18 chapters ahead at patréon



After telling him that he's going to get his tragic ending, Stain moved all of the sudden from his paralysed state, lifted his sword, and was about to chop at me.

I froze the time as I needed some time to think of what to do next with him.

In any case, I'll hand him to the cops and won't take any credit. Not to mention, I hadn't met Tomura like I had expected, or hoped.

I looked at the frozen body in front of me.

Stain was such kind of people that I would not feel pity for even if they used him as an experiment for a new execution method.

He had killed many people for his childish view. He tried to kill me! No, he targeted me and got on my nerves. He's the type of the people I disdain.

He says that only All Might is allowed to do anything to him, well, hold my scarf. Just half of his life force would be enough to compensate me for making me hearing his bias.

He has human rights. But looking at his crazy eyes, I thought, what, even after I arrested him, he managed to escape and did more murders. Since he came up with excuses for what's he doing, I can do the same and come up with excuses.

"Star Platinum, throw him away, heroes shouldn't see what will happen next."

There were near heroes on the ground, not to mention, what if someone was looking through the window of the opposite building.


Star Platinum gave Stain many punches, which were enough to cripple him and send him precisely flying four buildings away, once time continues moving. After Star Platinum was done from punching, Stain was still frozen in the air. I glanced at him and flew between the buildings until I landed on one roof.

"Time flows again."

Once I said this, the time flowed.

I extended my hand to the right, and Stain's body, which was flying like a rocket, stopped as I held him from his neck and put him on the ground.

"How…" Stain had a dazed expression on his face. He threw up blood and didn't look to know what's going on. "What happened? Only All Might--"

Right, he was about to kill me, but now he found himself beaten, broken and held by the neck by me. It's easy to guess what he is thinking about.

"Just because you don't permit for me to get you, it doesn't mean I need your permission in the first place."

Glaring at his eyes, I took a deep breath and let my Hamon reach his brain. Before Stain could say anything, he found that he lost consciousness, as I was controlling his body now.

Although that I can – maybe – use his as a test subject and hypnosis him to manipulate his brain, it would take some time, and I had no time to help trash like him to change his ideas.

He should pay, at least, half of his life as compassion.

Once Stain's Life Ripples were transferred to me, he fell on the ground. Half of his black hair turned white, and he looked to be thinner.

I took a deep breath, looking at my Aura. Although it was a half-life from Stain, it felt as rich as the one from Nomu.

My power increased again, as I could see the yellow energy dancing around my skin. I'm totally aware that villains may come to target me in the future again, and they will find me welcoming them. Only with this power, I can guarantee a safer life in this world.

I guess my Time Stop duration should have increased as well.

Now, I wonder, after this third doze of life – 2.5th doze – I wonder how much my body was affected.

"Lee…" I turned my head to see a blonde woman who works at Enji's place and a man, arriving here, while holding injuries.

They looked at Stain, astonished seeing that he has aged, but they didn't question me how. Well, as long as they don't know that it can make me stronger, there is nothing to be afraid of or to be considered as an evil technique.

"You can have him, he's all yours."

I swept my scarf, turned, and was now looking bellow the building.

"We've called Endeavour and the police, they should arrive here at any second."

The black-haired hero said as his friend handcuffed Stain, who already had lost conscious.

The police arrived soon, and I saw a red shape, covered in fire, was flying toward my direction. As soon as it landed, I saw Endeavour, with injuries covering his skin, floating with his fire, and looking at Stain.

"Why didn't you call…" Enji asked me. "You know you need my permission to do this, legally."

"I thought you were busy with that Nomu" I shrugged my shoulder. "Besides, he's easy to kick… and I couldn't leave your sidekicks to die."

The sidekicks nodded with their heads.

"The Nomu is now ashes."

'What a waste.'

Enji sighed as he touched his ribs. He seemed to have a burden from having that fight with Nomu. Or probably that is the rib I had broken.

"Now, all left is dealing with cops," Enji said, as cops got to the roof.

The first one my eyesight fell on was the chief police, a very tall man with the head of a dog.

The Police Chief, I see him again, walking toward us before looking at the guy bellow, Stain.

"Arrest him."

The policemen took Stain and started walking.

"Stop." The chief stopped them and glanced at Stain's body.

There, there were many bruises, bones breaking, and no signs of burn marks. He looked at the two sidekicks, both were wounded.

He then glanced at me and made eye contact.

I scratched my chin.

He had dealt with some people I kicked in the past, didn't he? He should be familiar with those injuries. But that happened a year ago, there's no way he would remember that.

Well, I know it's against the law to attack villains on your own unless you have permission, of course. But that would be only in case you failed it would become illegal.

"Take him away." After the chief waved his hands, the others took Stain and went down.

"Mr Angel, long time no see." He glanced at me. That puppy face he made. He won't get me with it this time.

"Yes, long time," I said.

"Nice outfit by the way."

"I won't take that as a flatter." Not from a guy anyway.

"Yes." He exhaled some cold air. "Since the last time we had met at the police station, you changed, yet not that much."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Obviously, he could tell that I was the one I bet stain. But I won't admit unless he's proof.

The chief pointed to his nose. "I could smell you hand's scent on his neck, and his blood on his hand… not to mention, the way you beat people. It happened again, didn't it."

"Again?" Enji raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. Mr Angel here has dealt with some people in the past who tried to kill him." The chief answered, "Mr Endeavour."

Enji massaged his temple. "Kids nowadays."

"Anyway, you realise what you've done is against the law. Tracking the villains on your own and attacking them. Although I can't agree with your behaviour." The humanoid dog bowed down, "As a civilian, I have to thank you for stopping a serial killer. But I'm afraid that you won't take any credit, as this contribution of yours has to remain secret."

"Geez…" I rolled my eyes. "It was until you had put your nose."

The Chief lifted his head, "you weren't planning to take credit?"

"Why would I?" I said. I had some life power absorbed from Stain. So, I had benefited already. What would credit do me in a society where they expect you to do everything for nothing?

The humanoid dog here seemed to be concerned about trying to take credit. Either it was for my legal safety, or for his police to brag about. I didn't care honestly.

"No, I gave him permission," Enji crossed his arms and stood between me and the Chief. "As his superior, I gave him permission to engage in a close battle with Stain. He will take the credit."

The chief said, glancing at Enji like a hound. "As long as you're willing to take responsibility, Mr Todoroki."

"I'm willing." Enji didn't seem to care.

The two of them glanced at each other.

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