to his feet, and his feet became sturdy, not moving back. Using Hamon, Lee managed to balance himself. Then, he stared at Nomu, who was so tall that he had to lift his head.

'What a monstrous strength.' Lee was sturdy on his feet, channelling Hamon over his body. However, his body felt the pressure generated by the clash.


Nomu turned into a black blur, vanishing from his original spot, and appeared beside Lee.

Lee quickly turned his head, sending Star Platinum to give a punch to the head of the beast. Nomu stopped and titled his head back. But the punch he took seemed to be useless.

Lee lifted an eyebrow…

"You have Shock Absorption Quirk," Lee seemed to realise that Nomu has something more than monstrous power and speed. The ability to absorb shockwaves.

"I heard that everyone has a Quirk limit, which they push with training," Lee half-closed his eyes, as he remembered what his mother told him. Most of the professional heroes have limits to their Quirks, just like the muscles, which force them to train to improve their ability.

But, as it seems, they still have limits. "I wonder what are yours."

Nomu didn't seem to be the type he is talking. And he seemed to be slow-headed, but a fast fighter.

Lee didn't care, as Star Platinum was invisible and won't take damage from non-stands.

"Waa…" Nomu roared when he realised something invisible like fist stopping his way, so he punched in the thin air.

"Ora Ora Ora."

Putting his hand on his ribs, Star Platinum lifted Nomu from the ground a bit, so he wouldn't be able to run and escape. And then, Star Platinum gave Nomu a fists rush of some 100 fists quickly, throwing him back, to the air.

The moment Nomu was in the air, followed by star Platinum, he clenched his fists and punched in Lee's direction, the empty air.

From the first of the black giant creature, a strong wind pressure flew toward Lee. If there is a describe, it would be like an air cannon heading toward him.

'Star Platinum.'

Lee called Star Platinum to stand in front of him. The Stand crossed his arms, facing the monstrous pressured wind, which made even the villains on the ground fly along with the dirt and caused some stones and the dirt to fly.

"What a waste. You'd make a good air conditioner."

Lee lifted his eyes as he lowered his arms and stared at Nomu, who landed back next Tomura.

That was close.

He may have taken some internal damage from the shock wave.

Lee was about to throw a giant rock, but there were some A1 students behind him. They were actually looking at him along with the villains.

Nomu cracked his neck and was about to dash again. Lee thought that it wasn't so bad once he looked at Nomu. As long as Lee corner this creature, it would be fine.

As he was about to dash, Lee stopped once he saw Aizawa secretly gesturing with his hands.

Lee didn't understand what the teacher wanted at first. But when he remembered his name, he seemed to understand.

Tomura was looking with amazing expression at Lee. Nomu was made to fight All Might. Yet, Lee could defend himself against the air pressure punch from him. If you looked well at Lee, you could notice that the ground, took damage except for his standing spot and what behind it.

"No brain damage this time, Nomu! Go for the kill." Tomura's voice was calm. He knew that Lee needs to focus to use his Quirk, which seemed to be some invisible force-field, maybe. He won't keep up if Nomu went for the kill, he was sure.


With a strong kick to the ground, Nomu vanished and appeared in front of Lee.

But, someone was out of the calculation now.

"Lee, Now!" Aizawa yelled as soon as he looked at Nomu. He was hard trying not to blink, or look at Lee accidentally, so he wouldn't deactivate his Quirk.

Tomura let a surprised face, as he saw Aizawa turning toward Lee. Shit, this annoying guy, he needed to get rid of him as well.

But, Nomu was so fast, so was Lee. The big purple humanoid, with long floating hair, appeared in front of Lee like a guardian angel.

"ORA!" Star Platinum let a smile as he made one big fist, and punched the big guy on the face.

Nomu didn't know how his nose was broken, or why he got an uppercut on his chin that broke the bones as well.

He only heard Lee saying few, "ora ora ora…"

Everyone could see it, as fists marks appeared all over Nomu's body. You can even hear bones cracking voice.

Aizawa noticed Tomura approaching him with his hand aiming at him. He had no choice but to turn, use his scarf, and engage in hand to hand combat with Tomura.

"Waa…" Nomu's absorption power came back, even though it came after some of his bones cracked.

He kicked with his legs down and leapt back. The hits he took would surely lower his body's power, as he bled.

Star Platinum wasn't satisfied, as Lee jumped up along with him, and sent another fist rush… This time, it was much faster.

Even the shooting rate of a machinegun would pale in front of Star Platinum's attack speed. Taking advantage of this, Lee was looking to the limit of the Shock Absorption Quirk.

300 continuous hit, it seemed. The last punch seemed to send Nomu flying to the plaza where the students and villains were engaging… A1 Students have some members who could hold on their own, some of the villains were even frozen.

Nomu flew back and hit the ground; his body seemed to absorb the last shockwave.

Lee landed on the ground, next to him.

He was seriously pissed off on the villains. And there was that leader of them, who seemed to be a blockhead. Get rid of him, and the villains would stop for sure.

Lee approached the leader this time, who made half of Eraser Head's scarf dissolve on the moment of carelessness.

But, as he approached, a dark purple shadow wrapped him along with the rest of the students, creating a large vortex that teleported them somewhere else.

Before going, Lee noticed one thing, about the shadow, which eyes were shining in yellow. The shadow seemed to manipulate his body, but he couldn't do the same for his neck.

Suddenly, Lee found himself, somewhere else, flying down with another bunch of students and villains.


AN: When this novel reaches 1600 Power Stone, another bonus chapter would be published.

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