(Bonus Chapter)

My eyes shook for a bit when I had a dream about my previous life. Old days.

I was feeling light-headed and expecting that my phone would ring at any moment.

*Tiiit* *Tiit*

As my eyes were opening slowly, I noticed a weird ceiling.

Blinking again, I saw a different face, different faces in fact.

"He is awake… you can talk to him."

I heard a feminine voice.

Blinking again, memories of me meeting villains in the way, seeing them going to UA, and feeling worried about Itsuka which had pushed me to go in that portal came in my mind.

I was confused at first.

But as soon as my head was cleared, I remembered everything in a blink.

I had fought the villains, saw a girl n.a.k.e.d, and I almost died.

Damn, that pain… It still hard to forget.

And finally, how I absorbed the life energy, Hamon, from Nomu.

Then, everything became black after Nomu became white… why am I being sarcastic about myself.

I bent my back up, panting.


Some bandages were covering my upper half. Some medical kits were attached to my body.

I was in the hospital, I knew for sure. And some people were around me.

"Lee… you almost made me die."

Turning my head, I saw Itsuka, whose voice was emotional.

Ha… what's she saying. I was the one who almost died. Anyway, I didn't tell her that for the sake her eyes had some redness.

"Sorry about that." Smiling at her, I said, somehow feeling dry.

Itsuka put her hand on my shoulder, saying, "How are you feeling now."

"Good, you can say…" I assumed that Hamon healed me completely by now.

Itsuka, who was sitting next to me, smiled. She was pretty from this angle, and I felt to steal a kiss. However, as I let my head closer, she turned her eye to the right.

I blinked twice, my vision getting cleared. In the hospital, it seems there are other people.

Ha… it's rude to kiss in front of your elders. Those damn Japanese ethics.

There was Kan, my homeroom teacher, some of my classmates, Tetsutetsu, Pony was here as well, same for Ibara and Neito.

Looking at the other side, I saw that red ice, haired kid. That black haired bombshell from A-1, with tied clothes, and that shortie, Mineta, I guess.

"This is Shoto Todoroki. He said since he owed you a one with Nomu; and since you had the same blood type, you got a donation from him."

He nodded as Itsuka explained to me. That Shoto had an emotionless facial expression, almost reminding me of Reiko.

"Thanks," I said as I turned my head. I turned to Itsuka. "How much time has passed?"

I remembered that my mom would make havoc if I don't pick up the phone by night time. If many days passed and I didn't pick, then she must be on her way here.

What a pain.

"its night, 9:00 AM." Itsuka said.

"Good, I felt some relief, before asking, "Day?"

"I know what you are thinking," Momo, the black-haired girl, said, "the doctor was as confused as you are now. It didn't take much time for you to heal… despite the blood loss. You have been out for eight hours."

Eight hours. I suddenly thought about the most important thing I need to have by my side.

"My phone, where is it."

"It's here… though, I wonder what the password is."

Itsuka reached her bag and pulled a cracked phone. It was wet as well, as it appeared on the screen.

'We have assurance in U.A, right?'

"Don't worry, I'll fix it for you."

"No need for that…" I smiled. No way have I given it for her to fix. That thing holds some of the deepest secrets.

"MAN! I admire you now." Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu suddenly came to the scene, his voice high that almost everyone put a finger on his ear, "The Way You Got Here, with All Blood, Made You Look More Shinny than Crimson Hero… How Much Did You Bleed?"

"You are loud, shut up," I put a finger in my ear.

"Hehe… SORRY. I Just Wanted You to Know I'm Supporting Your Courage."

"Good Grief," I lied down on my back.

The rest of the time was a normal conversation. Pony gave me some salad and carrots, saying that I should eat well. I teased back that she should eat more to get taller. And she humped her cheeks turning red before saying, bad jokes.

Ibara gave me water and vegetables and said that she hopes I heal well.

Shoto didn't seem to be interesting in sitting here so he just left. Weird kid.

But I remembered. When my Star Platinum's range was broken, and I had been on the ground, trying to heal myself, he had made an ice wall between me and that villain. He had bought me time for sure.

This led me to another better memory. Tomura, their leader. I broke each bone in his body, just like he had done to me… well, I didn't count the eggs I broke.

"What about the villains," I asked looking around.

Momo was about to answer… I remembered now. Because she was the stunning type of beauties, I had seen her chest when it got ripped off.

I looked at Itsuka and examined her face. Great, that information didn't reach her. I felt relief.

