In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 7 - Chapter7: All Might

As I walked forward, I could recognise the villain upon a closer look.

I believe that I had heard someone talks about him in my class. It was easy to remember, as he looks like a living green mud.

His villain name describes his ability. Sludge Villain, whose ability is to turn into an unknown type of sludge.

He was sadistic, selfish, and you know, your usual evil guy who you wants to watch out for.

But, as I heard, his body could be contained, which gave me a plan to act, as I remembered one of my Stand's uses.

As the people were watching, standing the way of the heroes, the Sludge Villain was going to take over the blonde kid's body.

I kept walking forward, despite some hero yelling at me to go back; Mt. Lady was it. I had made my plan, and I needed to be careful.


The green-haired kid yelled in that name. I assumed then Katchan was supposed to be the kid with explosive blonde hair.

The green-haired kid jumped, no fear shown in his eyes, and tried to grab the sludge. For a second, I thought he may have a good quirk to have the courage to react like this.

I was wrong, he was the simplest type of human. No, he was rarer than that: quirkless.

But still, I have to give him a thumb up for the courage – or he was so loyal friend.

"Katchan, I'll save you."

The green-haired kid just kept grabbing the dark green mud with his hand. The Blondie breathed for a brief, before murmuring, "Deku…"

By this point, I was standing in front of them. I had grabbed my back bag and called my stand out of my body.

"Brats…" the green mud materialised and made a near human-monster shape. He seemed to be angry, I could tell. "I'll take you as a hostage as well."


The only reason I decided to step in was that I knew that my stand was the best type to do that.

Sludge Villain was about to attack both Kachan and Deku – as I heard their name.

Luckily, for them, my stand can pass through hard and soft objects. Even if you throw flour in the air, you won't even see its silhouette. It was just a spirit that can't be touched and only can touch.

The Sludge Villain didn't seem to notice me.

Star Platinum quickly put his hands inside the mud, without touching it actually, and only grabbed the collar of the two teens, who were in my age.

With great strength, he grabbed the two of them and threw them back, out of the mud.

Sludge Villain realised that he only bit the dust.

With an angry face, he glared at me and grumbled,


I was the only possible hostage now.

Trust me, looking at such human, no, a monster with such shape, wasn't the nicest thing your eyes my fell at.

"Come back!"

I heard someone yelling at me, from the other side. I was the only person who kept the heroes away from interfering, as the two kids landed in front of them.

"I guess you aren't bad, you can do the job."

The villain gave me a hatred look, as I made him delay his plans of escaping. He thought that I was the only available hostage. And because I was a teenager, he thought that I would do the job.

"Let's see about that."

In the other people's eyes, a water bottle floated out of my back bag. But in fact, Star Platinum was holding it.

"Regret later, kid!"

He screamed, his red eyes vanished, and he turned into a complete mud, heading toward my direction. It seemed that he was aiming for my mouth. Maybe he can control my body afterwards he enters.

But that only was a dream, I knew.


I put my hands in my pockets and mocked him for not seeing Star Platinum in front of me, standing like a guardian.

One of the abilities of Star Platinum was super breathing. I remembered from the show that he had sucked an entire gas Stand.

Star Platinum opened his jaw slightly and began to inhale.

I could feel that the fire, and even the air in front of me, was sucked, to the mouth of Star Platinum like it was a black hole.

The green sludge was so light and was getting inside the stomach of my Star Platinum. But it seemed that Star Platinum has no limits of how much he can inhale. The Sludge villain was absorbed completely inside his stomach.

That was something only I could see. My stand's stomach didn't seems to get larger or anything like that. I could tell that he compressed it inside it. Not only the muscles of the stands were incredibly strong, but his inside as well.

The people around me had an amazed expression on their faces. In their eyes, it seemed that the green mud was getting compressed to a small

'Now gently, spit him.'

Hearing my command, the Stand opened the bottle and spat the compressed mud inside it, before closing it.

I grabbed the bottle with my hand and looked inside it. Green mud-filled it, and two little red eyes were staring at me. Only I did was smirking.

"Not so tough anymore, are ya," I said.

Lucky for me, I had the advantage of guys like him. The Sludge Villain couldn't reply at me.

Nodding with my head, I close my back bag and went back to the people, who were about to clap…

Only if I didn't see him.

