Stain was looking down at Lee from the five stories high building. Unable to move it, his arm was aching in pain, and his throat was dry and sore as he could feel the pain there.

Looking at the young man, he didn't understand.

Lee was nowhere near to the coward he had seen at the Sports Festival. Maybe, Lee is only showing courage here because he's so powerful compared to Stain.

This made Stain change his impression about the youth, who was looking up to him with lazy expression.

Lee wasn't a coward person. He was strong. Yet he hadn't acted like this during the festival. This just made him exactly the type of the people who he hates, a hero who only does things when there is only something to win and doesn't stand for the ideals.

Well, it won't matter anymore, since death is approaching.

Bingo, he just got the kid within his control.

At first, he had thought he wouldn't win. But now, with this twist, Lee had sent him his blood.

He lifted the kunai and looked at the blood there.

That was an easy victory.

He looked at Lee and laughed at his face rapidity. Lee was only frowning when he saw Stain licking his lip.

"Fake Hero… Do you think you have won?" Stain yelled. "Think again."

Lee's frown became deeper. His body started floating slowly.

Oh, that.

He knew that Lee could fly, from the TV, but now he has his blood, and Lee is no longer a trouble. What do they say; the higher they are, the bigger their fall.

This made Stain smirk.

"Fake hero, fake hero." Lee frowned, ascending slowly with each second, "you seem to have problems with people doing their job. Do you have something against someone who's making living? Did the taxes service send you? Or, are you trying to attract All Might's attention?

"Don't you have other hobbies?"

Stain kept the blade next to his tongue. He took a deep breath and exhaled cold air.

He started thinking about the thing that he had admired for his whole life – heroism – and how the reality had hit him.

Truly unfortunate.

Stain looked at the building facing him.

In front of him, hidden in the window, was a guy hiding with a camera, which was filming everything.

He remembered when he had met Tomura. The villain at first wanted to make him join his league. But then, after the conflict of their ideals, and then realising that they are aiming for a higher picture, he had agreed to help them for small marketing service.

Tomura had said he would market for Stain, and his ideas against the heroes nowadays. Which is tonight.

"I've always admired heroes," Stain started yelling. "Like All Might. My breath was always taken by the heroism and I admired the courage and how heroes were selfless, doing their job."

He got a bit emotional as anger started to take over him. "I've joined the heroic school, saw how heroes are taking this as a job and dishonour it. I did my best to bring the heroism back. But this filthy society has corrupted the ideals of the heroes. People who do what they are doing and expecting something in return must perish.

"For that, I have taken the responsibility of taking down the fakes like you." Stain breathed heavily as he pointed with his kunai forward to Lee, who was now in the air, eye to eye level with him.


"I see," Lee seemed to be seriously annoyed. "You're just an angry baby. You don't even realise the situation you are at now."

"Oh yeah, I do realise the situation. But You Don't." Stan extended his tongue toward the blade that contained blood. "My Quirk allows me to paralyse anyone I lick his blood."

He waited for Lee's expression to show shock and continued.

"I can't lose, I'm the anti-hero who will hunt the ones like you."

Lee stopped for a sudden, stared at Stain, and asked, "And how did you discover how your Quirk works."

"I obviously licked my own blood."

Stain licked the blood on the blade and expected Lee to fall at any second.

But suddenly, he felt strange.

His body became numb all of the sudden. Lee was still floating in the air with a yellow aura taking a shape around him.

Stain's body fell down and he was unable to move it.

What's going on?

"About that," Lee landed in front of Stain and pointed with his finger toward him. "It's your blood, not mine. I was about to tell you. But I didn't want to crush your little hope"

Stain now realised how bad the situation he is at. He struggled to move, but his Quirk was just activated and he wasn't able to move. Although the effect on himself is so short, he was paralysed for this moment.

"Come on, I won't lose, not to him."

"You know, for my whole life, I had a respect for the Anti-Heroes." Lee suddenly bent down, looked at Stain, with disdain. "They have a tragic past, unique ideas about their lives. They go against the ideals all of the time and do the wrong thing for the right purpose. And of course, they destroy the plot. And they always have a tragic ending."

Stain felt some familiarity as he thought Lee's words were about him.

"But you made me lose that respect. You're just someone who was affected by comics and TV kids shows' ideals."

Stain felt anger… Although Lee was right about the part of the comics. But that doesn't matter. Stain is doing this because he wants to help the society.

Lee, just keep talking. It's just a few seconds and Stain would deactivate his Quirk on himself.


Stain's talk was annoying and unrealistic.

During middle school and primary school, I had dealt with kids who were affected by comics and heroes as well. They always had that game about heroes and villains. I, as a Quirkless, guess what role they tried to force on me. The victim role and no one asked for my permission to play. And that where I taught them that, even with no Quirk, I can open their head with a rock, or spray pepper in their eyes and then beat the shit out of them.

But I still hated this kind of these people.

Those self-righteous people who like to force their comical ideals are the most disgusting type to me.

"Your tragic past, what is it? Reading comics to find that they aren't matching the reality." I continued and stood up. I swept my scarf back and said, "Well, hero killer, you're missing one thing. Here is your tragic end."


An: 17 chapters ahead at: P

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