"All of the villains were captured… however, two of them had escaped in their way to the hospital. The first one was called Tomura Shigaraki, who's injured badly with the help of Kurogiri, who could teleport. "

"What a pain~"

If I see that guy again, I'll break him more. As for Kurogiri, how did he move? I thought that I landed a strong blow to his neck that his neck-rings broke into pieces.

"By the way, Thanks for that time. Here is your shirt."

Momo came closer and put a set of shirt and necktie.

These were school uniform that I threw at her when her hero costume was ripped off.

Itsuka looked at my school uniform.

Giving her eyes that opened wide, she seemed to think what my school uniform was doing with her.

"What do you mean by that time?" She looked at Momo, then me, expecting an explanation.

"Lee had saved us when we were at the Flood Zone… As the aquatic villain was about to attack, I overused my ability and…"

Her face started to turn pink as she lowered her head.

I wasn't in a good mood to argue with my girl about another girl's chest.

Star Platinum, Shut her up, quickly.

Momo felt that words left her mouth as she couldn't speak.

Quickly talking, I said, "I jumped to fight… My clothes got wet, so I left it with her group before going to the park. Thank you for giving them back." I smiled at Momo, before frowning at Kendo, "is there something else you want to know."

"Nothing at all." Itsuka smiled and scratched my hair. "Just wanted to know more details."

Momo just smiled. She just realised that she didn't have to say unnecessary things. "That's right. Now, if you excuse, I'll leave."

I looked at my hand when everyone left. Knowing that my Hamon is way stronger now, I realised that I must be now strong as someone who can lift at least two tons with my Hamon's, or rip an iron collar. Luckily, I can use the ripple to control this strength.

My Stand also became stronger, with a wider range now. For some reason, I was happy with the power-up. I would have an easier time with villains next time. Knowing the relationship between the Stand and my spirit, I think it's stronger as well.

People were leaving now since it was getting late. Kan, after scolding me about the heroic acts, excused himself and left. After the nurse gave me a checkout, she said my body is healed thanks to our school's doctor quirk, and somehow, my Quirk played a role in healing me as well.

But I have to stay more for the scans. They had to make sure that I didn't get any infection.

"So… do you want me to stay for the night here?"

Kendo was left alone with me now since everyone left.

I sat up since I'm feeling 100% good now. I gave her a glance, to her eyes, then to the lips and said, "Your parent would feel worried."

"I already said it's a classmate got hurt and I'm going to the hospital," Itsuka put her hand behind my head and started scratching my hair. Her small smooth hand felt good honestly.

"You know I won't rather for you to sleep sitting here; or else I would have to marry you," I used some sarcasm as I let my head closer.

Itsuka seemed to take my note seriously as her cheeks got pink.

God, how much cute she looked like this. Pushing her orange hair with my hand, I let my face closer, mouth closer to her pink lips.

Breathing slightly, I exchanged a long kiss with her, letting my tongue exploring. Putting my finger on her neck, I massaged her sensitive spot with Hamon.

We both enjoyed it as we m.o.a.ned silently in each other's mouth. my hand was caressing her smooth hair. Wait, her hand was playing with the exposed skin on my chest.

I'll invite her to my place next time, I'm sure I will.

*Door open*

Feeling the door getting open, both of us was snapped from the good mood and took our heads back. Blushing, Kendo put her hand on her lips and looked down, coughing.

I looked toward the door to see who entered.

One was All Might. The other was that melon-sized chest heroin, Midnight, swaying her curves as she entered and scanned me with her blue eyes.

What a pain – many bombshells and villains in one day. I guess this is the life of a hero.

"So, this is the naughty boy who ignored safety measurement and interfered." Midnight half closed her eyes. "Ara~ if your handsome face was destroyed, it would be a waste."

"Give me a break." I sighed as Itsuka looked at Midnight.


All Might let a fake cough, "Lee! Your sensei is trying to advise you."

"Well… he should be aware of what he is risking. Isn't that right? Itsuka Kendo." Midnight said.

"Yes, I agree." Itsuka just nodded as she looked at me.

All Might talked again, "Still Lee. You have done a great job. Just next time, you should be more professional about it. Right."

Still, his face was showing pride as he crossed his arms. This number one hero seemed to say this only because the other teacher is here.

Midnight put a hand on her hip, stared at All Might, and let a sigh. She then reached her pocket, and said, "Lee, your mother wants to have a video chat with you. Your phone was unreachable."

"Sit!" I cursed as there were bandages all over my upper half. Looking around, to the clothes of my school uniform, I made Star Platinum dress me quickly. The last thing I want to explain is how and why I am like this. It'll take forever.

Midnight picked up a phone, reached her finger to the screen, pressing something, "Hi… Yes, he is here."


(AN: I will take a nap.)

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