In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 6 - Chapter6: Green Mud

I checked up my phone as I walked down the street. As it seems, I have a new background.

Well, it makes me smile, and sad at the same time.

I looked up at Star Platinum, and I started to think that he is the only close person to me nowadays.

The punch exchanging with that big monster had taught me two things.

I'm not immune to the shockwaves; maybe also toward the people who may use heat in their attack, or people who may, manipulate gravity. Maybe even someone with poisonous gas can make troubles for me.

My Stand here was like, and meanwhile nothing like the other quirks. Since it was a Stand, only another stand can hurt it, right.

My stand may be invincible, but me, as its user, wasn't.

I had to learn how to use it to its best potentials.

The first thing I wanted to learn is how to coat my feet to jump high and control my jump. I did this to my way back home, trying to cross long distances as I jumped. It was hard to hand on it.

And the second thing I wanted to learn was how to use Hamon (Ripples). As I remember from the anime, all I need to do is to be creative with it.

It can extend my youth, can heal me, and other many tricks, and even strengthen my body. I may become stronger than an average person with an average strengthening Quirk.

Jumping to my way home back, I started to get hang on how to land, and how much strength I can put in my feet.

The Star Platinum was crazily strong that he can throw a heavy tower's peak tens of meters high in the sky. So, let alone my light teen body. I had to be careful or I may end up between the clouds.

Very soon, I reached my home, and I took a bath as soon as I did.

Standing on the top of the bathtub, I closed my eyes and started to focus on my breaths, all over again.

This time, I decided to go to the school hero to play. Maybe pick up some heroines, IDK, their wearing and charm are better than the teachers in public schools.

Anyway, pushing all of the ideas to the side. I needed to learn how to use this. It can heal me, and do something cool if my idea worked.


After a few hours, I was so focused. I was so focused that I forgot the surrounding around me.

From breathing in and out, I could feel it.

From my lungs and to the blood visuals, and finally to muscles and the skin. Energy like electricity I felt dancing around me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw it: ripples dancing on the water. They were ruining my reflection that made my hair goes up against gravity.

I lifted my hand and could feel it running, like yellow sparks.

*Tzz* *Tzz*

But then it stopped. I couldn't control it to go there. Well, in the anime, it shows that one needs an immense talent and years of training to master fighting with that.

However, I was happy with the progress. As I could call it now and feel it. With time, I'll be able to use it at will.

I didn't know why I had this motivation to become strong. Maybe I'm bored. Or, maybe, the idea of the sinful heroic adventures tempted me. I don't know, but I'll just follow the voice of my need.

"Oh, shit, my application,"

I remembered that I still have to write an application to UA School.

That what I spent the night doing. Writing some boring stuff about how I want to join the hero program. Luckily, there was someone who shared the application in the internet, so I didn't have to work much on it.

And so, I slept early like usual. Funny thing, I felt strange when I saw the background of my phone, my hand on some nice hip, before sleeping. Let me just hope no wet dream.


Walking down Mansutafu City, Midoriya Izuku was having his head hang down, not knowing why his life was like this.

He knew how life was and that people were never equal.

Ever since he was young and the doctors told him that he doesn't have a quirk, he never gave up on his dream. But still, he kept his head up and didn't stop dreaming.

However, today he took the harshest blow to his heart. Today, he was almost caught by a villain who looked like mud with eyes. Luckily for him, All Might, number one hero was there to save him.

His idol, number one hero, All Might, gave him these harsh words.

'You can't become a hero.'

As Midoriya was walking, he saw the heroes of this city standing around. Even Mt. Lady, and the tree guy, Kamui of The Wood, with another buffed hero.

A huge crowd stood, looking at the fire, which was made by one villain.

Izuku noticed the expression of the heroes. The heroin couldn't come forward for the crowd on the ground. And the other didn't seem to have much strength.

Just what's going on?

All of the people were having their eyesight forward. He followed them and decided to see that.

It was then to his surprise. The villain, which almost caught him later, was now having his friend… ex-friend.


After finishing my classes, I walked down the street. The kids who used to bother me didn't stand in my way this time. All of them knew that I have a quirk and I can beat them to a pulp if someone dared to mess with me. Knowing my history, they started to avoid me, finally.

As I walked, I noticed something from far. The same pretty soft flesh melons I took pics for yesterday and deleted it.

What a good angle to see things. Well, it was hard not to notice from this distance.

Mt. Lady was leaning on a building, with some heroes around.

Feeling curious, I covered my feet with my Stand's and crossed some ten meters with each jump.

I had to be careful of how much I put strength in my leg. I didn't want to lose control and get lost.

Very soon, I stopped in the middle of the crowd.

I noticed a short green-haired kid, looking forward. His face was showing hesitation, his body was shaking.

The heroes such as Kamui and Mt. Lady were standing around the people, to protect them for any lash.

As I looked forward, I saw a car burning, a blond kid with explosive hair covered with what seemed like to be, a green living jelly or green mud, I couldn't tell exactly. But I could tell that a quirk user was trying to get inside that teen with blond hair.

I stared forward, between the teenager and the heroes. The heroes seemed to be hesitating to step in, one of them couldn't just get between the people.

I think there is something wrong with the crowd's heads.

The heroes here seems to be held back by two things. First, the safety of the kid, and second, the safety of the civilians. For if one of the heroes fought here, people would take damage.

Despite this being obvious, the crowd just kept staring forward and didn't move away.

I rubbed my chin, as I thought about it while looking at the villain trying to invade the Blondie's mouth. Star Platinum should be more precise than a surgeon, and way faster than a bullet.

Usually, I wouldn't bother myself to step in, but it felt like I would have a bad taste if I let him die. I don't know, I saw such scenes in the movies and I didn't want to have another headache to deal with.

"What a pain~"

And so, I pushed the crowd around me and walked forward.

"Lee, come back here." I heard Mt, lady calling. Well, she seems to remember me.

I didn't reply or stop. Star Platinum floating around me, I walked forward slowly.

Suddenly, the green-haired kid busted into a run toward the villain. Interesting, he didn't look like a hero. Yet, he was yelling and running forward.

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