In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 35 - 35: Life Ripple...Out of Blood.

All Might was feeling anger, as he was exchanging blows with Nomu. This creature with no intelligence was annoying with all of his Quirks. However, All Might still have the advantage when it came to wrestling and strategy to use his strength.

"Take this, SMASH!"

All Might yelled. Winds forming on his fist, he gave Nomu a strong punch on his left side of his chest. Nomu arm's flesh and bone were torn out. However, he regenerated in no time and went back to exchange blows. He didn't even seem to feel pain.

Strong winds surged in the whole USJ Park which lifted the villains' unconscious bodies. The students used their arms to protect themselves from it.

All Might's injury started to bother him. However, his fighting will didn't wither. He just kept smiling.

How could he let something like this bother him, while there is a student who was had bled almost his blood, yet he was still fighting? How would he dare to call to himself a number one hero if he doesn't at least beyond what he's got?

'Young Lee, you did a good job.'

All Might was getting angrier and angrier at the villain. His punches became stronger, but the pain from his injury become sorer.

"AAAAA…." All Might screamed, his fists clashing with Nomu's.

But as All Might was collecting momentum, Nomu floated all of the sudden. Nomu's head suddenly became down, while his feet were up. Then, still in that position, Nomu's body turned in the air, giving his back to All Might's.

Nomu tried to punch, and move from the grip of the hands that were holding his feet. But it was no use. Nomu felt like someone was holding him in that position, and he could nothing about it.

All Might felt a bit confused but he continued directing blows to Nomu.

"He may be strong, but he isn't heavy for me." Came Lee's voice as he approached.

All Might felt soreness when he saw a young kid walking with his injuries and blood dried on his skin. Even his pants were red. However, Lee was more focused on Nomu then the glances All Might was giving him.

"I had dealt with the rest. This troublesome guy is all left."

Star Platinum was floating behind Nomu's while holding his legs, the Stand's legs fixing Nomu's pose, by wrapping around his torso. He was holding Nomu from twisting his back or change his position.

Had Lee fought with Nomu alone, he wouldn't use this move, as he wouldn't be able to attack, but only choke his opponent. But that was useless with Nomu.

However, with the increase of the range he got, plus All Might being here, Lee decided to collaborate with the number one hero.

"Young Lee!"

All Might turned to Lee. This face, this posture, this spirit, and the fact that he moved against everyone's order with all injuries, made All Might's impression on him get higher.

Too bad that he seemed to be lazy about Peace Symbol work, sarcastic in fact, but that can be fixed.


Taking a deep breath, All Might started punching Nomu's back, whose legs didn't even move from the air. The fists rush was so fast of course. Lee found that he had to cross his arms, as winds from the collision of the punches All Might gave was surely strong enough to make him fly.

Lee's only option was to stick to the ground using Hamon, and watch, since Star Platinum was busy with Nomu, as he was the only one to see how the number one hero's fists were bypassing Star Platinum's body and hitting Nomu.

"And This Final One!" All Might screamed as he clenched his fist, "PLUSO ULTRAA!"

Nomu seemed to reach his limit in both regeneration and shock absorbing power. The punch from All Might had defeated him and rendered him unconscious.


Good, this is my chance. Nomu seemed to be unaware. And there was one way to assure defeating him.

As I remembered from the show I watched, Zeppeli could give his life Ripple to make Jonathan strong enough to rip steal collar with his bare hands and lift a giant zombie with one hand.

But that costed Zeppili to age quickly and die.

On the other part, Caesar could hypnotist a girl to fight and do whatever he wants.

During the last month, I had been experiencing using Hamon on cats, to see if I could control their actions. As long as they hadn't a mental resistance

Sure, the time I had thought about this move, it tasted so bad in my mouth to use it on any human. However, Nomu wasn't a human… or, he was a victim who was mind-controlled by Tomura anyway. I have to relieve him from his suffering. And relief myself from my anger

"Lee, come back." All Might yelled when I had walked and put my hand on Nomu's mouth.

Argh… you need to put the hand on the mouth.

"No worry, I just will assure victory."

Or just age him and make him so old, if you want the real answer.

As soon as my Hamon run through Nomu, his skin seemed to get wounding. Wait, this reaction, he can't be a zombie, or half-zombie right.

Maybe the fact that I lost blood made me have funny ideas. There is no way for that to happen, as Nomu had a beating heart.

Breathing, I could control Nomu's movement. Just by using my conscious to give him orders, his subconscious would reply to me.

All of the sudden, Nomu's hand grabbed my arm.

"Lee!" All Might was about to rush, but I extended my hand toward him.

"My aura is controlling his hand's movement."

"What are you trying to do."


I controlled the lungs of Nomu.

I was the only one in this world who knew how to use lungs to make Ripples and understand them. Forcing Nomu to direct all of the ripples from his cells, he shone in a yellow glow.

That was life Hamon, his, not mine.

Making Nomu giving it to me, I felt another surge of pain, as the weird Ripples were invading my body and fusing with my energy.

"Arghhh…" I puked as I felt tickling all over my body. Very soon, the ripple got inside of me, and I felt it fusing with my cells.

I felt a lot stronger. I don't know if it was to the degree like Jonathan, who could rip still neck collar with my bare hands…

Lifting my hands, as Nomu's left mine and fell, I stared at the yellow Aura around my hand. It was shinier than usual. This meant one thing, my body, spirit, and Ripple, have got stronger.

Using one hand, I could feel that I could lift Nomu in fact, from the head. And this was one arm's strength.

Giving the big figure of Nomu, he reminded me of that giant Zombie. Maybe Nomu weight around 300 kilos.

Great, this meant I am now like someone with basic strength enhancement.

Soon, I let him down.

But weird… why am I feeling like this.

I should feel stronger, not weaker like I am now.

Or right, that's not out of the expected. I had lost most of my blood, more or less than half. You can say that the moment my anger faded, I faded.

Looking at Star Platinum, I smiled.

"What the..."

All Might exclaimed Nomu's skin had become white all of the sudden.

He became white all of the sudden...

Weird, why did I think about Michel Jackson.

As I needed an excuse for my action, I turned to All Might. I smiled. "He is too strong. I had to make my aura mess with regenerates This way, he won't have the strength once he regenerate. He won't be able to rampage and attack people when the police take him away."

"Lee… this." All Might look at me. Wait, is that a tear in his left eyes, "to think about the aftermaths, even at this state. You surely learned something from me…."

"What, can you repeat that."

I didn't hear his last words. There was that sound, like a whistle in my ear.


I am a turo? What was that supposed to mean?

The ground beneath me was spinning. All Might was standing upside down.

Why am I having a headache? My vision was getting devoured by blackness, as figures were appearing from far. I felt my balance was lost all of the sudden. My sense of time became messed up. I didn't know if one second had passed, or one hour. They felt the same, yet different.

"Hold up…"

"Lee... he…. "

"ta… hospital…"

I felt hands lifting me, as I occasionally was breathing. What's going on? Am I losing my awareness?

"He lost –o much– bloo–"

It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling. I had experienced it once, as my previous body was cut in half and I bled to death.

But here I wasn't cut in half… it must be that I'm lacking some…

"What– blo– Typ…" I couldn't make out the weird sounds I was hearing. But I felt warm, that I closed my eyes.

What a pain~. I felt that I needed a nap right here and right now.


AN: Yeah, the same goal from before is still there.

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