A tall man, like 220 cm was standing. His muscles were so big that it seemed to have muscles on their own. His facial features were deep, with his eyes almost black with blue pupils.

Number One hero, All Might, was standing there, walking forward toward me.

The crowd suddenly started to have stars in their eyes as they looked at the number one hero of this world, aka, the Symbol of Peace.

"Kiddo." He said, extending his hand and taking the bottle from me. I only handed it. "You have no idea how much thanks I owe you."

"Nothing at all," that was what I said. I didn't want to be rude and walk past him. I may turn into a public enemy if I did that.

What happened next shocked me, honestly. Why did he bow his head? It was a Japanese gesture to express apology or gratitude. He then patted me and said, "You should smile more often."

I didn't smile, I didn't cheer up and only said, "What an ordeal. I'm not even a hero, so why would I."

I didn't feel like smiling, so why would I. Okay, I may understand that he wanted the people around to feel more secure. But, the fact that they, like idiots, stood in the way of professional heroes and didn't make them the way, pissed me off a bit. Like even Mt. Lady couldn't step in because of them.

I think they don't deserve to get smiles. Not from me anyway.

"Hahaha. Well, we should fix that."

All might took a step back at first, into a laugh. I guess he didn't think that someone may have such reaction when seeing him.

"Hey, don't touch my cheeks."

"Come on, Kiddo, smile."

All Might tried to grab my cheeks, but I dodged.

I hated it when a guy touches my face. I only find it as a provoking move – something instinct I got from school.

"All Might, give up, I'm his favourite heroin."

I smelled that someone was trying to steal the lights, again. Mt. Lady stepped in and smiled in front of the cameras while stepping inside and taking pics with me and All Might.

Still, I couldn't say anything, as I told her she was my favourite heroine when I took pics for her butt secretly – what a wast for good money that I deleted them.

I just wrapped my arm around her waist for a pic.

"Don't go too far, Lee Kiddo."

The blonde heroine whispered as my hands stopped on her waist.

"I'm not planning for anything."

"Like I forgot that your hand didn't slip the last time."

She just forced a smile, as the last time I had taken a pic, I may have accidentally touched her rear… was it accident though.

"Sorry, you're too pretty that I don't know what I did around you.."

I whispered back, knowing that she can't do anything in front of the camera.

Heroes here needs to keep public picture good. You can actually

"hehe, I know I'm pretty."

Out of the expected, she just laughed and slapped my back.

Sighing, I turned to the cameramen

"Okay guys, If you want my pics, you have to buy it."

Remembering that I may need some extra to spend, I stepped forward to the cameras. Still, most of them were focused on All Might.

"Sorry, I don't hear you."

"it's too crowded, what did he say."

I only paused for a moment before sighing. Cheap bastards. I'm sure they heard me.

Star Platinum appeared in front of me, and I nodded at him. His hand just took the memory card from their cameras without realising.

I'll sell those pics to someone who would pay.

I and All Might exchange glances.

"Good Job Kiddo." He then looked at the bottle in my hand which contained the villain.

I threw it at him and he caught it.

"I need to go,"

"Me too. I have to deliver this guy."

I then made my way out of the crowd.

Suddenly, I heard blonde kid, Kachan I think, calling me to wait.

"Stop. You."

He seemed to be had done from getting praise from the other professional heroes – for holding himself – and finished scolding his friend, Deku, who tried to save him. Now he headed for me.

Man, I can tell you, this kid, his posture, his way of walking, reminded me of the people I used to hit with a bat in the head.

Despite my hand feeling good, from flirting with beauty, of course, my mood wasn't good enough to tolerate people.

"Hey, bastard! Do you think you can just get away after throwing me in the air like that! That was scary you bastard!"

Blinking twice, I didn't expect Kachan to bust in anger like that. Did I throw him too much?

"You bastard! I'll thank you just this once. But I was fine on my own."

"Don't call me bastard, bastard."

I seemed to feel somehow, pissed off.

"Tsk," the blonde kid finally calmed, "I own you one, Basta—"

"Just shut up."

Before he could say his word, Star Platinum was standing behind to him. He lifted him and threw him to the grass field, letting him fall on his butt, far away.

I then turned my back and left. Kachan or whosoever, I felt him exploding in anger behind me; I didn't care enough to glance back at him.

"What to expect? kids who think themselves badass."

I didn't want to stay here any longer, so I ordered a taxi and left. I have a few pics to sell.

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