Enji had always wanted to surpass All Might. But because of his power was lacking, he had tried to, at least, use his bloodline to reach the number one spot. That was one of the reasons that pushed him to have a Quirk marriage, where he tried to breed the perfect offspring who would reach his dream.

Yesterday, Lee met Stain, the Hero killer, who murdered 14 heroes and crippled 30 so far. Lee had fought and won against Stain as his sidekick said.

That was a big thing.

Such achievement must not hide.

Although it's against the law of what Lee had done, it could be look passed if he used his position as the hero who's responsible for him.

There are cases where heroes allow the interns to fight while guarding them.

Even though admitting that he had let Lee fight Stain would damage his picture, Endeavour had already a bad reputation as a harsh hero, so he insisted that Lee would take the credit of defeating Stain.

At least, this way, that arrogant brat would have something to start his CV when graduating.

Enji nodded firmly when he saw the report in his office.


One day has passed since I had fought with Stain and drained his life.

Now I think of it, having my physical power increasing, was it a good or a bad choice, as it may backfire me at the bed.

But whatever. It still felt great.

It was morning, and I was at the cafeteria, which was next to Endeavour's agency building.

Since I had got free time, as the old man was at his office, I decided to spend it on eating, since my muscles would need food and breathing more than ever.

"You said you were going to call your girlfriend."

Shoto shot me a glance while I was eating some sandwich.

"I did."

"Then how did you end up facing Stain."

"He ended up facing me." I swallowed, "Is there any reason that I have to explain to you."

"No." He crossed his arm and leaned back. "I have wanted to have a real experience and see what I can do against a real villain. Besides, a classmate of mine had his brother crippled by Stain. He was very happy to know that Stain was crippled and all of his bones are broken."

Honestly, my facial expression was colder than Shoto when he talked about his classmate. Although it was a tragedy what happened to him. Such incidents happen daily to many people. And I didn't know his friend or his brother, so I could care less.

"Kay," I replied.

*Dring* *Dring*

Looking at my phone that rang, I saw Julia calling. I wondered why she was calling now, as we had talked, yesterday's night. Picking up was the only way to know.

"Hey, mom."

"Lee…" she said, stressing her tongue on the L letter.

I knew then something must be wrong to use this tone.

"Yes?" I asked, "Is there something."

"Didn't you hide something from me?"

"Which thing." I put the sandwich down.

"Like, something that happened yesterday which you should have told me instead of saying that you're fine and nothing happened at all…" Julia was waiting for an answer. Oh well, she seemed to be stressed.

"What important thing?" I had to question.

"Look at the news." She said. "And don't turn off the phone."

I looked around and asked the waitress to turn the TV on.

The first channel was a reporting channel.

The reporter showed some headlines, and the main one showed a picture of my back with my scarf and stripp– Hamon Warrior outfit, then the picture was switched to Stain, who was badly beaten and cuffed.

[And to the main headline.]

The reporter started talking

'Oh shit.' I didn't tell Julia about this yesterday when she had called me.

[Yesterday, a young hero from UA, and an intern, had clashed with the Hero Killer Stain, who is recorded for murdering 14 persons and crippling many. ]

[Bruce Lee had fought with courage and managed to defeat Stain before handing him to the cops, saving two professional heroes in the process.]

[Although the cops say that it's unprofessional behaviour, Endeavour says that he gave his intern permission and was watching over him. Although it wasn't so professional from the number two hero, he says that he had absolute faith in Lee's potential.]

[Many people are critiquing this, and many are with it, we leave you with their comment.]

Everyone in the cafeteria turned to me. There was a sweat drop on my head.

"How the heck the world knew about this before me!" Julia said.

"I didn't think that it was an important thing to share." I relaxed my back. Right, I should've told her that. But you know, I just wasn't in so bad mood, and I hadn't felt that talking about Stain was important.

"Not important!" she hissed. "You fought with a serial killer and you didn't even tell me! Not to mention! You Clashed With Him! Against the law!"

I get her feelings. It's her right as a parent to worry about a kid who breaks laws, clash with villains, and get into fights, and keep hiding those did.

I'll just use any excuse.

"Well, it was late and I didn't want you to lose your sleep, in case I told you." I justified it. "You know, I care about your health. Besides, Stain was done in no time, he was weak."

I was saying that Stain was weak, while not giving attention to the people around me, who were hearing.

"Awe...You better not forget it next time to tell me anything." She sighed finally. "And don't you dare say Yare Yare."

"Yar…" I stopped, then sighed. "What an ordeal. Fine, I'll tell you next time. If it ever happens."

Then after a few words, I said love ya bye and shut the call.

"Nice parent you have there," Shoto said.

"Mm, thanks." I only replied.

"Oh, mommy, that guy was on the TV right now," said a very young voice.

I suddenly felt some presence was approaching. People around were

"Bruce Lee, can I take a picture with you."

"Thank you for arresting him. That guy had killed someone I know."

The people around started to take pics with me… luckily for me, no journalists were here. I didn't expect that I would become known now. Looking at the bright side, it's a good career boost to capture one very famous villain as an intern.

Honestly, it was annoying with the amount of the camera flash that hit my eyes.

After everything was done, I turned my head to Shoto, rubbing my eyes.

"Your father seems very serious about taking credit."

"Yes, he wants everything to be known," Shoto replied, before standing up.

I picked my phone to see the hour. Then I saw that there are missed calls and letters.

[Pick up the phone, Lee…] that was from Itsuka, three missed calls.

[What… Stain. Hey, are you fine, what happened. Call me back." And that was from Yu, Mount Lady, who just called as well.

I guess I'll have to deal with the outcomes of becoming famous.

"Good Grief."

"Is there something," Shoto asked when I sighed.

"Nothing at all. Nothing."

Very soon, I called the girls back. The first one I had called was Itsuka, whom I knew that was worried, and maybe in the middle of some training, so it would be fast, while leaving Yu for last, since she may have a longer time to talk.

I was walking to Enji's office while having the phone.

Once I called Itsuka, she picked up immediately, asked me if I was fine. I only replied that she knows my strength and asked about her, and she said she would be doing some marketing with Momo and that snake heroine. I laughed a bit on her misfortune and told her to endure since I knew she prefers fighting and working in the field rather than marketing. After excusing herself to do her job, we agreed to talk at night, and the call was ended.

Yuu was next. She showed that she was worried, but less than Itsuka, and teased me a bit before asking how many hits Stain had taken.

"I knew a big little strong man like you wouldn't get hurt."

I only laughed and said, "Yes."

She showed her disappointment that I wasn't with her, or we would be a good team, and we'd be now at her apartment by now.

My heart stroke a bit when she mentioned that. Her apartment sounded better than Enji's workplace. What a wasted potential for a useless conscience. She then asked when would I have time, and only answered by I don't know. Few words later, the call was ended.

"You look happy to date two persons at the same time," Shoto commented as we were at the elevator. "You smile, very unlike you."

That smile faded as soon as it came. "Yeah, whatever."


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